6 research outputs found

    Re-weathering of stabilized clay shale with Portland cement behavior

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    Clay shale is a claystone which in fresh condition has a very high shear strength. When it reacts with the atmosphere or hydrosphere it will weather so that the shear strength of clay shale will drop drastically. The weathering potential of clay shale is generally done by the slake durability test and the weathering process is measured by disintegration ratio test (DR). The strength of clay shale that has fully weathered will increase again when it is stabilized with a minimum of 6% PC (Portland Cement). It was found from the wetting drying cycle process testing that durability of re-weathering of stabilized clay shale with PC is increased compared to natural clay shale. Disintegration ratio of natural clay shale DR was smaller than stabilized clay shale with 6% PC. Additionally, more than 6% PC increased the durability of re-weathering of clay shale

    The effect of weathering process to determination of residual shear strength of clay shale with triaxial multi-stage system

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    The slope failure on clay shale with many joints under a layer of tuff breccia shortly after stress release due to cutting activity have triggered the need to investigate clay shale residual shear strength. A series of triaxial testing on undisturbed samples of clay shale have been performed to determine the residual stress for multi-stage system operation. In the first stage, residual shear strength without stress release were obtained. Then, testing continued by releasing whole-cell pressure. The triaxial test was proceed to the second multi-stage system to obtain residual shear strength parameters. Tests were conducted to investigate the effect of drying process to reduce residual shear strength up to 80 days. During the period, the maximum percentage of residual internal angle friction without stress release (Øurp) and residual internal angle friction with stress release (Øurf) were reduced by 11% and 5%, respectively. Both paremeters are compared to the peak shear strength condition

    Peran Geoteknik Pada Infrastruktur Perkeretaapian

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    Pengembangan jaringan kereta api koridor Pulau Kalimantan ada dua yaitu pembangunan KA khusus/batubara/akses pelabuhan (skema KPS) dan pembangunan kereta api antar kota/trans Kalimanta


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    Seperti halnya pengembangan perkotaan, maka pengembangan kawasan permukiman dan penyediaan prasarana dan sarananya sangat berkaitan dengan kebutuhan lahan (ruang). Penyediaan lahan (ruang) permukiman sebagai bagiandari kawasan skala besar, umumnya juga telah diatur dalam Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (Provinsi, Bagian Kota, dan detail tata ruang turunannya). Pengertian tentang permukiman yakni: “Permukiman adalah bagian permukaan bumi yang dihuni manusia meliputi segala sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang kehidupannya yang menjadi satu kesatuan dengan tempat tinggal yang bersangkutan”. Masyarakat yang peduli civitas akademi juga memiliki tanggung jawab moral dalam menangani dan membuat target pencapaian dalam pemecahan masalah sarana dan prasarana tersebut khususnya tentang model bak sampah mikro lingkungan melalui keilmuan dan pengetahuan yang dimiliki

    Pengaruh Proses Pelapukan Clay Shale terhadap Perubahan Parameter Rasio Disintegritas (DR)

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sering terjadinya kegagalan desain geoteknik pada clay shale yang disebabkan oleh pelapukan. Rasio disintegritas adalah perbandingan perubahan fisik akibat pelapukan pada waktu tertentu terhadap kondisi awalnya. Perubahan sifat fisik clay shale akibat pelapukan ditentukan dengan rasio disintegritas (DR). Pelapukan clay shale akan lebih cepat terjadi akibat siklus pembasahan dan pengeringan bila dibandingkan dengan proses pengeringan. Manakala akibat bertambah jumlah pembasahan dan pengeringan pada waktu yang sama, menyebabkan pelapukan pada clay shale akan lebih cepat lagi. Sampai hari ke-80 dari waktu pengeringan, DR clay shale Semarang-Bawen dan Hambalang besarnya adalah sama yaitu DR = 0,916 (completelly durable). Sedangkan akibat siklus pembasahan dan pengeringan di hari ke-32, clay shale Semarang-Bawen DR = 0,000 atau completelly non durable, manakala pada clay shale Hambalang DR = antara 0,2117 hingga 0,3344. Pada umumnya clay shale Semarang-Bawen akan lebih lebih cepat melapuk bila dibandingkan clay shale Hambalang. Ini terjadi karena perbedaan kandungan mineralogi. Clay shale Semarang-Bawen didominasi oleh mineral Smectite, sedangkan clay shale Hambalang didominasi mineral Kaolinite dan Illite.Abstract The background of this research because of the frequent occurrence of the failure in the geotechnical design of clay shale caused by weathering. Disintegration ratio is a comparison of physical changes due to weathering at certain times of the initial conditions. Changes in physical properties due to clay shale weathering determined by the disintegration ratio (DR).Clay shale weathering will occur more quickly as a result of wetting and drying cycles when compared with the drying process. While due to the increased number of cycles of wetting at the same time, causing weathering on clay shale will be faster again. Until the 80th day of drying time, the magnitude DRof Semarang-Bawenclay shaleand Hambalang are the same, namely DR = 0.916 (completelly durable). However, due to wetting and drying cycles on day 32, samples of Semarang-Bawenclay shale is DR = 0.000 or non durable completelly, while on Hambalang clay shale in same day DR between 0.2117 to 0.3344. Generally Semarang-Bawen clay shale will be faster weathered than Hambalang clay shale. It is caused by the mineralogy content of Semarang-Bawen clay shale has dominated by Smectite, and Hambalangclay shalehas dominated mineral Kaolinite and Illlite

    Re-weathering of stabilized clay shale with Portland cement behavior

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    Clay shale is a claystone which in fresh condition has a very high shear strength. When it reacts with the atmosphere or hydrosphere it will weather so that the shear strength of clay shale will drop drastically. The weathering potential of clay shale is generally done by the slake durability test and the weathering process is measured by disintegration ratio test (DR). The strength of clay shale that has fully weathered will increase again when it is stabilized with a minimum of 6% PC (Portland Cement). It was found from the wetting drying cycle process testing that durability of re-weathering of stabilized clay shale with PC is increased compared to natural clay shale. Disintegration ratio of natural clay shale DR was smaller than stabilized clay shale with 6% PC. Additionally, more than 6% PC increased the durability of re-weathering of clay shale