648 research outputs found

    Cross-Field Transport of Solar Energetic Particles in a Large-Scale Fluctuating Magnetic Field

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    The trajectories of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) in an Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) exhibiting large-scale fluctuations due to footpoint motions originating in the photosphere, are simulated using a full-orbit test-particle code. The cross-field transport experienced by the particles in three propagation conditions (scatter-free, with scattering mean free path lambda=0.3 AU and lambda=2 AU) is characterized in the Parker spiral geometry. The role of expansion of the magnetic field with radial distance from the Sun is taken into consideration in the calculation of particle displacements and diffusion coefficients from the output of the simulations. It is found that transport across the magnetic field is enhanced in the lambda=0.3 AU and lambda=2 AU cases, compared to the scatter-free case. Values of the ratios of perpendicular to parallel diffusion coefficients vary between 0.01 and 0.08. The ratio of latitudinal to longitudinal diffusion coefficient perpendicular to the magnetic field is typically 0.2, suggesting that transport in latitude may be less efficient.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Energetic Particle Diffusion In Structured Turbulence

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    In the full-orbit particle simulations of energetic particle transport in plasmas, the plasma turbulence is typically described as a homogeneous superposition of linear Fourier modes. The turbulence evolution is, however, typically a nonlinear process, and, particularly in the heliospheric context, the solar wind plasma is inhomogeneous due to the transient structures, as observed by remote and in-situ measurements. In this work, we study the effects of the inhomogeneities on energetic particle transport by using spatially distributed, superposed turbulence envelopes. We find that the cross-field transport is significantly reduced, when compared to the results obtained with homogeneous turbulence. The reduction can reach an order of magnitude when the enveloping breaks the wave phase coherence along the mean magnetic field direction.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Solar energetic particle drifts and the energy dependence of 1 AU charge states

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    The event-averaged charge state of heavy ion Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs), measured at 1 AU from the Sun, typically increases with the ions’ kinetic energy. The origin of this behaviour has been ascribed to processes taking place within the acceleration region. In this paper we study the propagation through interplanetary space of SEP Fe ions, injected near the Sun with a variety of charge states that are uniformly distributed in energy, by means of a 3D test particle model. In our simulations, due to gradient and curvature drifts associated with the Parker spiral magnetic field, ions of different charge propagate with very different efficiencies to an observer that is not magnetically well connected to the source region. As a result we find that, for many observer locations, the 1 AU event-averaged charge state , as obtained from our model, displays an increase with particle energy E, in qualitative agreement with spacecraft observations. We conclude that drift-associated propagation is a possible explanation for the observed distribution of versus E in SEP events, and that the distribution measured in interplanetary space cannot be taken to represent that at injection

    SPARX: A modeling system for Solar Energetic Particle Radiation SpaceWeather forecasting

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    The capability to predict the parameters of an SEP event such as its onset, peak flux, and duration is critical to assessing any potential space weather impact. We present a new flexible modeling system simulating the propagation of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) from locations near the Sun to any given location in the heliosphere to forecast the SEP flux profiles. Solar Particle Radiation SWx (SPARX) uses an innovative methodology that allows implementation within an operational framework to overcome the time constraints of test particle modeling of SEP profiles, allowing the production of near-real-time SEP nowcasts and forecasts, when paired with appropriate near-real-time triggers. SPARX has the capability to produce SEP forecasts within minutes of being triggered by observations of a solar eruptive event. The model is based on the test particle approach and is spatially 3-D, thus allowing for the possibility of transport in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. The model naturally includes the effects of perpendicular propagation due to drifts and drift-induced deceleration. The modeling framework and the way in which parameters of relevance for Space Weather forecasting are obtained are described. The first results from the modeling system are presented. These resultsThese results demonstrate that corotation and drift of SEPtreams play an important role in shaping SEP flux profile

    Role of 3D propagation in shaping Solar Energetic Particle observables

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    The propagation of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) has been described traditionally by means of a spatially 1D focussed transport approach. However in recent years a number of physical mechanisms that give rise to motion across the mean magnetic field have been studied. These include perpendicular transport associated with turbulence, guiding centre drifts and drift along the heliospheric current sheet. In this presentation such mechanisms will be reviewed and emphasis will be placed on how assumptions and scenarios based on a 1D approach need to be modified when looking at SEP propagation from a 3D perspective. Observables such as time intensity profiles and anisotropies obtained from 3D models will be discussed and compared with observations

    Temporal Evolution of Heavy-Ion Spectra in Solar Energetic Particle Events

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    Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are released into the heliosphere by solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). They are mostly protons, with smaller amounts of heavy ions from helium to iron, and lesser amounts of species heavier than iron. The spectra of heavy ions have been previously studied mostly by using the fluence of the particles in an event-integrated spectrum in a small number of spectral snapshots. In this article, we ana- lyze the temporal evolution of the heavy-ion spectra using two large SEP events (27 January 2012 and 7 January 2014) from the Solar TErrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) era using Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) and Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer (ULEIS), Energetic Particles: Acceleration, Composition and Transport (EPACT) onboard Wind, and the STEREO-A (Ahead) and -B (Behind) Low- Energy Telescope (LET) and Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT) instruments, taking a large number of snapshots covering the temporal evolution of the event. We find large differences in the spectra of the ions after the main flux enhancement in terms of the grouping of similar species, but also in terms of the location of the instruments. Although it is somewhat less no- ticeable than in the case of the temporal evolution of protons (Doran and Dalla, Solar Phys. 291, 2071, 2016), we observe a wave-like pattern travelling through the heavy ion spectra from the highest energies to the lowest, creating an “arch” structure that later straightens into a power law after 18 to 24 hours

    Modeling Solar Energetic Particle Transport near a Wavy Heliospheric Current Sheet

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    Understanding the transport of solar energetic particles (SEPs) from acceleration sites at the Sun into interplanetary space and to the Earth is an important question for forecasting space weather. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), with two distinct polarities and a complex structure, governs energetic particle transport and drifts. We analyze for the first time the effect of a wavy heliospheric current sheet (HCS) on the propagation of SEPs. We inject protons close to the Sun and propagate them by integrating fully 3D trajectories within the inner heliosphere in the presence of weak scattering. We model the HCS position using fits based on neutral lines of magnetic field source surface maps (SSMs). We map 1 au proton crossings, which show efficient transport in longitude via HCS, depending on the location of the injection region with respect to the HCS. For HCS tilt angles around 30 degrees-40 degrees, we find significant qualitative differences between A+ and A- configurations of the IMF, with stronger fluences along the HCS in the former case but with a distribution of particles across a wider range of longitudes and latitudes in the latter. We show how a wavy current sheet leads to longitudinally periodic enhancements in particle fluence. We show that for an A+ IMF configuration, a wavy HCS allows for more proton deceleration than a flat HCS. We find that A- IMF configurations result in larger average fluences than A+ IMF configurations, due to a radial drift component at the current sheet.Peer reviewe

    The Electron-Ion Collider -- A U.S. facility for the European community to explore the mysteries of the building blocks of matter

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    This document is submitted as input to the NuPECC Long Range Plan 2024 by three European members of the EIC Users Group Steering Committee (Vice Chair, one at-large member, and the EU Representative). We submit the document on behalf of the international EIC Users Group (EICUG) community, but we specifically represent 335 European members of the EICUG (25%) based in 80 institutions (30% of the total) located in Armenia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. This European involvement is an important driver of the EIC, but can also be beneficial for a number of related ongoing and planned nuclear physics experiments in Europe. In this document, the shared interest regarding scientific questions and detector R&D between the EIC and European nuclear physics communities is outlined. The aim is to highlight how these synergies offer ample opportunities to foster progress at the forefront of nuclear physics.Comment: adapted from original document submitted to NuPECC; 5 pages (limited by NuPECC) plus front matter plus reference

    Time Evolution of Elemental Ratios in Solar Energetic Particle events

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    Heavy ion ratio abundances in Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events, e.g. Fe/O, often exhibit decreases over time. Using particle instruments on the ACE, SOHO and STEREO spacecraft, we analysed heavy ion data from 4 SEP events taking place between December 2006 and December 2014. We constructed 36 different ionic pairs and studied their time evolution in each event. We quantified the temporal behaviour of abundant SEP ratios by fitting the data to derive a decay time constant B. We also considered the ratio of ionic mass–to–charge for each pair, the S value given e.g. for Fe/O by SFe/O = (M/Q)Fe/(M/Q)O. We found that the temporal behaviour of SEP ratios is ordered by the value of S: ratios with S > 1 showed decreases over time (i.e. B 0). We plotted B as a function of S and observed a clear monotonic dependence: ratios with a large S decayed at a higher rate. A prominent discontinuity at S = 2.0 (corresponding to He/H) was found in 3 of the 4 events, suggesting anomalous behaviour of protons. The X/H ratios often show an initial increase followed by a decrease, and decay at a slower rate. We discuss possible causes of the observed B versus S trends within current understanding of SEP propagation
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