66 research outputs found

    Persepsi Nelayan Tentang Nilai Anak Dalam Keluarga Nelayan di Desa Kuala Merbau Kecamatan Pulau Merbau Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Provinsi Riau

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    Anak merupakan aset yang menentukan kelangsungan hidup, kualitas dan kejayaan suatu bangsa di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi nelayan terhadap nilai psikologis, nilai ekonomi dan nilai sosial anak dalam keluarga nelayan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan mewawancarai responden dengan berpedoman kuesioner kepada setiap responden yang merupakan keluarga nelayan. Berdasar hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nelayan desa Kuala Merbau mempersepsikan nilai anak dalam keluarga nelayan memiliki kategori tinggi yaitu anak diharapkan memberikan fungsi dalam keluarga nelayan. Persepsi nelayan dikatakan tinggi karena nilai persepsi nelayan adalah 2100, sementara kisaran kategori tinggi jika responden memiliki skor 1820-2340

    Kajian Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pernikahan yang Dilakukan Oleh Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Pernikahan Kedua Tanpa Izin Studi Kasus di Pengadllan Negeri Medan

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    Secara nasional landasan hukum perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia adalah Undang-Undang No. I Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, yang kemudian diikuti dengan lahirnya Peraturan Pemerintah No. 9 Tahun 1975 tentang Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang No. I Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawina


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    The current problem is that the Serdang Bedagai district communication and informatics office is experiencing difficulties in managing incoming and outgoing goods. Management is currently carried out manually and cannot be viewed online so that many errors occur, one of which is a mismatch between the stock of goods recorded and the physical stock of existing goods. The goods management system that will be built in this study uses the waterfall model and PHP and HTML programming languages as well as CSS to design the web appearance. The system has 9 entities, namely: officer, user, sender, person in charge, goods, recipient, detail_recipient, expenditure and data_dinas. The results of the implementation of the proposed system are more optimal management of goods and help the performance of the warehouse admin in making real-time stock update reports and borrowing good


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    Now that the education system has lost its true vision, most educational institutions now tend to take a pragmatic view, namely to produce work-ready graduates. After all, education does not only serve to prepare a qualified and competitive generation to find work. However, it must be endowed with noble moral values. Education is only oriented towards worldly life, so that the spiritual aspects of religion are neglected. From the above phenomenon, it is clear that currently there is a moral crisis that must be returned to the spirit of noble character education. This is in line with what Ki Hajar Dewantara fought for in his time about the concept of character educationThis study aims to determine the concept of character in the PPKN education program for Student of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, State University of Medan. The development of the concept of character is needed to form a PPKN education program. In this study, two research methods were used, namely qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods. so that researchers can conclude data sources according to their respective data collection techniques. Data collection instruments are in the form of questionnaires and open interviews. This research produces an understanding of success on the basis of understanding the concept of character in the Civics Education program


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    ABSTRAK: Bahasa adalah jati diri suatu bangsa. Kepunahan suatu bahasa menjadi titik awal hilangnya jati diri bangsa. Bahasa daerah merupakan bahasa yang dituturkan oleh masyarakat di daerah tertentu dan menjadi ciri khas daerah tersebut. Indonesia memiliki 718 bahasa daerah, salah satunya bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam. Bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam merupakan identitas bagi masyarakat Sorkam. Namun, berdasarkan data Badan Bahasa Kemdikbudristek, eksistensi bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam semakin tergerus oleh zaman. Hal tersebut yang menjadi dasar penelitian ini. Adapun penelitian ini merupakan kajian ilmu antropolinguistik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui eksistensi bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam pada masa lalu dan masa kini serta faktor penyebab kemunduran daya tahan hidup bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran atau mix methods. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan angket, melakukan wawancara, observasi, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam tidak digunakan di seluruh wilayah Kecamatan Sorkam dan Kecamatan Sorkam Barat, melainkan hanya di wilayah tertentu saja.  Selanjutnya, bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam hanya digunakan oleh 32,5% dari total sampel, sedangkan 67,5% lainnya menggunakan bahasa lain di luar bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam. Adapun faktor penyebab kemunduran daya tahan hidup bahasa Melayu dialek Sorkam adalah faktor linguistik (interferensi bahasa) dan faktor nonlinguistik (geografi, sosial-budaya, agama, ekonomi, dan pendidikan).KATA KUNCI: Antropolinguistik; Eksistensi Bahasa; Melayu dialek SorkamTHE EXISTENCE OF THE SORKAM DIALECT OF MALAY AND THE FACTORS CAUSING THE DETERIORATION OF SURVIVAL ABSTRACT: Language is the identity of a nation. The extinction of a language becomes the starting point for the loss of national identity. Regional language is the language spoken by the people in a particular area and is the hallmark of that area. Indonesia has 718 regional languages, one of which is Malay in the Sorkam dialect. The Sorkam dialect of Malay is the identity of the Sorkam community. However, based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture's Language Agency, the existence of the Sorkam dialect of Malay is increasingly being eroded by time. This is the basis of this research. This research is an anthropolinguistic study. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence of the Sorkam dialect Malay in the past and present as well as the factors causing the decline in the survival of the Sorkam dialect Malay. This research uses mixed research methods. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires, conducting interviews, observing and studying literature. The results showed that the Sorkam dialect of Malay was not used in all areas of Sorkam and West Sorkam Districts, but only in certain areas. Furthermore, the Sorkam dialect of Malay is only used by 32.5% of the total sample, while the other 67.5% use a language other than Sorkam dialect Malay. The factors causing the decline in the survival of the Sorkam dialect are linguistic factors (language interference) and non-linguistic factors (geography, socio-culture, religion, economics and education).KEYWORDS: Antropolinguistic; Language Existence; Malay dialect of Sorka

    Practical Approach to Induce Analog Switching Behavior in Memristive Devices: Digital-to-Analog Transformation

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    The capability of memristor devices to perform weight changes upon electrical pulses mimics the analogous firing mechanism in biological synapses. This capability delivers the potential for neuromorphic computing and pushes renewed interests in fabricating memristor with analog characteristics. Nevertheless, memristors could often exhibit digital switching, either during the set, reset, or both processes that degenerate their synaptic capability, and nanodevice engineers struggle to redesign the device to achieved analog switching. This chapter overviews some important techniques to transform the switching characteristics from digital to analog in valence change and electrochemical metallization types memristors. We cover physical dynamics involving interfacial diffusion, interfacial layer, barrier layer, deposition, and electrode engineering that can induce digital-to-analog switching transformation in memristor devices

    Formation of a ternary oxide barrier layer and its role in switching characteristic of ZnO-based conductive bridge random access memory devices

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    The insertion of a metal layer between an active electrode and a switching layer leads to the formation of a ternary oxide at the interface. The properties of this self-formed oxide are found to be dependent on the Gibbs free energy of oxide formation of the metal (ΔGf°). We investigated the role of various ternary oxides in the switching behavior of conductive bridge random access memory (CBRAM) devices. The ternary oxide acts as a barrier layer that can limit the mobility of metal cations in the cell, promoting stable switching. However, too low (higher negative value) ΔGf° leads to severe trade-offs; the devices require high operation current and voltages to exhibit switching behavior and low memory window (on/off) ratio. We propose that choosing a metal layer having appropriate ΔGf° is crucial in achieving reliable CBRAM devices

    Status and Prospects of ZnO-Based Resistive Switching Memory Devices

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    In the advancement of the semiconductor device technology, ZnO could be a prospective alternative than the other metal oxides for its versatility and huge applications in different aspects. In this review, a thorough overview on ZnO for the application of resistive switching memory (RRAM) devices has been conducted. Various efforts that have been made to investigate and modulate the switching characteristics of ZnO-based switching memory devices are discussed. The use of ZnO layer in different structure, the different types of filament formation, and the different types of switching including complementary switching are reported. By considering the huge interest of transparent devices, this review gives the concrete overview of the present status and prospects of transparent RRAM devices based on ZnO. ZnO-based RRAM can be used for flexible memory devices, which is also covered here. Another challenge in ZnO-based RRAM is that the realization of ultra-thin and low power devices. Nevertheless, ZnO not only offers decent memory properties but also has a unique potential to be used as multifunctional nonvolatile memory devices. The impact of electrode materials, metal doping, stack structures, transparency, and flexibility on resistive switching properties and switching parameters of ZnO-based resistive switching memory devices are briefly compared. This review also covers the different nanostructured-based emerging resistive switching memory devices for low power scalable devices. It may give a valuable insight on developing ZnO-based RRAM and also should encourage researchers to overcome the challenges