1,186 research outputs found

    Increasing Group Entitativity

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    Previous research has shown the strength of the linguistic intergroup bias across different intergroup settings. However, there is no evidence of linguistic discrimination within minimal groups. This experiment aimed to shed light on the phenomenon of linguistic intergroup discrimination in a minimal group setting, and to investigate the impact of group entitativity on this bias. Four group entitativity conditions were created by altering the mere categorization condition toward less entitativity and toward more entitativity. Participants were asked to describe the choice allegedly made by another participant in allocating resources to ingroup and outgroup members. Results showed an overall linguistic bias, whereby ingroup behaviors were described more positively and abstractly than outgroup behaviors. Increasing group entitativity resulted in increasingly biased outgroup descriptions, which in the most entitative condition revealed a predominant use of negative abstract terms

    The effects of recalling positive and negative contacts on linguistic discrimination towards migrant people

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    The present research aims to test whether varying the sequential position in which majority members recall positive and negative contacts with migrants affects the linguistic descriptions of these episodes - in terms of abstraction and valence - provided by majority group members. We also tested whether participants' prior contact with migrants and distance in time of the recalled contact experiences moderated the effect of the recall on linguistic discrimination. Across two experimental studies, evidence consistently showed that participants who recalled first positive and then negative interactions expressed less linguistic discrimination against migrants in the second event recalled, compared to those who recalled two negative interactions. Moreover, participants who reported having fewer positive intergroup experiences expressed less linguistic discrimination against migrants in recalling negative and then positive interactions, compared to recalling two positive interactions. Findings of Study 2 also revealed an effect of the temporal distance of the recalled events, with more beneficial effects of positive-negative sequences of contact when participants retrieved temporally recent compared to distant intergroup encounters. Overall, this research highlights the key role of positive contact in counteracting the effects of negative contact, leading to a reduction in linguistic discrimination

    So Far, So Close: Identification with Proximal and Distal Groups as a Resource in Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    A robust body of research has highlighted the fundamental role of social identifications in dealing with emergencies and in predicting commitment behaviors. We report the results of two studies carried out in Italy to assess whether the subjective sense of belonging to meaningful proximal and distal social groups affected people’s ability to cope with the pandemic crisis. Study 1 (N = 846) shows that different identifications with proximal (i.e., family and friends) and distal social groups (i.e., nation, European, and humankind) may act as buffers for individuals by reducing negative emotions and negative expectations about the future after COVID-19 and by increasing people’s intentions to adhere to containment measures and to be involved in prosocial actions. Study 2 (N = 350) highlights the role of European identification in predicting propensities for using the tracing app and getting vaccinated. These results confirm the benefits of various types of identification (proximal vs. distant) in helping individuals deal with the COVID-19 pandemic

    Severe Neonatal <i>Legionella</i> Pneumonia: Full Recovery After Extracorporeal Life Support

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    Legionella pneumophila is responsible for hospital or community-acquired pneumonia. Neonatal legionellosis is associated with rapidly severe clinical course and high mortality rates. We describe a case of hospital-acquired Legionella pneumonia in a newborn with undiagnosed tracheoesophageal fistula and acute respiratory failure requiring venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support before fistula repair. Standardized multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay allowed early diagnosis. Extracorporeal life support associated with appropriate antibiotic therapy, surfactant, and steroid therapy was effective in achieving complete recovery. This is the first report of successful neonatal extracorporeal life support for respiratory failure secondary to L pneumophila

    A multidimensional implicit approach to gender stereotypes

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    Research has widely explained gender inequalities in terms of gender stereotypes, according to which women are considered more nurturing, empathic, and emotional but less competent – than men. Recent evidence highlights that especially women are portrayed along multiple dimensions. In this research, we adopted an implicit Semantic Misattribution procedure to detect whether gender stereotypes have a multidimensional structure and are differently attributed to men and women. Results showed that Competence and Dominance-related terms were considered more masculine ones. In contrast, Morality and Physical Attractiveness were attributed to feminine ideograms to a higher and significant extent than masculine ones. Sociability was related to feminine and masculine ideograms almost to the same extent. The gathered evidence provided a multidimensional picture even composed of more judgment dimensions with reference to women highlighting how it can be difficult for them to meet all those multiple expectancies

    Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation in newborns: a retrospective study to describe a paradigm of treatment and identify risk factors of adverse outcome in a referral center

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    BackgroundVein of Galen aneurysmal malformation (VGAM) is a rare cerebral vascular malformation associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Newborns with VGAM without adequate treatment may develop rapidly deteriorating high output heart failure (HOHF) and are at risk for severe neurological outcomes.ObjectiveTo describe the clinical course and management of newborns with VGAM, and identify which echocardiographic and neuroradiologic factors may be associated with severe heart failure at birth and adverse short term outcomes.MethodsThis is a single center retrospective cohort study including all consecutive newborns with VGAM admitted to Gaslini Children's Hospital between 2009 and 2022. We reviewed clinical data, intensive care support, fetal and neonatal cardiologic and neuroradiologic findings and we studied the association with severe HOHF, endovascular complications and death.ResultsOut of 40 newborns, 17 (42.5%) developed severe HOHF requiring early endovascular procedures. Medical treatment was focused on the main components of HOHF by providing inotropic support and peripheral vasodilation. Pulmonary vasodilators were avoided to reduce the negative effects of pulmonary overflow and prevent vascular remodeling. Reduction of the obligatory left to right shunt through the VGAM was possible only through endovascular treatment. Fetal cardiothoracic ratio was significantly associated with severe HOHF at birth and death. Cardiologic parameters of right ventricular overload, pulmonary hypertension and systemic steal were the leading findings associated with haemodynamic compromise at birth. The mediolateral diameter of the straight or falcine sinus at its shortest section (SS-MD), and arterial pseudofeeders were significantly associated with severe HOHF at birth in prenatal and postnatal assessments. None of the postnatal echocardiographic and MRI variables, nor a higher inotropic support were associated with major periprocedural complications or death. Mortality was due to palliation for congenital severe brain damage (4/40, 10%), or major periprocedural complications (3/40, 7.5%). None of the patients died due to HOHF and multiorgan failure. Overall survival at discharge was 82.5% (33/40).ConclusionsThe complexity of neonatal VGAM pathophysiology requires a multidisciplinary approach, specialized intensive care management, and early endovascular treatment to reduce mortality and optimize clinical outcomes. Cardiologic and neuroradiologic parameters are key to define risk stratification and treatment strategies