58 research outputs found

    Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Passing Bawah Bola Voli Mini melalui Modifikasi Media Pembelajaran Bola Plastik pada Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 44 Segarau Parit Tebas

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    This study aims to determine the increase in the ability of passing down through themodification volleyball plastic ball media in State Primary School 44. qualitative research wasconducted by the form of action research. SDN is a student population of 44, the number of samples 28students, the total sampling using sampling methods. Research techniques using test and measurement,the test grating instrument with measurement of learning outcomes under the pasing game of volleyball.Analysis of the data using a percentage formula. The results show the implementation method oflearning media modefikasi plastic ball shown to increase the ability of passing down the game ofvolleyball. This is evidenced by an increase in the ability of passing down the fairly good, ie on cycle iwith an average value of 12.87, so the increase of 39.07%. While the average value of the second cycleis 21.18, so the increase of 64.56%

    Upaya Peningkatan Efektivitas Belajar Tolak Peluru Gaya O'brien melalui Modifikasi Bola Plastik Siswa Smk

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    The Classroom action research is aimed to know the increasing of the efektivity of learning shot put on students of 11th grade of Santa Monica. The method used by the researcher is descriptive. The form of research used is Classroom Action Research, which is aimed to solve problems through direct application in the classroom or field. The subject sample used in this research is the 11th grade students of Santa Monica Vocational School which has the number of 35 students. The instrument used in collection the data is an observation sheet through; 1) Test: used to get data about the result of shot put; 2) Observation: used to get the of teacher and students activity during the teaching learning process. The result of the research shows that the result of the learning increase from 46% in the early condition to 54% in the first meeting of the first cycle and to 65% in the second meeting of the first cycle. Meanwhile, it increase to 83% in the first meeting of the second cycle and 91% int the second meeting of the scond cycle

    Survey Kemampuan Gerak Dasar pada Siswa-siswi Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 7 Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of the basicmotion on the students of class V at 7 River Elementary School snapper KubuRaya district. The study was conducted with descriptive methods involving onevariable, namely the basic motion capabilities. The population in this study werestudents of class V at 7 River Elementary School snapper Kubu Raya district,amounting to 30 students, a total sampling using sampling methods, the number of30 students. This study uses a survey technique is a direct test, a test withmeasurement instruments lattice basic motor skills. Data analysis usingdescriptive percentages. The results of this study demonstrate basic motor skillsenough categories in which : ( 1 ) Ability Test Catch Ball Throw Distance 1 Meterto the wall by an average of 53.33 % . ( 2 ) Ability Test Meter Run Fast 30 in bothgroups with an average of 43.33 % . ( 3 ) The ability of the standing long jumptest is classified in both groups with an average of 53.33 % . ( 4 ) The ability tobalance ( stork stand test ) both belong to the group with an average of 43.33 % .( 5 ) Ability Tests Agility classified in either group with an average of 40 %

    Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Lompat Tinggi Gaya Stradlle Modifikasi Bermain Lompat Tali Sdn 06 Semayang

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    The problem addressed is the influence of the high jump style stradlle usingthe tool modification using tools playing jump rope on fifth grade students of SDN 06Semayang. The study aims to find out how to increase the skills stradlle style highjump. Descriptive quantitative research methods using techniques percentage, ClassActions The research study design. Fifth grade students study subjects numbered 32people. Research techniques using test and measurement, ie a test with the gratinginstruments measuring the outcomes of learning the high jump. Analysis of data usingformulas and percentages of mastery learning. 1 cycle assessment results: 46.88%, cycle2 increased 75%. Data can be concluded that the results of the assessment criteria ofcompleteness in classical exceed 75%, then no further action and research declaredsuccessful with both criteria. An increase significantly in the students after learninggiven the high jump with a jump rope modification SDN 06 Semayang has beenreached

    Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Pembelajaran Tendangan Mawashigeri Beladiri Karate Di SMP

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of audio-visual media to mawashigeri learning karate in class VIII A SMP Negeri 4 Sambas district of West Borneo Province. The method used was experimental. Experimental form using one group pretest-posttes design. Intake of this study using purposive sampling technique with a number of 24 people. Data analysis was performed by t-test analysis. From the test results are known mawashigeri kick thitung> ttable (10.02> 2.06866) can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted, which means there is influence. There is a change in the test kicks mawashigeri increase of 35.7%. This is based on test results mawashigeri kick after treated (treatment), where the mean possttest larger than the mean pretest (23.9> 17.5)
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