83 research outputs found


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    We report on new hosts and new localities of pseudoscorpions of the genus Epichernes Muchmore, 1982. The three known species of this genus have been found on rodents of the family Heteromyidae. This is the first time that E. aztecus Hentschel, 1982, has been collected on Liomys irroratus Gary, 1868, and L. pictus Thomas, 1893, from the states of Nuevo Leon and Durango, respectively. We found E. navarroi Muchmore, 1990, on Heteromys gaumeri Allen, 1897, in Yucatan; this is a new locality for this pseudoscorpion previously known only from Quintana Roo on the same rodent species


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    The dry forests in the northern YucatanPeninsula are highly important not only forscience but also for the conservation of biodiversity because of their unique biogeographical and ecological characteristics. Thecombination of arid climate, stony soil andrelative isolation from other biogeographical regions, has resulted in their shelteringan important proportion of the peninsula’sendemic taxa. Nevertheless, this regionsuffers from such human pressures as cattleranches and the exploitation of limestonebanks. This scenario makes it necessary todescribe the ecological changes on the landonce it has been abandoned after being usedfor agriculture, because there is no pristineforest in Yucatan. We compared the structure and composition of trees and shrubson abandoned agricultural land of differentages. All sites were derived from tropicaldry forest, a vegetation type which containsseveral endangered species. The changesin composition and relative abundance ofthe subfamilies belonging to the Leguminosae (Papilonoideae, Mimosoideae andCaesalpinoideae) were also reported, sincethis family was the most abundant at thestudy site. Average tree height and densityand shrub richness showed larger changeswith increasing number of years withoutmanagement (ANOVA, P< 0.05). Youngerplots (1-5 years and currently in use) were more similar among themselves than to older sites (more than five and more than tenyears). The Leguminosae were the richestfamily in species in all the plots and oneof the most abundant, possibly indicatinga history of intense use. Agriculture tendsto deplete nitrogen from the soil, whichgives a competitive advantage to legumes.Papilonoideae were the most abundant inolder sites (more than five and more thanten years), whereas Mimosoideae dominated recently abandoned sites (five years orless) and those currently in use. Metopiumbrownei, Bursera simaruba and Plumeriarubra were the most abundant species in theoldest site. The first two are found in almostall types of terrestrial vegetation on the Yucatan Peninsula, and all three are reportedas being very resistant to disturbance, suchas fire or damage associated with woodharvest, and to regenerate readily. Theirpresence may indicate a history of intenseuse of this region.Las selvas bajas del norte de Yucatán sonde gran importancia científica y conservacionista; sus condiciones de aridez, pedregosidad del suelo y su relativo aislamientode otras regiones biogeográficas le permitenalbergar una importante proporción de losendemismos de la península. No obstantelo anterior, esta área sufre de presionespor actividades humanas, principalmentela ganadería, agricultura y la extracción depiedra caliza. Por esta razón se hace necesario estudiar los cambios en la vegetaciónen las tierras agropecuarias después de suabandono. Se comparó la estructura y composición de árboles y arbustos de potrerosderivados de selva baja caducifolia espinosaen Dzilam, Yucatán con diferentes tiemposde abandono. Se reportan los cambios enla composición y abundancia de las tressubfamilias pertenecientes a la familia Leguminosae (Papilonoideae, Mimosoideae yCaesalpinoideae) ya que es una familia muyimportante en los trópicos secos y fue la másabundante y rica en nuestra área de estudio.Se encontró que la altura y la abundancia deindividuos del estrato arbóreo y la riquezadel estrato arbustivo fueron las variables que cambiaron de manera más intensa conla edad de abandono (ANOVA, P < 0.05).Los sitios de pasto en uso y sitios con menos de cinco años de abandono mostraronuna mayor semejanza en la composición deespecies entre ellos que con los más antiguos. Las parcelas con más de 10 y 5 añosde abandono formaron otro grupo, aunquecon un bajo valor de similitud (Sorensen <0.2). La familia Leguminosae fue la másrica en especies en los estratos arbustivoy arbóreo. Las leguminosas también seencontraron entre las más abundantes. Estose explica por un suelo pobre en nutrientesy la historia de manejo intenso, ya quesu capacidad de establecer simbiosis conmicroorganismos fijadores de nitrógenoles confiere una ventaja competitiva. Lasabundancias relativas de las mimosoideasfueron las más altas en los sitios de recienteabandono, en tanto que las de papilonoideasdominaron en los sitios más antiguos. Lasespecies más abundantes en el sitio de másde 10 años resultaron ser Bursera simaruba,Metopium brownei y Plumeria rubra. Lasprimeras dos se encuentran en casi todos lostipos de vegetación terrestre de la Penínsulade Yucatán. Las tres especies son resistentesa disturbios, como incendios o destrucción asociada a la explotación maderera y poseenuna alta capacidad de regeneración, lo quepuede indicar una historia de uso intenso deeste tipo de vegetación

    Diversidad de murciélagos (Chiroptera: Mammalia) en dos zonas arqueológicas de Yucatán, México

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    Las zonas arqueológicas (ZAs) representan un patrimonio cultural por ser un vestigio material de las culturas de nuestros antepasados; sin embargo, se desconoce su potencial para la conservación biológica. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la diversidad de murciélagos en las ZAs Dzibilchaltún y Kabah en Yucatán, México, destacando su potencial para la conservación. Aunque la riqueza de especies no fue significativamente diferente entre ambas ZAs, existen diferencias en la diversidad y la composición de los gremios tróficos que pueden estar asociados con diferencias en las condiciones ambientales de cada ZA. Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que éstos sitios albergan un alto procentaje de riqueza de especies, tanto a nivel del estado de Yucatán (41%) como de la península (28%), demostrando su importancia como reservorios de diversidad y su potencial para complementar las políticas de conservación

    Área de actividad, movimiento y organización social de Heteromys gaumeri Allen y Chapman, 1897 (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) en una Selva Mediana Subcaducifolia de Yucatán, México

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    The purpouse of this study was to examinate the dynamics of Home Range (HR) and the social behaviour of Heteromy sgaumeri in the  semidesiduos tropical forest of the south of Yucatan. We used the mark-and-release technique during four nights per month, from January 2000 to December 2001. Thirty four percent (n=174) of the total population was resident being 49% males and 51% females. The females had longer residence than the males (p<0.05). For both sexes home range (HR) and maximum distance moved (MDM) (p<0.05) were higher for adults than for yuongs, seasonality did not affect them (p>0.05). Reproductive females were territorial and had lower HR and MDM than no reproductive females (p<0.05). Males and females had similar HR (p>0.05), males did not show territoriality. The total overlapping of HR was low for both sexes and both reproductive conditions. In the rain season reproductive males had a higher overlapping percentage than that of reproductive females (p<0.05). The results suggest that H. gaumeri is a social species with a promiscuous mate system.Se documentó la dinámica del Area de Actividad (AA) y el comportamiento social de Heteromys gaumeri en una selva mediana  subcaducifolia al sur de Yucatán. Se usó el método de captura-recaptura durante cuatro noches por mes de enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2001.  El 34% (n=174) de la población total fue residente, 49% fueron machos y 51% hembras. Las hembras presentaron mayor permanencia que los machos (p<0.05). En ambos sexos las AA y las distancias máximas  recorridas (DMR) de los adultos fueron mayores que las de los  inmaduros (p<0.05) y la estacionalidad no las afectó. Las hembras  reproductivas (gestantes y postlactantes) presentaron menores AA y  DMR que las no reproductivas (p<0.05), mostrando un comportamiento territorial. La sobreposición de las AA fue baja para ambos sexos y  estados reproductivos. En lluvias los machos adultos tuvieron una  mayor sobreposición que las hembras (p<0.05). Los resultados  obtenidos sugieren que H. gaumeri es una especie social, con un  sistema de parejas promiscuo.&nbsp

    Fluctuación poblacional de ototylomys phyllotis merriam, 1901 (rodentia: muridae) en una selva mediana subcaducifolia del Sur de Yucatán, México

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    Population dinamics of the big-eared climbing rat (Ototylomys phyllotis) was studied in a subdeciduous tropical rainforest located at Rancho Hobonil, Tzucacab, Yucatan using a mark-recapturetechnique, from April 1996 to April 1998 during five nights per 24 months. The minimum-numberknown-alive technique (MNKA) was used to estimate population size. We captured 123 rats, 52% werefemales and 48% males. The sex ratio was 1:1 during this study. Density ranged from 10 to 46 ind./ha. And was not significantly correlated with precipitation (p>0.05). Presence of reproductive individuals from both sexes during the majorities of the studied months and the reproductive activity from females suggest a continuous poliestric pattern for this species.Se estudió la dinámica poblacional de la rata arborícola Ototylomys phyllotis en la selva mediana subcaducifolia del Rancho Hobonil, Tzucacab, Yucatán. Se trabajó de abril de 1996 a abril de 1998, usando el método de captura recaptura y trampeando por cinco noches consecutivas cada mes. La densidad se estimó mediante el método de Número Mínimo de Individuos Vivos (NMIV). Se capturaron un total de 123 individuos, de los cuales el 49% fueron hembras y el 51% machos. La proporción de sexos se mantuvo 1:1. La densidad poblacional fluctuó entre 10 y 46 individuos/ha. No se presentó correlación significativa entre la densidad y la precipitación pluvial anual (p<0.05). Los adultosconstituyeron el principal componente de la población. La presencia de reproductores de ambos sexos, así como la actividad reproductiva de las hembras durante la mayoría de los meses de estudio, sugiereque esta especie presenta un patrón reproductivo poliéstrico continuo

    Estudio histopatológico de tejido cardiaco de roedores infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi capturados en barrios suburbanos de Mérida, México

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    Introduction: Trypanosoma cruzi is the causal agent of the American trypanosomiasis, an endemic disease in México. The commensal rodents Mus musculus and Rattus rattus are reservoirs of this parasite, which invades cardiac fibers and develops parasite nests causing various lesions. Histopathological studies in naturally infected rodents are scarce.Objective: To describe the types and frequencies of microscopic lesions in cardiac tissue of M. musculus and R. rattus infected with T. cruzi captured in Mérida, México.Materials and methods: The rodents were captured in suburban environments of Mérida. Cardiac tissue was extracted and processed by the paraffin inclusion technique and hematoxylin and eosin stained. The observation was made with a conventional microscope and all the lesions, as well as their degree, were identified.Results: Eight tissue samples of M. musculus and seven of R. rattus were studied. Parasite nests were found in 7/15, specifically 3/8 in M. musculus and 4/7 in R. rattus. The inflammatory infiltrate was the most frequent lesion. Other lesions were: Degeneration of cardiac fibers (8/15), congestion of blood vessels (6/15), and necrosis (5/15).Discussion: The lesions we observed have been described in experimental animal models and in humans with American trypanosomiasis. The inflammatory infiltrate has been identified as the most significant lesion in humans and reservoirs in the chronic stage of the disease.Conclusion: The lesions we described are associated with T. cruzi infection, which confirms that the rodents studied are reservoirs of this parasite.Introducción. Trypanosoma cruzi es el agente causal de la tripanosomiasis americana, enfermedad endémica en México. Los roedores Mus musculus y Rattus rattus son reservorios del parásito, el cual invade las fibras cardiacas y desarrolla nidos parasitarios produciendo diversas lesiones. Los estudios histopatológicos en roedores naturalmente infectados son escasos.Objetivo. Describir los tipos y las frecuencias de las lesiones microscópicas en muestras de tejido cardiaco de M. musculus y R. rattus infectados con T. cruzi capturados en Mérida, México.Materiales y métodos. Los roedores se capturaron en los barrios suburbanos de Mérida. Se extrajo el tejido cardiaco y se procesó por la técnica de inclusión en parafina y tinción con hematoxilina y eosina. Su examen se hizo con un microscópico convencional y se determinaron todas las lesiones y su grado de afección.Resultados. Se trabajaron ocho muestras de tejido de M. musculus y siete de R. rattus. Se encontraron nidos parasitarios en siete del total de las muestras: en 3 de las 8 de M. musculus y en 4 de las 7 de R. rattus. Se observaron infiltrados inflamatorios en todas las muestras. Otras lesiones fueron la degeneración de las fibras cardiacas (8/15), la congestión de los vasos sanguíneos (6/15) y la necrosis (5/15).Discusión. Las lesiones observadas están descritas en los modelos animales experimentales y en los  humanos con tripanosomiasis americana. Los infiltrados inflamatorios se han descrito como la lesión más significativa en los humanos y en los reservorios en la etapa crónica de la enfermedad.Conclusión. Las lesiones observadas están asociadas con la infección con T. cruzi, lo cual confirma que los roedores estudiados son reservorios de este parásito

    First histopathological study in kidneys of rodents naturally infected with Leptospira pathogenic species from Yucatan, Mexico

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    AbstractObjectiveTo report the renal histological lesions in synanthropic rodents, Mus musculus and Rattus rattus, naturally infected with Leptospira spp., captured in a rural community in Yucatan, Mexico.MethodsKidney samples of synanthropic rodents were collected from a rural community in Yucatan, Mexico. Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect Leptospira spp. infection. Tissue kidney was fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed according to the usual techniques for paraffin inclusion, cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and examined using a conventional electronic microscope.ResultsA total of 187 rodents were captured. Nine individuals (4.8%) were positive for Leptospira spp. in the molecular analysis. All renal lesions observed in the histopathological study had been reported previously for Leptospira spp. infection.ConclusionsThe histopathological lesions are present in the kidneys, plus the results of the polymerase chain reaction confirm that these rodents are true carriers of Leptospira spp


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    The information available on diversity of mammals in Natural Protected Areas of Yucatan, Mexico has been poorly documented. Between October 2001 and March 2002 we sampled bats and small rodents in three vegetal associations from Ría Celestún Biosphere Reserve. In total we captured 12 species: seven bat species being Dermanura phaeotis the most abundant in the dry forest, and five small rodent species were found being Peromyscus yucatanicus more abuntant into hummock forest (peten). The habitat with highest specific richness of bats was the dry forest (H’=1.39) while peten was to small rodents (H’=0.838). Finally we made the second report of Chiroderma villosum in Yucatan state

    Helminths of small rodents (Heteromyidae and Cricetidae) in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: an integrative taxonomic approach to their inventory

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    In this survey, we inventoried the helminths of heteromyid and cricetid rodents captured in the Yucatan Peninsula from 2017 to 2019. Helminths were identified using morphological techniques (clearing, staining, and scanning electron microscopy). Also, the 28S rRNA gene of individuals from several helminth taxa was successfully amplified and sequenced. To confirm the identification at the generic level, and in some cases at the specific level, and the genealogical relationships of the parasites, phylogenetic analyses were performed with the new 28S sequences. We identified 22 species of helminths including three trematodes (Brachylaimidae, Dicrocoeliidae, and Microphallidae), five cestodes (Davaineidae, Hymenolepididae, and Taeniidae), and 14 nematodes (Trichuridae, Ancylostomatidae, Ornithostrongylidae, Heligmonellidae, and Oxyuridae) from Heteromys gaumeri (Heteromyidae), Ototylomys phyllotis, Oligoryzomys fulvescens, Peromyscus yucatanicus, Sigmodon toltecus, and Reithrodontomys gracilis (Cricetidae). The overall frequency of infection in small rodents was 84.1% (143/170); all specimens of H. gaumeri, S. toltecus and Ol. fulvescens were infected with helminths. In total, we provided 46 new sequences of the 28S gene from 17 species of helminths. Seven species are likely undescribed species, six are reported for the first time in rodents from Mexico, and 12 are new host records in the Americas. Before this study, 87 taxa of helminths had been reported from 35 cricetid and 12 heteromyid species in 21 Mexican states. Our findings increase to 93 the helminth taxa in these rodents, and to 36 the cricetid species parasitized by helminths. This large scale-survey is the first to use an integrative approach to inventory the helminths of wild small rodents in Mexico.Fil: Panti May, Jesús Alonso. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán;Fil: Moguel Chin, Wilson Isaias. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán;Fil: Hernández Mena, David Iván. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Cárdenas-Vargas, Miguel Humberto. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán; MéxicoFil: Torres Castro, Marco. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán;Fil: García Prieto, Luis. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Digiani, Maria Celina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Hernández Betancourt, Silvia F.. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán;Fil: Vidal Martínez, Víctor Manuel. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional; Méxic

    Population Characteristics of Human-Commensal Rodents Present in Households from Mérida, Yucatán, México

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    Anthropocommensal rodents live in close proximity to humans in many habitats around the world. They are a threat to public health because of the pathogens they carry. Recent studies in Mérida, Yucatán, México, have shown that commensal rodents harbor potential zoonotic pathogens such as bacteria, helminths, and viruses. In this study, we describe reproductive and demographic parameters of house mice and black rats present in households from Mérida, Yucatán, México, a municipality located in a tropical region in southern México. Rodents were trapped in 142 households within the municipality of Mérida from 2011 to 2014. A total of 832 rodents were trapped, constituting 556 (66.8%) house mice (Mus musculus) and 276 (33.2%) black rats (Rattus rattus). The sex ratio in mice was different than parity, while in rats it was 1:1. Mice in the weight class 8.1–12 g were most abundant in both females (52.9%) and males (57.2%). On the other hand, rats weighing ≤ 40 g (25% of females and 28.6% of males) were most abundant. The percentage of pregnancy in mice was 46.7%, whereas in rats it was 21.3%. The mean number of embryos was 4.7 and 5.8 in mice and rats, respectively. This study provides relevant demographic information on the ecology of commensal rodents from a tropical region of Latin America. We consider that our findings could be useful as a first step toward understanding the ecological behavior of rodent populations in tropical regions