572 research outputs found

    Pestalozzi\u27s Teachings on Moral Education

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    Wirksamkeit von Selbsthypnose auf Schmerzen bei Erwachsenen: Systematische Literaturreview

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    Problembeschreibung: Im Pflegealltag ist Schmerz ein bekanntes und hĂ€ufig anzutref- fendes Symptom, welches in jeder Altersgruppe auftreten kann. Schmerzen können plötz-lich entstehen oder allmĂ€hlich beginnen und sich bei unzureichender Therapie zu chroni-schen Schmerzen entwickeln. Schmerz kann mit medikamentösen und nicht medikamen-tösen Therapien behandelt werden. Zu diesen nicht medikamentösen Therapien gehört unter anderem die Selbsthypnose. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser systematischen Literaturreview ist es, eine Übersicht des aktuellen Forschungsstandes zur Wirksamkeit von Selbsthypnose auf Schmerzen darzulegen. Die Forschungsfrage lautet folgendermassen: „Wie wird die Wirksamkeit von Selbsthypnose auf Schmerzen bei Erwachsenen in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur beschrieben?“ Wenn die Literatur aufzeigen wird, dass Selbsthypnose eine wirksame Intervention bei der Schmerzreduktion ist, kann diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Evidence-Based-Practice leis-ten. Methode: Zur Bearbeitung der Frage wurde eine systematische Literaturreview durchge-fĂŒhrt. Die Suche nach wissenschaftlicher Literatur wurde anhand verschiedener Suchbe-griffe in drei pflegerelevanten Datenbanken (PubMed, Cinahl und Cochrane) durchgefĂŒhrt. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden Ein - und Ausschlusskriterien definiert. So konnten sechs Studien in die Literaturreview eingeschlossen werden

    New observations of the spreading and variability of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Atlantic

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    The new and unique Argo data set currently available, in conjunction with other data previously collected, increases our understanding of the spreading of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the southern and tropical Atlantic Ocean and to verify previous results. The combination of velocity and salinity data collected with Argo floats verified the main patterns of circulation at intermediate (800 to 1100 dbar) depths. Interesting new features in the pathways are found: (1) the existence of a new, third, branch of westward to northwestward flow that is fed by the Benguela Current; (2) two pathways through which the water from the Benguela Current Extension feeds into the Intermediate Western Boundary Current, one turns north at the western boundary while the other one turns north about 10° farther offshore; (3) the core of the South Atlantic Current is located farther north than was thought earlier (at 35 to 38°S instead of south at about 40°S); (4) significant flow of water from the South Atlantic Current to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current occurs east of the Zapiola Eddy (at about 45°S, 35°W); (5) a quite robust eastward current exists at about 20°S; and (6) there are indications, only in the salinity distribution, for southward spreading of Antarctic Intermediate Water from the equator near the eastern boundary. Transport estimates for the 800 to 1100 dbar layer show that the transports of the zonal currents in the subtropical gyre at intermediate depth increase from east to west, and that this trend is nearly linear. The transport of the South Atlantic Current near the western boundary is between 5 and 10 Sv, while it is close to 1 Sv near the eastern boundary of the Atlantic. The transport of the Benguela Current Extension is about 8 Sv near 45°W and only about 1 Sv near 14°E. It is also found that at the bifurcation of the Benguela Current Extension (at 28.5°S) about two thirds of the Antarctic Intermediate Water recirculate in the subtropical gyre, which is a smaller portion than the three quarters reported previously. Zonally integrated transports in the Antarctic Intermediate Water layer show that, as a meridional average, about 3 Sv are transported northward in the 800 to 1100 dbar layer. At 35°S this transport is 2.8 Sv, which amounts to 16% of the total northward transport of the Meridional Overturning Circulation (18 Sv). An analysis of the variability shows that the confluence of the Malvinas Current and the Brazil Current undergo seasonal variations at intermediate depth. The confluence is at its northernmost location (36°S) in July-September. On average the confluence is at 38°S. Both, the variability and the mean location of the confluence at the depth of Antarctic Intermediate Water is similar to what has been observed at the surface

    Literatur macht Helden?

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    Ausgehend von einer in der Erziehungswissenschaft verstĂ€rkten Gewichtung des Themas Kultur, die in der pĂ€dagogischen Diskussion als Ressource fĂŒr selbstbestimmtes und bewusstes Handlungsvermögen angesehen wird, thematisiert diese Diplomarbeit die Wirkmöglichkeit literarischer Texte im kulturalistisch angelegten Forschungsbereich der SozialpĂ€dagogik. Die möglichen sozialpĂ€dagogischen VerĂ€nderungspotentiale literarischer Texte werden in der Darstellung von Menschenbildern und von Handlungsmustern in exemplarisch ausgewĂ€hlten Kinderromanen Erich KĂ€stners aufgespĂŒrt und diskutiert, wobei der Fokus dieser Arbeit nicht auf Irritationsleistungen der literarischen Texte, sondern auf deren Wirkmöglichkeit im Sinne einer zukunftsfĂ€higen Orientierungshilfe liegt. Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, durch die Untersuchung und Behandlung appellativer ErzĂ€hlstrukturen die (sozial)pĂ€dagogische Zeigefunktion der Texte zu verdeutlichen und den fĂŒr die sozialpĂ€dagogische Wirkmöglichkeit relevanten Wechselbezug zwischen moralischen Inhalten und Ă€sthetischen Textelementen zu dokumentieren.Based upon a growing emphasis within paedagogical circles on the idea of cultural knowledge, which is considered in paedagogical discussion to be a source of a self-determined and concious capacity to act, this thesis picks out the range of effectiveness of literary texts in the culture-based area of research of social paedagogy. The possible social-paedagogical ability of literary texts to bring about change will be sought for and discussed in the idea of man and the patterns of behaviour shown in exemplary chosen children's novels written by Erich KĂ€stner, whereby the focus of this work is not on the capacity of literary texts to irritate but on their effectiveness in the sense of their being a sustainable aid to orientation. The aim of this thesis is to make clear the (social) paedagogical role model in these texts, by the analysis and usage of descriptive narrative structures and to demonstrate the switching relationship between moral content and aesthetic text elements which is relevant to the social paedagogical means of effectiveness

    New observations of the intermediate depth circulation in the tropical Atlantic

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    The intermediate depth (around 1000 m) circulation in the interior tropical Atlantic has been described as several narrow flow bands. Due to a lack of data, these currents have previously been poorly resolved in space and time. Recent observations, obtained during the mid-1997 Seward Johnson cruise and from PALACE floats which cover the period Summer 1997 to Spring 2000, allow a more detailed description of the intermediate depth circulation in the tropical Atlantic. The PALACE trajectories display several well defined currents between the equator and 4N at 800 to 1100 m. Two regimes separated by the eastern edge of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge seem to exist at these latitudes. Velocities in the eastern regime are lower than in the western regime and at some latitudes, the zonal flow in the two regimes is going in opposite directions. Farther south, between 4S and 2S, westward velocities of the central South Equatorial Current dominate the circulation. The flow north of 4N and south of 4S is governed by up to several month-long periods of eastward or westward flow, with only weak preferences for either direction. The southern region is characterized by the (meandering) transition between the central South Equatorial Current and the South Equatorial Countercurrent. It has been proposed earlier that these two currents do not extend eastward beyond about 10W, and that the intermediate water follows a cyclonic path east of 10W between about 5S and 25S. This could be interpreted as an intermediate expression of the Angola Gyre. Such a circulation is not found in the present data set. It is also noted that no significant cross-equatorial flow is found in the PALACE data

    Neue Wege der Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Implementation und Wirksamkeit des Sonderprogramms : ausgewÀhlte Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung

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    Mit einem 1989 von der Bundesregierung gestarteten Sonderprogramm sollen die Wiedereingliederungschancen von schwervermittelbaren Langzeitarbeitslosen und von schwervermittelbaren Arbeitslosen verbessert werden. In dem Beitrag wird versucht, folgende forschungsleitende Fragen der Begleitforschung zu beantworten: (1) Lassen sich durch die Projektförderung des Sonderprogramms effiziente Maßnahmen fĂŒr die Zielgruppe der Langzeitarbeitslosen konzipieren und durchfĂŒhren und welche Effekte haben die verschiedenen Maßnahmekombinationen sowie die explizite Einbeziehung von Sozialbetreuung? (2) Bewirken die Förderbedingungen des Sonderprogramms neue Formen der institutionellen Kooperation der Arbeitsmarktpolitischen Akteure und welche Auswirkungen haben die Kooperationsformen auf die Implementation des Sonderprogramms? (3) Erhöhen sich durch die spezifischen instrumentellen und die instiutionellen Förderbedingungen des Sonderprogramms die Wiedereingliederungschancen der Zielgruppen? Es wird festgestellt, daß das Sonderprogramm mit seinen innovativen Elementen grundsĂ€tzlich positiv zu bewerten ist. "In der konkreten Umsetzung sind aber noch Verbesserungen möglich und notwendig. Die Verfasser halten eine Übernahme der wesentlichen Elemente des Sonderprogramms in das AFG fĂŒr sinnvoll und notwendig, um die Arbeitsmarktchancen besonders benachteiligter Personen zu verbessern." (IAB2)Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Programm, Langzeitarbeitslose, schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose, berufliche Reintegration - Förderung, Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Erfolgskontrolle, Teilnehmerstruktur, ArbeitslosigkeitsbekĂ€mpfung

    Biologically Inspired Modelling for the Control of Upper Limb Movements: From Concept Studies to Future Applications

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    Modelling is continuously being deployed to gain knowledge on the mechanisms of motor control. Computational models, simulating the behaviour of complex systems, have often been used in combination with soft computing strategies, thus shifting the rationale of modelling from the description of a behaviour to the understanding of the mechanisms behind it. In this context, computational models are preferred to deterministic schemes because they deal better with complex systems. The literature offers some striking examples of biologically inspired modelling, which perform better than traditional approaches when dealing with both learning and adaptivity mechanisms. Can these theoretical studies be transferred into an application framework? That is, can biologically inspired models be used to implement rehabilitative devices? Some evidences, even if preliminary, are presented here, and support an affirmative answer to the previous question, thus opening new perspectives

    The development of postural strategies in children: a factorial design study

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    BACKGROUND: The present study investigates balance control mechanisms, their variations with the absence of visual input, and their development in children from 7 to 11 years old, in order to provide insights on the development of balance control in the pediatric population. METHODS: Posturographic data were recorded during 60 s trials administered on a sample population of 148 primary school children while stepping and then quietly standing on a force plate in two different vision conditions: eyes closed and eyes open. The extraction of posturographic parameters on the quiet standing phase of the experiment was preceded by the implementation of an algorithm to identify the settling time after stepping on the force plate. The effect of different conditions on posturographic parameters was tested with a two-way ANOVA (Age × Vision), and the corresponding eyes-closed/eyes-open (Romberg) Ratios underwent a one-way ANOVA. RESULTS: Several posturographic measures were found to be sensitive to testing condition (eyes closed vs. eyes open) and some of them to age and anthropometric parameters. The latter relationship did not explain all the data variability with age. An evident modification of postural strategy was observed between 7 and 11 years old children. CONCLUSION: Simple measures extracted from posturographic signals resulted sensitive to vision and age: data acquired from force plate made it possible to confirm the hypothesis of the development of postural strategies in children as a more mature selection and re-weighting of proprioceptive inputs to postural control in absence of visual input

    Frauen in der Informatik: Können sie mehr als sie denken? Eine Analyse geschlechtsspezifischer Erfolgserwartungen unter Informatikstudierenden

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    Obwohl ein Anstieg des Frauenanteils in den InformatikstudiengĂ€ngen zu verzeichnen ist, gilt die IT-Branche nach wie vor als MĂ€nnerdomĂ€ne. Der weibliche Anteil in deutschen IT-Abteilungen betrĂ€gt knapp 10 Prozent (Weitzel et al. 2017). Ein Grund fĂŒr die mangelnde PrĂ€senz der Frauen im IT-Bereich könnte die geringere Erfolgserwartung der Studentinnen im Studium sein. In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, ob vorangegangene Schulleistungen sowie intrinsische Motivation fĂŒr die Studiengangswahl, nĂ€mlich Begabung und Interesse fĂŒr das Fach, die subjektive EinschĂ€tzung des Studienerfolgs von Informatikstudierenden beeinflussen. Obwohl Studentinnen sich im Vergleich zu ihren Kommilitonen in ihren durchschnittlichen Mathematikleistungen nicht signifikant unterscheiden und sie im Durchschnitt die bessere Abiturabschlussnote erzielen, unterschĂ€tzen sie sich in ihrem persönlichen Studienerfolg signifikant, insbesondere in stark techniklastigen InformatikstudiengĂ€ngen. Ebenso können Studentinnen von einer hohen intrinsischen Motivation, hinsichtlich ihrer ErfolgseinschĂ€tzungen im Studium nicht profitieren. Die durchgefĂŒhrte Analyse bezieht sich auf das Datenmaterial aus dem ESF-Forschungsprojekt "Alumnae Tracking".The IT industry is still regarded as being male dominated. In Germany, the share of women in IT departments is just under 10% (Weitzel et al. 2017). One reason for the lack of female professionals in this field could be female computer science students’ lower expectations of success. This article examines whether previous school performance and intrinsic motivation, especially a talent for and interest in the subject (which were important when choosing a degree course), influence computer science students’ assessments of academic success. The analysis shows that average final grades in Mathematics do not differ statistically significantly between male and female students. In fact, the study shows that female students achieve a significantly higher average final grade in high school. Nevertheless, female students, particularly in very technical computer science courses, significantly underestimate their academic success. Likewise, female students are unable to rate their academic success positively, even when their motivation is intrinsically high. The data presented here were taken from the ESF research project "Alumnae Tracking"
