
Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Lompat Tinggi Gaya Stradlle Modifikasi Bermain Lompat Tali Sdn 06 Semayang


The problem addressed is the influence of the high jump style stradlle usingthe tool modification using tools playing jump rope on fifth grade students of SDN 06Semayang. The study aims to find out how to increase the skills stradlle style highjump. Descriptive quantitative research methods using techniques percentage, ClassActions The research study design. Fifth grade students study subjects numbered 32people. Research techniques using test and measurement, ie a test with the gratinginstruments measuring the outcomes of learning the high jump. Analysis of data usingformulas and percentages of mastery learning. 1 cycle assessment results: 46.88%, cycle2 increased 75%. Data can be concluded that the results of the assessment criteria ofcompleteness in classical exceed 75%, then no further action and research declaredsuccessful with both criteria. An increase significantly in the students after learninggiven the high jump with a jump rope modification SDN 06 Semayang has beenreached

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