
Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Pembelajaran Tendangan Mawashigeri Beladiri Karate Di SMP


The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of audio-visual media to mawashigeri learning karate in class VIII A SMP Negeri 4 Sambas district of West Borneo Province. The method used was experimental. Experimental form using one group pretest-posttes design. Intake of this study using purposive sampling technique with a number of 24 people. Data analysis was performed by t-test analysis. From the test results are known mawashigeri kick thitung> ttable (10.02> 2.06866) can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted, which means there is influence. There is a change in the test kicks mawashigeri increase of 35.7%. This is based on test results mawashigeri kick after treated (treatment), where the mean possttest larger than the mean pretest (23.9> 17.5)

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