3,157 research outputs found

    Strengthening the European Civil Judicial Cooperation: the patrimonial effects of family relationships = Verso il rafforzamento della cooperazione giudiziaria civile nell’Unione Europea: gli effetti patrimoniali delle relazioni familiari

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    Abstract: The present article offers a first overlook on the two recently adopted regulations on the civil judicial cooperation in the field of the matrimonial and the partnership property regimes. After a general and historical presentation, the article distinguishes between some EU «classical» normative solutions and the most important innovations enshrined in the regulations. The latter are duly scrutinised, with particular regard to the role of party autonomy, the connection with different pending cases, and the judicial margin of appreciation. The connecting factors for the determination of the jurisdiction and the applicable law are analysed, too. Finally, the article makes some comments on the enactment of enhanced cooperation in the fields of civil law affecting family law and its impact on the private parties. Keywords: matrimonial property regime, partnership property regime, enhanced cooperation, party autonomy, EU civil judicial cooperation, family law. Riassunto: Il presente contributo offre una prima analisi dei due recenti regolamenti sulla cooperazione giudiziaria civile in materia di regimi patrimoniali fra coniugi e di effetti patrimoniali delle unioni registrate. Dopo una presentazione di carattere generale e storico, si opera una prima distinzione fra alcune soluzioni oramai classiche nella materia, e talune importanti novità introdotte dai regolamenti. Queste ultime sono analizzate con maggior grado di dettaglio, concentrandosi soprattutto sul ruolo dell’autonomia delle parti, la connessione con altri procedimenti pendenti, e il margine di discrezionalità attribuito al giudice. Sono quindi esaminati i titoli di giurisdizione e i criteri di collegamento. Infine, sono presentate talune osservazioni sull’attuazione di cooperazioni rafforzate nell’ambito del diritto internazionale della famiglia, e il loro impatto sulle parti private. Parole chiave: regime patrimoniale della famiglia, effetti patrimoniali delle unioni registrate, cooperazione rafforzata, autonomia della volontà, cooperazione giudiziaria civile, diritto di famiglia.doi: https://doi.org/10.20318/cdt.2017.362

    L’ordine pubblico: uniti nella diversità… nel matrimonio?

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    The present paper tackles the development of the notion of public policy in the definition of the concept of marriage. It starts from brief remarks on the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of the right to free movement of people and of the European Court of Human Rights on the right to private and family life. Then, it analyses the uncertainties stemming from the national divergences. Further, the impact of the Coman case on the applicability of EU measures on civil judicial cooperation and on the notion of public policy is examined. Conclusively, the paper submits some considerations on the modern function of the public policy.5Il presente lavoro indaga lo sviluppo della nozione di ordine pubblico nella definizione di matrimonio. Prendendo le mosse dalla giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea nell’ambito della libera circolazione delle persone e della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo sul diritto alla vita privata e familiare, sono analizzate le incertezze derivanti dalle divergenze normative nazionali. Quindi, è esaminato l’impatto della sentenza Coman della Corte di giustizia sia nell’ambito dell’applicazione dei regolamenti dell’Unione europea nella cooperazione giudiziaria civile, sia nella nozione di ordine pubblico. Conclusivamente, sono proposte alcune considerazioni sulle funzioni dell’ordine pubblico in chiave moderna. &nbsp

    Multivariate meta-analysis of QTL mapping studies

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    A large number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for milk production and quality traits in dairy cattle has been reported in literature. The large amount of information available could be exploited by meta-analyses to draw more general conclusions from results obtained in different experimental conditions (animals, statistical methodologies). QTL meta-analyses have been carried out to estimate the distribution of QTL effects in livestock and to find consensus on QTL position. In this study, multivariate dimension reduction techniques are used to analyse a database of dairy cattle QTL published results, in order to extract latent variables able to characterise the research. A total of 92 papers by 72 authors were found on 25 scientific Journals for the period January 1995-February 2008. More than thirty parameters were picked up from the articles. To overcome the problem of different map location, the flanking markers were mapped on release 4.1 of the Bos taurus genome sequence (www.ensembl. org). Their position was retrieved from public databases and, when absent, was calculated in silico by blasting (http://blast.wustl.edu/) the markers’ nucleotide sequence against the genomic sequence. Records were discarded if flanking markers or P-values were not available. After these edits, the final archive consisted of 1,162 records. Seven selected variables were analysed both with the Factor Analysis (FA), combined with the varimax rotation technique, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). FA was able to explain 68% of the original variability with 3 latent factors: the first factor extracted was highly associated (factor loading of 0.98) to marker location along the chromosome and could be considered as a marker map index; the second factor showed factor loadings of 0.74 and 0.84 related to the variable number of animals involved and year of the experiment, respectively, and it can be regarded as an indicator of the dimension of the study; the third factor was correlated to the significance level of the statistical test (0.78), number of families (0.63), and, negatively, to the marker density (-0.43). It can be named as index of power of the experiment. Same patterns can be observed in the eigenvectors of PCA. Four PCs were able to explain about 80% of the original variance. The first two PCs basically underlined accurately the same structure found with the first two factors in FA, whereas PC3 and PC4 summarized the structure of F3. The score that each QTL gets on each Factor or PC could be useful to classify the original QTL records and make them more comparable once that the redundancy of information has been removed

    Bmi1 in development and tumorigenesis of the central nervous system

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    The role of the Polycomb group gene Bmi1 in proliferation control of lymphoid and neuronal progenitors as well as in self-renewal of haematopoietic and neural stem cells has been recently demonstrated. Here we review these recent findings with particular regard to their implications for central nervous system development and tumorigenesi

    Energy Service Companies Market in Europe - Status Report 2010

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    The present report is the 2007-2010 European ESCO status report, continuing the work of the "Latest Development of Energy Services Companies across Europe European" (Status Report 2007) published by the European Commission DG Joint Research Center in 2007 and which covered the European ESCO market development during 2005-2007. The first ESCO report of this series is Energy Service Companies in Europe (Status Report 2005) published by the European Commission DG Joint Research Center in 2005. The aim of the present report is to update and to investigate the specific situation in every country in more detail. To this end, the authors sketch the current status of national markets, and identify changes that have occurred during 2007-2010. In addition, the factors influencing the development are investigated. Specific barriers are identified and potential interventions to increase energy efficiency investments and to exploit energy saving potentials through ESCOs across Europe are discussed.JRC.DDG.F.8-Renewable Energy (Ispra

    The Ambiguity in Immunology

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    In the present article, we discuss the various ambiguous aspects of the immune system that render this complex biological network so highly flexible and able to defend the host from different external invaders. This ambiguity stems mainly from the property of the immune system to be both protective and harmful. Immunity cannot be fully protective without producing a certain degree of damage (immunopathology) to the host. The balance between protection and tissue damage is, therefore, critical for the establishment of immune homeostasis and protection. In this review, we will consider as ambiguous, various immunological tactics including: (a) the opposing functions driving immune responses, immune-regulation, and contra-regulation, as well as (b) the phenomenon of chronic immune activation as a result of a continuous cross-presentation of apoptotic T cells by dendritic cells. All these plans participate principally to maintain a state of chronic low-level inflammation during persisting infections, and ultimately to favor the species survival

    Groups of companies and jurisdiction in the context of the private enforcement of Competition Law of the European Union

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    Il presente lavoro analizza le implicazioni internazionalprivatistiche del principio dell’unità economica nell’ambito del diritto della concorrenza dell’Unione europea. Prendendo spunto dalla sentenza della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea nel caso Sumal, viene analizzata la rilevanza del principio nel private enforcement. Quindi si verificano gli effetti dell’applicazione del regolamento n. 1215/2012 e del regolamento n. 864/2007 agli illeciti antitrust con implicazioni transfrontaliere per sottolinearne, in conclusione, il favor che il principio dell’unità economica implicitamente realizza nei confronti dei danneggiati, in particolare dei consumatori o degli utilizzatori finali.  This contribution analyses the cross borders effects of the concept of economic unit within EU competition law. The CJEU’s case in Sumal offers the opportunity to investigate the applicability and the impact of the concept within the private enforcement. Then, the effects of the application of regulation No. 1215/2012 and of regulation No. 864/2007 are analysed with regard to the antitrust infringements with cross borders implications, in order to examine finally the favourable impact for the protection in favour of the victims, with particular regard to consumers, driven by the concept