26 research outputs found

    Espaço, ritmo, forma e corpo na dança contemporânea

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    Mestrado em Performance Artística - DançaEsta dissertação articula os seguintes conceitos: o espaço, o tempo, a forma e o corpo no discurso coreográfico contemporâneo. Para atingir este objetivo vamos concentrar-nos na obra Delicado de Gilles Jobin. De modo geral, a hiperbolização da aceleração da temporalidade, a transformação do espaço urbano e das relações culturais, e a presença do corpo performativo imanente constituem um novo arquétipo na arte, que detetámos no trabalho de Jobin. Os nossos argumentos incluem a nossa experiência como performer e coreógrafa assim como o contributo téorico de autores e artistas como Gil, Lepecki, Bachelard, Hall, Focillon, Virilio, Tércio, Fazenda, Banes, O’Reilly, Stockhausen, Cage, Melo, Moura, Vieira, Carneiro e Oliveira. As referências a autores e artistas da área da dança e de outras áreas artísticas a que recorremos cruzam conceitos sociais e artísticos que adotámos para analisar a obra coreográfica de Jobin. Desta forma a nossa dissertação argumenta que as ferramentas conceptuais que Jobin utiliza não só redefinem os procedimentos que Cunningham criou com o Acaso, como inovam o campo da dança contemporânea

    Marine renewables and environmental risks: current practices in pre- and post-consent monitoring: workshop report.

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    This report reviews the outcomes of the first workshop organised as part of the RiCORE project, which took place in Bilbao on 21st April 2015. This workshop focused on analysing pre- and post-consent environmental requirements during the process of creating offshore renewable energy projects within the EU, and also generated discussion on suitable monitoring needs to observe environmental risk

    Pre- and post-consenting environmental surveys.

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    This presentation outlines the findings of the fourth- and fifth work packages of the RiCORE project, focusing on environmental surveys before and after the consenting process, and applying an adaptive management approach

    Desenvolvimento da versão em português do Nutriscore

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    O Nutriscore é a única ferramenta de rastreio da desnutrição desenhada especificamente para doentes oncológicos em ambulatório. Dado que não existe uma versão em português, o objetivo deste estudo foi produzir uma tradução Portuguesa validada. Foram seguidas as recomendações da International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, tendo-se cumprido os dez passos: preparação, tradução, reconciliação, retrotradução, revisão da retrotradução, harmonização, avaliação da compreensão, revisão, finalização e produção do relatório final. A ferramenta foi aplicada a uma amostra de 46 doentes com patologia oncológica, seguida em ambulatório. Conclui-se, assim, que a versão em Português do Nutriscore mantém os conceitos e equivalência da ferramenta original, é de fácil compreensão e aplicação, com boa aceitabilidade e validade aparente. Esta versão terá utilidade para determinar o risco de desnutrição em doentes oncológicos seguidos em ambulatório em Portugal e eventualmente noutros locais onde seja usada a língua Portuguesa.Nutriscore is the only nutritional screening tool developed specifically for oncological outpatients. Due to the absence of a Portuguese version, the aim of this study was to create a Portuguese validated translation. The ten steps of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research guideline were followed: preparation, forward translation, reconciliation, back translation, back translation review, harmonization, cognitive debriefing, review of the cognitive debriefing results and finalization, proofreading and final report. The screening tool was applied to 46 oncological outpatients by six health care providers. It can be concluded that the Portuguese version of Nutriscore maintains the concepts and equivalence of the original tool, is easy to understand and apply, with good acceptability and face validity. This version will be useful for determining the risk of undernutrition in outpatient oncological patients in Portugal and eventually in other settings where the Portuguese language is used

    Pre-consent survey guidance.

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    This report provides advice for whether or not (and to what extent in terms of data volume) pre-consent surveys are required during the creation of offshore renewable energy projects. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    RiCORE project novel technology selection.

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    This report compiles and inventory of technology types (within the tidal, wave and offshore wind categories) that the RiCORE project considers when providing recommendations and guidelines in favour of implementing a risk-based consenting approach for offshore renewable energy projects

    Report on potential emerging innovative monitoring approaches, identifying potential reductions in monitoring costs and evaluation of existing long-term datasets.

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    This report highlights the potential for using emerging and innovative technologies for pre-consent surveys of key receptor groups at proposed marine renewable energy sites. The report also identifies potential reductions in cost through comparison of currently-used survey methods. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    Report on the analysis of commonalities and differences in approaches to pre-consent surveys.

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    This report identifies commonalities and transferability of pre-consent surveying among renewable energy technology types. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    Environmental Assessment for Ocean Energy Schemes: Useful Tools and Case Studies

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    This work concerns a review of the state of the art of current and practical experience on environmental assessment (including monitoring) in order to set the path to be followed for future ocean energy schemes. It includes a revision of the work done so far in some test sites and deployment sites and discusses the use of several tools considering project phases (installation, deployment and decommissioning) and environmental impact assessment steps (screening, scoping, baseline studies for reference condition characterization, impact identification and evaluation, mitigation measures and monitoring). Within the list of such tools the applicability of checklists, matrices, mathematical modelling, Geographic Information Systems are considered as well as other shared and integrative methods: Environmental Risk Assessment and Life Cycle Analysis

    Review of the state of the art and future direction of the Survey, Deploy and Monitor policy.

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    This report reviews the state of the art of the Survey, Deploy and Monitor Licensing Policy Guidance in order to set the basis for its further development to all relevant technologies in the offshore renewable energy sector, including the adaptation of the policy as new technologies emerge. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes