8 research outputs found

    Hasil Review Trade Policy Review Body WTO sebagai Unilateral Act of an International Organization

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    This seeks to provide an understanding concerning the Trade Policy Review Body (TPRB) review perceived as a unilateral act of an international organization. The article is written based on the normative method through the application of doctrinal, conceptual, and case approaches. Furthermore, this article is also written by gathering primary and secondary legal sources. The article herein consists of three parts. The first part discusses the unilateral act as the source of international law as one of the international law norms outside the Article 38 paragraph (1) ICJ Statute. Meanwhile, the second part explains the weaknesses of TPRB which caused this organ unable to work under its effective means. Furthermore, the third part explains how the matters under the TPRB review outcome shall be conducted so that such a product can be qualified as a unilateral act applicable by WTO members under good faith. Based on the three discussions therein, this article suggests that the TPRB review outcome shall be perceived as a unilateral act of an international organization. Such perception can be actualized by applying imperative sentences in adopting the review outcome that will be issued for the reviewed member.    Penelitian yang dijelaskan pada artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan pemahaman mengenai bagaimana hasil review dari Trade Policy Review Body (TPRB) dapat dikualifikasi sebagai tindakan sepihak oleh organisasi internasional (unilateral act of an international organization). Artikel ini ditulis dengan menerapkan metode penelitian normatif melalui pendekatan doktrinal, konseptual dan kasus. Adapun bahan hukum yang digunakan yaitu bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Artikel ini terdiri dari tiga bagian. Bagian pertama membahas tentang unilateral act sebagai salah satu hukum internasional yang tidak diatur di dalam Article 38 paragraph (1) ICJ Statute. Bagian kedua dari artikel ini kemudian menjelaskan tentang kelemahan dari TPRB yang membuat organ ini tidak dapat bekerja dengan efektif untuk saat ini. Kemudian bagian ketiga menjelaskan tentang kalimat yang harus digunakan dalam menyusun materi muatan hasil review TPRB agar produk tersebut dapat menjadi tindakan unilateral yang harus diterapkan oleh anggota WTO dengan iktikad baik. Berdasarkan tiga pembahasan tersebut, artikel ini menyarankan agar hasil review TPRB harus dipandang sebagai tindakan unilateral. Pandangan tersebut dapat diwujudkan melalui diterapkannya penyusunan kalimat imperatif pada laporan yang akan diterbitkan kepada anggota yang direview. 

    Analisis Mekanisme Pembaruan Kebijakan Impor Pangan Indonesia melalui Trade Policy Review Mechanism World Trade Organization untuk Mencegah Sengketa Perdagangan Internasional

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami bagaimana Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan hasil review kebijakan impor pangan Indonesia melalui Trade Policy Review Mechanism dan bagaimana hasil review tersebut dapat diterapkan, guna mencegah sengekta perdagangan melalui Appellate Body Dispute Settlement Body. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif yang mengunakan pendekatan hukum doktrinal atau perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep. Adapun hasil temuan sekaligus kesimpulan penulis terhadap penelitian ini yaitu Indonesia harus memahami hasil review TPRM yang menjelaskan kebijakan kuota impor Indonesia yang bertentangan dengan WTO Agreement dan prinsip-prinsip hukum perdagangan internasional. Alasan Indonesia harus memahami hasil review TPRM adalah karena penyelesaian sengketa melalui TPRM membawa dampak negatif sebagai berikut. Penyelesaian sengketa melalui DSB memakan waktu yang lama, dapat mengancam hubungan bilateral Indonesai dengan Brasil, memakan biaya yang cukup besar dan Indonesia tidak dapat memanfaatkan hasil perdagangan bebas. Selain itu, penulis juga menemukan hasil akhir berupa langkah yang harus Indonesia ambil guna menerapkan hasil review TPRM. Dalam menerapkan hasil review ini, Indonesia harus melakukan kerja sama bilateral dengan Brasil guna menghasilkan perjanjian bilateral yang memuat tentang standar halal dari daging ayam dan produk ayam Brasil. Kemudian kerja sama bilateral ini harus disertai dengan penghapusan hambatan kuantitatif untuk sementara atau penerapan kebijakan safeguard

    Indonesia Role on Formulating Association of Southeast Asian Nations Treaty Regarding on Health Protection Toward Global Pandemic

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    The application of public international law is important to response the global pandemic caused by the spread of Covid-19. Therefore, one of the strategies that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations shall apply to continue ASEAN responses on Covid-19 is by formulating an international treaty regarding on health protection toward global pandemic. This strategy or mechanism shall integrate ASEAN Member States legal system diversities to collectively responses the Covid-19 Pandemic or any other epidemic or pandemic. As one of ASEAN Member State, Indonesia needs to initiate the formulation of this treaty to achieve Indonesia Purpose written in Indonesia Constitution. By knowing that Indonesia regulations regarding Covid-19 is overlapping and the number of Covid-19 Mortality Rate is increasing, Indonesia have a strong reason to initiate a summit with other ASEAN Member State. Besides having an initiative, Indonesia shall also conduct this summit by determining the mechanism to formulate this treaty. That mechanism consists of virtual diplomacy according to ASEAN Charter. Besides that, this treaty shall adopt the World Health Organization Protocol and shall also consist of legal norms base on ASEAN Member States consensus, ASEAN Human Rights Body and ASEAN Health Expertise. This summit shall be conducted online or by a virtual diplomacy in order to effectively and efficiently formulate this treaty. Keywords: ASEAN Treaty, Covid-1

    Safeguard Measure Application As Asean Sustainable Framework To Recover From The Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis

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    The Covid-19 Pandemic has been viewed as a multisectoral crisis. One of the sectors harmed by this pandemic is the international trade sector. This research aims to discuss how ASEAN shall respond to the post-economic turmoil caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Furthermore, this research also examines how ASEAN applies the safeguards measured under the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement to recover its member states' economies. This research uses normative methods by applying doctrinal or statute and conceptual approaches. From the discussions, the authors conclude that ASEAN should respond wisely to the WTO’s suggestion to conduct free trade in the post-crisis situation. Furthermore, this article suggests that ASEAN may adopt a treaty regarding safeguards measures or a gentlemen’s agreement to apply the WTO agreements regarding safeguards. Finally, this research is conducted to contribute to developing international trade law, especially usingsuch a law to achieve sustainable development goals. Keywords: International Trade Law, WTO, Safeguard, Covid-19 Pandemic, ASEA

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah berdasarkan Kaidah Hukum Positif dan Doktrin Hukum tentang Penyelesaian Sengketa di Indonesia

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah guna menyediakan pemahaman mengenai sengketa pertanahan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia dan berdasarkan doktrin hukum. Artikel ini menerapkan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Selain itu, artikel ini juga menerapkan pendekatan perundangundangan dan pendekatan konsep. Secara lebih lanjut, para penulis menyediakan pembahasan dari artikel ini dengan menyatakan bahwa terdapat dua jenis forum penyelesaian sengketa pertanahan. Forum yang pertama dikenal sebagai forum non-adjudikasi yang terdiri dari mediasi, konsiliasi, konsultasi, dan fasilitasi yang bersifat tidak mengikat. Sedangkan, forum yang kedua terbagi menjadi dua sub-klasifikasi yaitu adjudikasi dan non-adjudikasi yang sama-sama bersifat mengikat. Metode adjudikasi tersebut terdiri dari penyelesaian sengketa melalui pengadilan negeri terhadap sengketa kepemilikan tanah, dan penyelesaian sengketa melalui pengadilan tata usaha negara mengenai keabsahan sertifikat tanah. Selain itu, sub-klasifikasi kedua dari metode adjudikasi ini dilakukan melalui penyelesaian sengketa melalui forum arbitrase yang dapat diterapkan terhadap perjanjian arbitrase yang telah di buat oleh para pihak di dalam suatu perjanjian dengan objek berupa tanah. Kata Kunci : Penyelesaian Sengketa, Sengketa Tanah, Ajudikasi, Non Ajudikasi / The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of land dispute resolutions available under Indonesian regulations. This article is applying the normative method under the statutory approach. The approaches applied in the article herein are the doctrinal approach and the conceptual approach. Furthermore, the writer may provide the discussion of this article by expressing that there are two main classifications of land dispute resolution forums. The first forum known as the non-adjudication forum consists of mediation, conciliation, consultation, and facilitation which has no binding effect. Meanwhile, the second forum is divided into two sub-classification consisting of the adjudication method and the non-adjudication method whereas both forums have a binding nature. The adjudication method consists of dispute settlement through a district court triggered by an ownership right dispute, and a dispute settlement through an administrative court regarding the legality of a land certificate. Besides that, the second sub-classification of this adjudication method consists of dispute settlement through arbitration that can be triggered due to an arbitration agreement made by the contracting parties with land as its object. Key Words: Dispute Resolutions, Land Dispute, Adjudication, Non-Adjudicatio

    Perbandingan Sistem Hukum Inggris Dengan Jerman (Refleksi Terhadap Sumber Hukum Dan Penerapan Hukum Indonesia)

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    This article explains the differences and similarities between the British legal system and German Law and reflects their application to Indonesian law which was influenced by the swift flow of legalism. The writing uses a normative juridical method with a comparative law approach. Authors use English common law sources along with their application and German civil law along with their application under the stuffenbau theory. The difference between these legal systems is the common law system prioritizes precedent application, while the civil law system prioritizes statutes. Furthermore, these systems also have similarities whereas both systems are applying customs, doctrines, and legal interpretations as to their complementary legal instruments. The authors address that Indonesia needs to apply methods beyond the statute approach, and Indonesia shall take into account customs, doctrines, and interpretations to achieve justice.Artikel ini menjelaskan perbedaan dan persamaan dari sistem hukum Inggris dan sistem hukum Jerman beserta refleksinya terhadap penerapan hukum di Indonesia yang dipengaruhi oleh derasnya arus legisme. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan. Para penulis menggunakan sumber hukum Inggris (common law) beserta penerapannya dan sumber hukum Jerman (civil law) beserta penerapannya berdasarkan teori stuffenbau. Perbedaan antara dua sistem hukum ini adalah sistem common law lebih mengutamakan penerapan putusan terdahulu, sedangkan sistem civil law lebih mengutamakan perundang-undangan. Kemudian, kedua sistem hukum ini memiliki persamaan berupa diterapkannya kebiasaan, doktrin dan penafsiran hukum sebai sumber hukum pelengkap. Para penulis berpendapat bahwa Indonesia harus menerapkan metode selain pendekatan perundang-undangan dan memperhitungkan kebiasaan, doktrin dan penafsiran hukum guna mencapai keadilan

    Legal Analysis on Indonesia Food Import Policy Review through TPRM WTO to Prevent an International Trade Dispute

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    This article analyses how Indonesia as World Trade Organization Member State, may utilize and apply Trade Policy Review Mechanism’s Review Outcome to prevent dispute settlement in the Dispute Settlement Body. This article consists of two legal issues, the first issues discuss how Indonesia may utilize the TPRM Review Outcome to prevent dispute in DSB Appellate Body. Meanwhile, the second issues discuss how Indonesia may apply the TPRM Review Outcome to prevent such dispute settlement. By applying Indonesia v. Brazil Dispute concerning Indonesia Measures on Brazil Chicken Meat and Chicken Product Case as this article’s minor premise, writers may explain how TPRM Review Outcome may provide an individual well to Indonesia as the WTO Member States and may represent WTO’s Common Will to achieve free trade. Furthermore, writers also explain how Indonesia may apply the TPRM Review Outcome which is by conducting bilateral cooperation with Brazil. This cooperation shall Indonesia conducted by involving Indonesia National Consumer Protection Agency as one of its technical negotiation teams and Indonesia Halal Product Assurance Agency as one of its operational negotiation teams. Furthermore, this cooperation shall also entail measures that abolish Indonesia’s quantitative restriction measure or safeguard policy application. Keywords World Trade Organization, Trade Policy Review Mechanism, Dispute Settlement Body, Import Measure, Bilateral Cooperatio