212 research outputs found

    Implementación del protocolo SCVP en dispositivos móviles Android

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    En la actualidad, la firma electrónica y los mecanismos de autenticación basados en infraestructuras de clave pública se encuentran en pleno auge para incrementar la seguridad en el uso de servicios online. Esa necesidad de seguridad ha provocado que el uso de certificados digitales se haya extendido de manera notable en multitud de gestiones y transacciones. Sin embargo, puesto que éste es un mercado emergente, el uso de dichos certificados en sistemas móviles se encuentra todavía en pleno desarrollo. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo proporcionar la implementación del protocolo SCVP (Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol) descrito en la RFC 5055. Dicho protocolo permite al cliente delegar el descubrimiento de la ruta de certificación y/o la validación de certificados digitales X.509 a un servidor, por lo que resulta especialmente útil para dispositivos con recursos limitados. Aunque el primer borrador del protocolo cuenta con más de once años, actualmente no existen implementaciones no comerciales de SCVP que proporcionen la funcionalidad de construcción y/o validación de rutas de certificación. La aplicación propuesta, para la implementación del protocolo, está diseñada para funcionar en dispositivos móviles que cuenten con Android, el sistema operativo móvil más utilizado en el mundo. El sistema implementado interactúa con el cliente mediante una aplicación instalada en el dispositivo móvil cuya conexión al servidor le permite delegar, las ya mencionadas tareas de validación o construcción de la ruta de un certificado. En definitiva, el proyecto presenta la implementación del protocolo SCVP para lo cual se ha desarrollado, por un lado un cliente basado en sistema operativo Android con su correspondiente interfaz de usuario y por otro lado, un servidor.Nowadays, the digital signature and authentication mechanisms based on the public key infrastructures are growing to increase the security of online services. This need for security has increased the requirement for digital certificates in many processes and transactions. However, as it is a new market, the use of such certificates in mobile systems is still to be developed fully. The aim of this project is to implement the SCVP (Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol) protocol described in the RFC 5055. That protocol allows a user to delegate certification path construction and certification path validation to a server, which makes it especially useful for devices with limited resources. Even if the first draft of the protocol is eleven years old, currently there are not non-commercial SCVP implementations that provide the path construction and path validation functionalities. The proposed application, for the protocol implementation, is designed to operate in mobiles devices with Android, the most widely used mobile operating system. The implemented system interacts with the user through an application installed on the mobile device. Its connection to the server allows the user to delegate the task of validating or creating the path certificate. Ultimately, the project is about an implementation of the SCVP protocol which has been developed based on an Android client with its corresponding interface, and a server.Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Enzyme activity as an indicator of soil quality changes indegraded cultivated acrisols as the mexican trans-volcanic belt.

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    9 P.Soils located at the Mexican Trans-volcanic Belt (MTB) have a worrying degree of degradation due to inappropriate management practices. Early indicators of soil changes are very useful to alert about negative impacts of wrong managements on these volcanic soils. The aim of this work was to evaluate the short-term effects (4 years) of different agricultural practices on soil organic matter (SOM) quality and to validate the potential of the selected biochemical properties as optimal early indicators of soil quality in Mexican cultivated Acrisols. During 2002–2005 four agronomic management systems: conventional (Tc); improved conventional (Ti); organic (To) and fallow (Tf) were assayed in plots located at the MTB. An uncultivated soil under grass cover (Sg) was used as reference. Soil samples were collected at 0–10 cm depth and were analysed chemically (soil organic C, total N, water-soluble C and humic C), and biochemically (total and extra-cellular enzyme activity). After 4 years, soil organic C, total N, water-soluble C and dehydrogenase activity had higher values in To, followed by Ti treatment. A similar response pattern was observed in the extra-cellular enzyme activity. The highest total enzyme activity was found in Sg, followed by Ti and To treatments, and the lowest values appeared in Tc and Tf. To and Ti increased SOM contents of the degraded Acrisols studied, while Tc and Tf managements decreased the quality of these soils. The results showed that the assayed soil enzymes can be used as indicators of quality changes of these Mexican volcanic soils.The authors thank the European Union for supporting the REVOLSO Project (INCO-DEV Program) and the Spanish Ministry of Education & Science. Thanks are also due to C. I. Hidalgo (Colegio de Postgraduados de Montecillo, Mexico) for the mineralogical identification of soil clays analysis and J. Padilla (Colegio de Postgraduados de Montecillo, Mexico), C. Macci, S. Doni and laboratory technicians from the Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi (CNR, Italy) for theirs lab assistance.Peer reviewe

    Long-term dietary folate deficiency accelerates progressive hearing loss on CBA/Ca mice

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).Dietary folic acid deficiency induced early hearing loss in C57BL/6J mice after two-months, corroborating the epidemiological association previously described between vitamin deficiency and this sensory impairment. However, this strain is prone to early hearing loss, and hence we decided to analyze whether the effects exerted by folate deprivation follow the same pattern in a mouse strain such as CBA/Ca, which is resistant to hearing impairment. Here, we show results of a long-term study on hearing carried out on CBA/Ca mice subjected to dietary folate deprivation. Systemic changes included decreased serum folate levels, hyperhomocysteinemia and signs of anemia in the group fed the folate-deficient diet. Initial signs of hearing loss were detected in this strain after 8-months of vitamin deficiency, and correlated with histological damage in the cochleae. In conclusion, the data presented reinforce the importance of adequate folic acid levels for the auditory system and suggest that the impact of dietary deficiencies may depend on the genetic background.RM was a fellow of the JAE-CSIC predoctoral program. This work was supported by grants of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2014-53979-R to IV; BFU2009-08977 to MP), the European Union (FP7-AFHELO and TARGEAR to IV).Peer reviewe

    Recuperación de agrosistemas degradados en la cuenca del lago de Cuitzeo (Michoagán, México): II. Control de Cárcavas.

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    II SIMPOSIO NACIONAL SOBRE CONTROL DE LA DEGRADACIÓN DE SUELOS. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.{ESP}Con la participación de instituciones de investigación europeas y mejicanas concurrentes en el Proyecto REVOLSO/INCO (, se evaluó durante 3 años consecutivos, en la cuenca del Lago de Cuitzeo (Michoacán, Méjico), la construcción de pequeñas represas con neumáticos de desecho para la retención de azolves y control de cárcavas, producto del efecto erosivo del escurrimiento del agua de escorrentía producida por la compactación del suelo. La estabilización de taludes se realizó con veza (Vicia villosa), janamargo (V. sativa), pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula), acacia (Acacia retinoides) y garrapata (Desmodium grahamii). Como resultados de estas medidas (basadas en el conocimiento de procesos de recuperación de suelos) se contribuye al mejoramiento de áreas productivas y se diminuye la erosión de las cárcavas, con lo cual se reduce el aporte de sedimentos a los cuerpos de agua y, en suma, se mejora el ambiente, aportándose soluciones de bajo costo que pueden romper el círculo vicioso erosión-pobreza.{ENG}Different European and Mexican institutions are collaborating in an international Project (named REVOLSO, INCO Program) working at the Cuitzeo Basin (Michoacán, Mexico). During 3 years the efficience of small dams built with tyres for the erosion control of gullies was assessed. Plant species tested for gullies stabilization were: Vicia villosa, V. sativa, Eragrostis curvula, Acacia retinoides, and Desmodium grahamii. Results are promising, because a deacreasing of erosion process was evident to a low cost. In this way, this actions could improve the soil conservation, diminishing the amount of sediments arriving to the big dams and broken the feedback circle soil erosion-poverty.Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológic

    Experimental supporting data on the influence of platelet-derived factors of malignant pleural effusions on T cell effector functions and their relevance in predicting prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma patients with pleural metastasis

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    The data described in this article are supplementary to our primary article "Platelet factor 4 regulates T cell effector functions in malignant pleural effusions". Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a common complication of advanced lung adenocarcinoma (LAC) associated with a poor life expectancy [1]. Several challenges need to be addressed to identify non-invasive molecular biomarkers that help to predict the prognosis of LAC patients with MPE [2]. In the primary publication, we proposed that platelet-derived factors, especially platelet factor 4 (PF4), can negatively regulate T lymphocyte activation and granzyme B expression in pleural metastasis and its levels were associated with a worse prognosis. Here, we provide data on the influence of other platelet-derived factors, including transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), vascular endothelial factor (VEGF), and P-selectin on T lymphocyte response in MPE and their relevance as prognostic factors in lung cancer patients with pleural metastasis. Pleural fluids from 35 lung adenocarcinoma (LAC) and 20 heart failure (HF) patients were collected by thoracentesis and its platelet-derived factors' content was measured by specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAs). Correlations between pleural levels of platelet-derived factors and T cell functions were analyzed by Pearson coefficients. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to estimate the effect of pleural concentrations of platelet-derived factors on overall survival of LAC patients with pleural metastasis. These analyses showed that the concentration of platelet-derived factors was not associated with T cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. Furthermore, their levels do not predict the survival of LAC with MPE

    Influence of Malignant Pleural Fluid from Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients on Neutrophil Response

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    Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a common severe complication of advanced lung adenocarcinoma (LAC). Neutrophils, an essential component of tumor infiltrates, contribute to tumor progression and their counts in MPE have been associated with worse outcome in LAC. This study aimed to evaluate phenotypical and functional changes of neutrophils induced by MPE to determine the influence of MPE immunomodulatory factors in neutrophil response and to find a possible association between neutrophil functions and clinical outcomes. Pleural fluid samples were collected from 47 LAC and 25 heart failure (HF) patients. We measured neutrophil degranulation products by ELISA, oxidative burst capacity and apoptosis by flow cytometry, and NETosis by fluorescence. The concentration of degranulation products was higher in MPE-LAC than in PE-HF. Functionally, neutrophils cultured with MPE-LAC had enhanced survival and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation but had reduced oxidative burst capacity. In MPE, NETosis was positively associated with MMP-9, P-selectin, and sPD-L1 and clinically related to a worse outcome. This is the first study associating NETs with a worse outcome in MPE. Neutrophils likely contribute to tumor progression through the release of NETs, suggesting that they are a potential therapeutic target in LAC

    Influence of Malignant Pleural Fluid from Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients on Neutrophil Response

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    Altres ajuts: Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany; Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS).Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a common severe complication of advanced lung ad-enocarcinoma (LAC). Neutrophils, an essential component of tumor infiltrates, contribute to tumor progression and their counts in MPE have been associated with worse outcome in LAC. This study aimed to evaluate phenotypical and functional changes of neutrophils induced by MPE to determine the influence of MPE immunomodulatory factors in neutrophil response and to find a possible association between neutrophil functions and clinical outcomes. Pleural fluid samples were col-lected from 47 LAC and 25 heart failure (HF) patients. We measured neutrophil degranulation products by ELISA, oxidative burst capacity and apoptosis by flow cytometry, and NETosis by fluores-cence. The concentration of degranulation products was higher in MPE-LAC than in PE-HF. Func-tionally, neutrophils cultured with MPE-LAC had enhanced survival and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation but had reduced oxidative burst capacity. In MPE, NETosis was positively associated with MMP-9, P-selectin, and sPD-L1 and clinically related to a worse outcome. This is the first study associating NETs with a worse outcome in MPE. Neutrophils likely contribute to tumor progression through the release of NETs, suggesting that they are a potential therapeutic target in LAC

    La movilidad transfronteriza de rumanos en España en tiempos de crisis

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    This article seeks to analyze the mobility of Romanians within Spain, taking into account the current economic crisis that is affecting labor markets in Spain and Romania, and its impact upon people. Using the discourse of Romanian immigrants as a reference, the paper examines their mobility experiences as Europeans who have a right to free circulation but not to work in the enlarged European Union (EU). To carry out this research, I utilize the qualitative method of in-depth interviews with 80 Romanian immigrants engaged in labor mobility between the two countries. The empirical approach suggests that migrant may have varying perceptions concerning place and mobility according to their migratory stage and the current economic circumstances. In the theoretical field, the article emphasizes the contribution of mobility to improve knowledge on migration and its conclusions points toward understanding the process of mobility in the enlarged EU.<br><br>El artículo analiza la movilidad de rumanos en España, en el contexto de la crisis económica que afecta a los mercados de trabajo de España y Rumanía. Tomando como referencia la percepción de los inmigrantes rumanos, el estudio aborda sus experiencias de movilidad como ciudadanos europeos en la Unión Europea (UE) ampliada, con derechos de libre circulación pero no de trabajo. Para realizar la investigación se utilizó la técnica cualitativa de la entrevista en profundidad, llevándose a cabo 80 entrevistas a rumanos que practican la movilidad laboral entre los dos países. El trabajo empírico sugiere que las percepciones de los migrantes sobre la movilidad se interpretan según las etapas migratorias y las circunstancias económicas actuales. En el ámbito teórico el artículo destaca la contribución de la movilidad al conocimiento sobre la inmigración, y sus conclusiones apuntan hacia la comprensión del proceso de movilidad en la UE ampliada

    Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease in Catalonia between 2015 and 2022-Epidemiology and Impact on Clinical Events

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    Hemoglobinopathies; Newborn screening; Sickle cell diseaseHemoglobinopatías; Cribado neonatal; DrepanocitosisHemoglobinopaties; Cribratge neonatal; DrepanocitosiAbstract In 2015, Catalonia introduced sickle cell disease (SCD) screening in its newborn screening (NBS) program along with standard-of-care treatments like penicillin, hydroxyurea, and anti-pneumococcal vaccination. Few studies have assessed the clinical impact of introducing NBS programs on SCD patients. We analyzed the incidence of SCD and related hemoglobinopathies in Catalonia and the change in clinical events occurring after introducing NBS. Screening 506,996 newborns from 2015 to 2022, we conducted a retrospective multicenter study including 100 screened (SG) and 95 unscreened (UG) SCD patients and analyzed SCD-related clinical events over the first six years of life. We diagnosed 160 cases of SCD, with an incidence of 1 in 3169 newborns. The SG had a significantly lower median age at diagnosis (0.1 y vs. 1.68 y, p < 0.0001), and initiated penicillin prophylaxis (0.12 y vs. 1.86 y, p < 0.0001) and hydroxyurea treatment earlier (1.42 y vs. 4.5 y, p < 0.0001). The SG experienced fewer median SCD-related clinical events (vaso-occlusive crisis, acute chest syndrome, infections of probable bacterial origin, acute anemia requiring transfusion, acute splenic sequestration, and pathological transcranial Doppler echography) per year of follow-up (0.19 vs. 0.77, p < 0.0001), a reduced number of annual emergency department visits (0.37 vs. 0.76, p < 0.0001), and fewer hospitalizations (0.33 vs. 0.72, p < 0.0001). SCD screening in Catalonia’s NBS program has effectively reduced morbidity and improved affected children’s quality of life.L'any 2015, Catalunya va introduir el cribratge de la malaltia de cèl·lules falciformes (SCD) al seu programa de cribratge de nounats (NBS) juntament amb tractaments d'atenció estàndard com la penicil·lina, la hidroxiurea i la vacunació antipneumocòcica. Pocs estudis han avaluat l'impacte clínic de la introducció de programes NBS en pacients amb MSC. S'ha analitzat la incidència de la MSC i les hemoglobinopaties relacionades a Catalunya i el canvi en els esdeveniments clínics que es produeixen després de la introducció de l'ENB. Vam examinar 506.996 nadons del 2015 al 2022, vam realitzar un estudi multicèntric retrospectiu que incloïa 100 pacients amb SCD examinats (SG) i 95 sense cribratge (UG) i vam analitzar els esdeveniments clínics relacionats amb SCD durant els primers sis anys de vida. Es van diagnosticar 160 casos de MSC, amb una incidència d'1 de cada 3.169 nounats. El SG tenia una edat mitjana significativament més baixa en el moment del diagnòstic (0,1 anys vs. 1,68 anys, p <0,0001) i va iniciar la profilaxi amb penicil·lina (0,12 anys vs. 1,86 anys, p <0,0001) i el tractament amb hidroxiurea abans (1,42 anys vs. 4,5 anys). , p <0,0001). El SG va experimentar menys esdeveniments clínics mitjans relacionats amb SCD (crisi vaso-oclusiva, síndrome toràcica aguda, infeccions d'origen bacterià probable, anèmia aguda que va requerir transfusió, segrest esplènic agut i ecografia Doppler transcranial patològica) per any de seguiment (0,19 vs. 0,77, p <0,0001), un nombre reduït de visites anuals al servei d'urgències (0,37 vs. 0,76, p <0,0001) i menys hospitalitzacions (0,33 vs. 0,72, p <0,0001). El cribratge de SCD al programa NBS de Catalunya ha reduït de manera efectiva la morbiditat i ha millorat la qualitat de vida dels nens afectats