29 research outputs found

    Prevalence and incidence rates of dementia and cognitive impairment no dementia in the Mexican population: data from the Mexican Health and Aging Study

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    Objective To estimate the prevalence and incidence of dementia and cognitive impairment without dementia (CIND) in the Mexican population. Methods The MHAS study is a prospective panel study of health and aging in Mexico with 7,000 elders that represent 8 million subjects nationally. Using measurements of cognition and activities of daily living of dementia cases and CIND were identified at baseline and follow up. Overall incidence rates and specific rates for sex, age and education were calculated. Results Prevalence was 6.1% and 28.7% for dementia and CIND, respectively. Incidence rates were 27.3 per 1,000 person-years for dementia and 223 per 1,000 persons-year for CIND. Rates of dementia and CIND increased with advancing age and decreased with higher educational level; sex had a differential effect depending on the age strata. Hypertension, diabetes and depression were risk factors for dementia but not for CIND. Discussion These data provide estimates of prevalence and incidence of dementia and cognitive impairment in the Mexican population for projection of future burden

    Normative and standardized data for cognitive measures in the Mexican Health and Aging Study

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    Objective: To describe the cognitive instrument used in the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) in Mexican individuals aged 60 and over and to provide normative values for the Cross Cultural Cognitive Examination test and its modified versions (CCCE). Materials and methods: The CCCE was administered to 5,120 subjects as part of a population-based sample free of neurologic and psychiatric disease from the MHAS 2012 survey. Normative data were generated by age and education for each test in the cognitive instrument as well as for the total cognition score. Pearson correlations and analysis of variance were used to examine the relationship of scores to demographic variables. Results: Results present standardized normed scores for eight cognitive domains: orientation, attention, verbal learning memory, verbal recall memory, visuospatial abilities, visual memory, executive function, and numeracy in three education groups within three age groups. Conclusion: These findings highlight the need for population-based norms for the CCCE, which has been used in population-based studies. Demographic factors such as age and education must be considered when interpreting the cognitive measures

    Gender, Personality, and Cognitive Resilience Against Early-Life Disadvantage

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    Objectives: Early-life disadvantage (ELD) relates to lower late-life cognition. However, personality factors, including having an internal locus of control (LOC) or a conscientious personality, relate to resilience and effective stress coping. We explore whether personality factors convey resilience against the negative effects of ELD on cognition, by gender, in Mexico. Methods: Using the 2015 Mexican Health and Aging Study, we estimated expected cognition using multiple ELD markers to identify a subsample in the lowest quartile of expected cognition given ELD (n = 2,086). In this subsample, we estimated cross-sectional associations between personality and having above-median observed cognitive ability (n = 522) using logistic regression. Results: Among those in the lowest quartile of expected cognition, a more internal LOC (β = 0.32 [men] and β = 0.44 [women]) and conscientious personality (β = 0.39 [men] and β = 0.17 [women]) were significantly associated with having above-median cognitive ability in models adjusted for demographic confounders. Larger benefits of conscientiousness were observed for men than women. Associations between personality and having above-median cognitive ability remained statistically significant after further adjustment for health, stress, and cognitive stimulation variables, regardless of gender. Discussion: Personality factors may convey resilience among individuals who experienced ELD, potentially breaking the link between ELD and worse late-life cognition. Structural factors and gender roles may affect how much women benefit from personality factors

    [Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for dementia in the Mexican elder population] Diabetes mellitus como factor de riesgo de demencia en la población adulta mayor mexicana

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    Introduction: Diabetes and dementia are growing problems throughout the world and especially in developing countries. Aim: To determine the risk of developing dementia in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients and methods: Diabetic elders free of dementia from the Mexican Health and Aging study, a prospective community-based cohort research were followed after two years. Socio-demographic factors, comorbid conditions and type of diabetes treatment were analyzed in subjects who become demented. Results: At baseline, 749 participants (13.8%) had diabetes mellitus. During the follow-up period (mean: 2.02 years; range: 1-3 years), 306 of 749 persons with diabetes mellitus developed dementia, yielding a relative risk (RR) of 2.08 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI = 1.59-2.73). The effect was strongest in persons aged 80 years or older with a RR of 2.44 (95% CI = 1.46-4.08), men had a greater relative risk than women (RR = 2.25; 95% CI = 1.46-3.49 vs. RR = 1.98; 95% CI = 1.08-1.11) and subjects with low education (\u3c 7 years of schooling) had a significant RR while those with higher education didn\u27t. Individuals treated with insulin where at highest risk of dementia (RR = 2.83; 95% CI = 1.58-5.06). Hypertension (RR = 2.75; 95% CI = 1.86-4.06) and depression (RR = 3.78; 95% CI = 2.37-6.04) where the two comorbidities which increased the risk of dementia. Conclusions: Subjects with diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of developing dementia. Sociodemographic factors and other co-morbidities highly prevalent in the Mexican population contribute to the diabetes-dementia association. - Introducción: La diabetes mellitus y las demencias constituyen dos problemas crecientes de salud entre la población adulta mayor del mundo y, en particular, de los países en desarrollo. Hacen falta estudios longitudinales sobre el papel de la diabetes como factor de riesgo de demencia.Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo de demencia en sujetos mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2.Pacientes y métodos: Los sujetos diabéticos libres de demencia pertenecientes al Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México fueron evaluados a los dos años de la línea de base. Se estudió el papel de los factores sociodemográficos, de otras comorbilidades y del tipo de tratamiento en la conversión a demencia.Resultados: Antes de iniciar el estudio, 749 sujetos (13,8%) padecían diabetes. El riesgo de desarrollar demencia en estos individuos fue el doble (riesgo relativo, RR = 2,08; intervalo de confianza del 95%, IC 95% = 1,59-2,73). Se encontró un riesgo mayor en individuos de 80 años y más (RR = 2,44; IC 95% = 1,46-4,08), en los hombres (RR = 2,25; IC 95% = 1,46-3,49) y en sujetos con nivel educativo inferior a siete años. El estar bajo tratamiento con insulina incrementó el riesgo de demencia (RR = 2,83; IC 95% = 1,58-5,06). Las otras comorbilidades que aumentaron el riesgo de demencia en los pacientes diabéticos fueron la hipertensión (RR = 2,75; IC 95% = 1,86-4,06) y la depresión (RR = 3,78; IC 95% = 2,37-6,04).Conclusión: Los sujetos con diabetes mellitus tienen un riesgo mayor de desarrollar demencia. La baja escolaridad y otras comorbilidades altamente prevalentes en la población mexicana contribuyen a la asociación diabetes-demencia

    Incidencia que tiene la participación de los jóvenes en los grupos juveniles respecto a su formación integral, calidad de vida y compromiso social, en la Universidad Nacional, Universidad de Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia tres instituciones de educación superior, de Medellín.

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    En la Universidad de Medellín, se planteó por parte de un grupo interdisciplinario de investigadores, la posibilidad de mirar la Incidencia que tiene la participación de los jóvenes, en los grupos juveniles, respecto a la Formación Integral, Calidad de Vida y Compromiso Social. El estudio fue realizado en tres Instituciones de Educación Superior de Medellín, escogiéndose: la Universidad Nacional, la Universidad de Medellín, y la Universidad de Antioquia. El grupo de investigadores identifica la importancia e influencia de los grupos juveniles en la comunidad estudiantil, ya que en estos se encuentra una gran diversidad de edades, etnias, clases sociales, e intereses, entre otros; lo cual estimula a los jóvenes a la búsqueda de diferentes propuestas de agrupación que ayudan a su Formación Integral, a mejorar su Calidad de Vida, y su Compromiso Social. Una vez obtenidos los resultados se tiene la posibilidad de: La creación de redes entre los grupos de las diferentes Instituciones de Educación Superior. La inclusión dentro de los grupos establecidos por Bienestar Universitario, según los intereses encontrados. El enriquecimiento de las memorias y el patrimonio cultural, artístico, científico, tecnológico y ambiental de las tres Instituciones Universidad Nacional, Universidad de Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia. Palabras claves: Formación Integral, Instituciones de Educación Superior, Bienestar Universitario, grupos juveniles, Calidad de Vida, Compromiso Social.An interdisciplinary group of researchers from Medellin University plan to look at the impact that participation of young people has on youth groups in relation to comprehensive training, quality of life and social involvement. The study was done in three higher education institutions: National University, Antioquia University and Medellin University. The researchers have identified the importance and influence of youth groups in the student community as these groups represent a wide variety of ages, racial groups, social class and interests, stimulating youth to find different ways to form groups that will further help in their quality of life, social involvement and comprehensive training. Once the result of the study is complete further possibilities include: The creation on links between the groups and the Higher education institutions. Inclusion of groups to the student welfare office according to the different interests found. Contributing to the cultural, artistic, scientific and environmental heritage of the institutions Key words: comprehensive training, higher education institutions, student welfare office, youth groups, quality of life, social engagement

    La personería en general y la personería como ministerio público

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    Este trabajo se hace en base al concepto general de lo que es un Personero Municipal y principalmente en su función como MINISTERIO PÚBLICO. Realmente no existe definición jurídica de lo que es el Personero Municipal, solo se alude a él como “Agente del Ministerio Publico”, “Defensor del Pueblo”, “Veedor Ciudadano”, pero que significa verdaderamente “El Personero”, es el que tiene una personería, quien lleva LA VOZ de la comunidad, quien defiende sus intereses, la Personería Municipal es un órgano de vigilancia encargado de vigilar por el cumplimiento de la Constitución , Leyes, Ordenanzas , Acuerdos Y Órdenes Superiores en el Municipio y de vigilar la conducta de los empleados Municipales. Se puede decir entonces que el Personero Municipal es la personificación del control popular en la administración local encargado de velar por el cumplimiento de las normas legales que garantizan los derechos y responsabilidades de la sociedad y del individuo dentro del marco del Municipio. El control a la administración es fundamental ya que la democracia es ante todo un sistema de controles para evitar los abusos del poder, puede apreciarse a magnitud de las responsabilidades de los Personeros y su directa incidencia en el ejercicio de la democracia local. Ya en los albores de renacimiento en los Municipios italianos existía la Institución del SYNDICATUS OFFICIALIUM. Al finalizar su cargo los responsables de la administración ciudadana y los altos funcionarios se sometían por un periodo variable de tiempo al juicio de los administrados. En el caso del Municipio Colombiano el papel del personero siempre ha estado vinculado al control del ejercicio del poder en nombre de los más altos intereses de la sociedad local

    Prevalence of self-reported overweight-obesity and its association with socioeconomic and health factors among older Mexican adults

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of obesity and its association with socioeconomic factors and comorbidities in a population-based study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were examined from 4,605 persons ages 60 and older that participated in the 2001 Mexican Health and Aging Study, conducted in rural and urban communities in Mexico. The prevalence of obesity (according to self-reported weight and height) was obtained, stratified by age, and logistic regression was used to study cross-sectional associations between obesity and socioeconomic factors. RESULTS: Of the population studied, 20.9% were classified as obese and the prevalence diminishes with age. Overall, women were more likely than men to be obese. Lower educational level was associated with lower risk of overweight. In both men and women, obesity was more common between subjects with hypertension (OR 1.38 and 1.71, respectively) and long-distance walk limitation (OR 2.08 and 2.21, respectively). CONCLUSION: In older Mexican adults, hypertension and long-distance walk limitation were independent associated factors for higher prevalence of obesity. - Objetivo: Estudiar la prevalencia de obesidad y su asociación con factores socioeconómicos y comorbilidades. Material y métodos: Se analizaron los datos de 4 605 personas de 60 años y más que participaron en el Estudio Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México 2001 (ENASEM 2001) en zonas rurales y urbanas. La prevalencia de obesidad (peso y talla autorreportados) se obtuvo estratificada por edad y mediante una regresión logística se asoció con factores socioeconómicos. Resultados: 20.9% se clasificaron como obesos y la prevalencia disminuyó con la edad. En general las mujeres tuvieron mayor probabilidad de ser obesas. Una baja escolaridad se asoció con menor riesgo de sobrepeso. En hombres y mujeres la obesidad se asoció con hipertensión (RM 1.38 y 1.71 respectivamente) y con dificultad para caminar (RM 2.08 y 2.21 respectivamente). Conclusión: En la población de edad avanzada en México la hipertensión y la dificultad para caminar varias cuadras se asoció con mayor prevalencia de obesidad

    Living Arrangements and Dementia Among the Oldest Old: A Comparison of Mexicans and Mexican Americans

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    Background and Objectives The growing population of adults surviving past age 85 in the United States and Mexico raises questions about the living arrangements of the oldest old and those living with dementia. This study compares Mexican and Mexican American individuals aged 85 and older to identify associations with cognitive status and living arrangements in Mexico and the United States. Research Design and Methods This study includes 419 Mexican Americans in 5 southwestern states (Hispanic Established Population for the Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly) and 687 Mexicans from a nationally representative sample (Mexican Health and Aging Study). It examines characteristics associated with living alone using logistic regression and describes the living arrangements of older adults with probable dementia in each country. Results Older adults with dementia were significantly less likely to live alone than with others in the United States while there were no relationships between dementia and living arrangements in Mexico. However, a substantial proportion of older adults with dementia lived alone in both nations: 22% in the United States and 21% in Mexico. Among Mexican Americans with dementia, those living alone were more likely to be women, childless, reside in assisted living facilities, and less likely to own their homes. Similarly, Mexican individuals with dementia who lived alone were also less likely to be homeowners than those living with others. Discussion and Implications Contextual differences in living arrangements and housing between the United States and Mexico pose different challenges for aging populations with a high prevalence of dementia

    [Cognitive impairment and associated factors in older adults in Mexico]

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of cognitive impairment in the elderly and its relation with sociodemographic and health factors in the Mexican population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From the first wave data of the National Aging and Health Study, collected in 2001 in Mexico, subjects 65 years or older and who had completed a cognitive assessment were selected. Subjects were classified according to two groups: with and without cognitive impairment, based on the cutoff point corresponding to the 10th percentile of the total cognitive assessment score, adjusted for age and educational level. All subjects with cognitive impairment that also had difficulty with one of the activities of daily living were classified as a third group: with cognitive impairment and functional dependency. Prevalence rates were calculated, and an association with demographic and health variables was established through regression analysis. RESULTS: Seven percent of the population had cognitive impairment while 3.3% had both conditions. The probability of cognitive impairment was not significantly associated with any demographic or health variables. Cognitive impairment and functional dependency indicated an association with gender, age, marital status, diabetes, stroke, heart disease and depression. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of cognitive impairment and its relation with chronic disease frequently observed in the Mexican elderly suggest the need to increase early identification of both conditions in the population.