37 research outputs found

    The compositional model of Santo Domingo and Cartagena fortifications between old and new world

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    The work of the Antonelli family has determined the constructive characteristics of Spanish forti- fications in the new world. Their fame is due to Giovanni Battista, the military and hydraulic engineer of Italian origin, and training in the Spanish Crown service. During the second half of the sixteenth century, he designed and built the defense of the Iberian Peninsula’s borders, taking care of Cartagena’s port city, the coast of the Kingdom of Valencia, and the African ports of Oran and Mazalquivir. An extensive work, whose characters are taken from the younger brother, Battista Antonelli, planned the defensive system of fortresses and walls in the Caribbean and, more generally, in the Spanish colonies of Central America. In the first decades of the seventeenth century, the New World was a destination for explorations and observations by the great monarchies of the old continent: the English, French, Dutch, and Spanish fought over lands and businesses on a Caribbean sea that became international. In 1586 Philip II of Spain nominated Battista Antonelli as his engineer, with the specific aim of structuring the defense of the lands of the Corona overseas. Over the years, Antonelli inspects and presents design proposals for many cities in Central America, working from Colombia, Panama, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Cuba. The text addresses, in particular, the description of Cartagena de Indi- as and Santo Domingo, comparing them through the narration of two analysis, training, and docu- mentation projects conducted here by the DAda LAB Research Laboratory

    Chapter Strategie per la rappresentazione dei segni e degli iconemi del paesaggio irriguo pavese

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Documentation of the waterways in the pavia flat land. Experience in detection with SLAM technology for the development of information models

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    The research, promoted by the DAda-LAB Laboratory of the University of Pavia, aims to structure a methodology and an operational protocol for the documentation of water canals in the Pavia territory. This protocol appears necessary to optimize the various phases that characterize both the documentation activities and the three-dimensional graphic representation of the agricultural territories of the flat land and their canalization networks through information systems. The study evaluates the most functional procedures to respect a infographics conformity in the building of reliable 3D models. The investigation activities see the construction of digital atlases on the elements that constitute the landscape. The result aims to product an informatic system to promote territory knowledge. This product qualifies as a documentary corpus made up of models, census data, and more generally of information systems connected to point clouds and 3D surveys. The result allows obtaining technical information, functional to administrations and consortia to simplify and improve the management of the territory, with economic and productive advantages

    Providing a nurse-led complex nursing INtervention FOcused on quality of life assessment on advanced cancer patients: The INFO-QoL pilot trial.

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    PURPOSE Unmet needs for advanced-disease cancer patients are fatigue, pain, and emotional support. Little information is available about the feasibility of interventions focused on patient-reported outcome measurement developed according to the Medical Research Council (MRC) Framework in advanced-disease cancer patients. We aimed to pilot a nurse-led complex intervention focused on QoL assessment in advanced-disease cancer patients. METHODS The INFO-QoL study was based on an exploratory, nonequivalent comparison group, pre-test-post-test design. Study sites received either the INFO-QoL intervention or usual care. Adult advanced-disease cancer patients admitted to hospice inpatient units that gave their informed consent were included in the study. Subjects were 187 patients and their families and 19 healthcare professionals. We evaluated feasibility, acceptability, and patients' outcomes using the Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale. RESULTS Nineteen healthcare professionals were included. The mean competence score increased significantly over time (p < 0.001) and the mean usefulness score was high 8.63 (±1.36). In the post-test phase, 54 patients were allocated to the experimental unit and 36 in the comparison unit. Compared to the comparison unit, in the experimental unit anxiety (R2 = 0.07; 95% CI = -0.06; 0.19), family anxiety (R2 = 0.22; 95% CI = -0.03; 0.41), depression (R2 = 0.31; 95% CI = -0.05; 0.56) and sharing feelings (R2 = 0.09; 95% CI = -0.05; 0.23), were improved between pre-test and post-test phase. CONCLUSIONS The INFO-QoL was feasible and potentially improved psychological outcomes. Despite the high attrition rate, the INFO-QoL improved the quality and safety culture for patients in palliative care settings

    Procedure di rappresentazione per l’analisi e la gestione del sistema di canalizzazione della piana pavese. Representation Procedures for the Analysis and Management of the Canalization System of the Pavia Plain

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    La piana pavese, per la storica ricchezza del suo sistema di canalizzazioni, si presta quale ambiente emblematico al racconto di trasformazioni e modifiche del territorio legate alla tematica dell’acqua. Questi mutamenti, nel tempo, hanno definito il carattere identitario di insediamenti rurali, borghi e città, segnando profondamente lo sviluppo del territorio. I percorsi dell’acqua, comprensivi delle tratte un tempo navigabili di collegamento tra le realtà urbane della piana, hanno permeato i diversi ambienti costruiti. Opere di cui sono esempi alzaie, ponti, chiuse e scali sono qui disseminate, dando luogo a una complessa morfologia caratterizzata da lievi pendenze, dislivelli e una struttura che dipende da una rete di episodi ingegneristici. Tale rete è costituita da una moltitudine di elementi: un patrimonio idraulico che oggi ha perduto parte delle sue funzioni mantenendo però una presenza dalla valenza storica ed economica, che esplicita un elevato potenziale in termini di patrimonio culturale. Al fine di conoscere, gestire e valorizzare questo patrimonio è stata avviata una ricerca per definire le più opportune strategie di documentazione e di rappresentazione mediante tecnologie digitali. Le attività condotte intendono perseguire obiettivi di tipo: documentale, il recupero dei segni di quegli elementi identitari legati al sistema idrico; di sensibilizzazione, la comunicazione attraverso la rappresentazione; e gestionale, la traduzione di questi segni in strumenti veloci e affidabili di conoscenza del patrimonio idraulico e della sua collocazione sul territorio, di utilità per la pubblica amministrazione e per le associazioni che gestiscono i corsi d’acqua. Il presente contributo propone una sperimentazione sulle attività di acquisizione ed elaborazione dati, ponendo a confronto diverse metodologie di ricerca applicata tese a validare forme di rappresentazione impiegando modelli e mappe tridimensionali dei sistemi e delle reti idrauliche. Da una prima fase di indagine cartografica e di analisi delle fonti, riscontrando le specificità dei luoghi attraverso sopralluoghi sul campo, è stata individuata un’area campione sulla quale condurre le sperimentazioni. In questa sono visibili i due navigli, il vecchio e il nuovo; la chiusa di Borgarello, l’ultima conca geograficamente collocata all’interno del territorio comunale di Pavia; il piccolo centro urbano della frazione del Cassinino e numerosi canali irrigui che si dipartono da entrambi i navigli. L’area è di interesse per una serie di manufatti idraulici storici di pregio, alcuni dei quali rimasti visibili solamente in questa conca. Per ottenere una corretta documentazione di argini, elementi architettonici idraulici e reti distributive, dando loro configurazione all’interno di un database metricamente e geometricamente affidabile, sono state condotte campagne di acquisizione con strumentazione digitale. Immaginando che queste procedure potessero poi essere replicate su un territorio più ampio, è stata valutata la modalità di rilevamento con strumentazione di tipo fast survey. La totalità dei dati raccolti ha permesso di costruire un modello tridimensionale discretizzato a scala territoriale e modelli tridimensionali di dettaglio degli elementi del patrimonio idraulico. I prodotti digitali ottenuti aprono la strada a diverse applicazioni possibili, tra cui quelle inerenti alla facilitazione della gestione del patrimonio da parte di pubbliche amministrazioni o associazioni attive sul territorio, tramite l’inserimento di modelli 3D su piattaforma GIS per la definizione di mappe tridimensionali

    Fast survey and digital databases of fortified systems for the tale of Venetian "Stato da Mar"

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    The contribution intends to describe the experience conducted within the project, promoted by the Veneto Region, The Venetian fortifications in the eastern Mediterranean basin. The research activities, aimed at understanding and enhancing the historical and architectural heritage of the Serenissima in the Stato da Mar, have involved territories of Dalmatia and Montenegro. Research on Venetian fortifications was divided into 3 phases: historical documentation, field surveys, and analysis of the construction techniques that qualify these defensive systems, which connect the magistral walls of Verona with the Croatian coast up to Cyprus. The result of the narration of the places, through their graphic reproduction, highlights their identity characters. The creation of digital databases and 3D models allows the knowledge and maintenance of the investigated architectures. The documentary corpus of photographic images and photogrammetric models aims to create an updated archive on the works. The use of digital instruments and systems, from Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Mobile Laser Scanning to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, with a view to a fast survey, has made a substantial census possible in a short time. The data acquired and integrated with the post-production phase favored the development of protection and management actions for these sites, also for UNESCO