1,437 research outputs found

    Schizophrenic molecules and materials with multiple personalities - how materials science could revolutionise how we do chemical sensing

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    Molecular photoswitches like spiropyrans derivatives offer exciting possibilities for the development of analytical platforms incorporating photo-responsive materials for functions such as light-activated guest uptake and release and optical reporting on status (passive form, free active form, guest bound to active form). In particular, these switchable materials hold tremendous promise for microflow-systems, in view of the fact that their behaviour can be controlled and interrogated remotely using light from LEDs, without the need for direct physical contact. We demonstrate the immobilisation of these materials on microbeads which can be incorporated into a microflow system to facilitate photoswitchable guest uptake and release. We also introduce novel hybrid materials based on spiropyrans derivatives grafted onto a polymer backbone which, in the presence of an ionic liquid, produces a gel-like material capable of significant photoactuation behaviour. We demonstrate how this material can be incorporated into microfluidic platforms to produce valve-like structures capable of controlling liquid movement using light

    Beads, boats and switches: making things happen with molecular photoswitches

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    In this paper we present recent results obtained with a stimulus-responsive materials based on the photo-switchable behaviour exhibited by spiro-cyclic derivatives. Our results suggest that these highly novel materials offer unique capabilities hitherto inaccessible using conventional materials. In particular, we will focus on photocontrolled guest binding and release, inherent signalling of status, photo-actuation and solvent driven motion of small structures as examples of the fascinating behaviour of these exceptional materials

    Spiropyran modified microfluidic chip channels for photonically controlled sensor array detection of metal ions

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    Microfluidic chips are particularly attractive for analytical purposes because they provide a convenient small platform for rapid analysis and detection.1 Furthermore, spiropyrans dyes can be used as photonically controlled, self-indicating molecular recognition agents for the fabrication of sensors.2 Here, we show how through integrating the beneficial characteristics of microfluidic devices and spiropyrans dyes, a simple and very innovative chip for on-line metal ion sensor array can be realised. The chip (4x3cm) consists of four independent 180m depth, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) channels. 1’-(3-Carboxypropyl)-3,3’-dimethyl-6-nitrospiro-[2H-1]-benzopyran-2,2’-indoline is covalently immobilised on the ozone plasma activated PDMS microchannel surfaces. Upon exposure to UV light, the transparent PDMS channels change to light purple colour because the spiropyran molecules of the surface undergo a heterocyclic ring cleavage that result in the formation of the highly conjugated merocyanine form. When stock solutions of several ion metals (Ca2+,Zn2+,Hg2+,Cu2+) are pumped independently through the four channels, different optical responses were observed for each metal. 1-L.Basabe-Desmonts et al. Anal.Bioanal.Chem.(2008)390:307–315. 2-R.J.Byrne et al. J.Mat.Chem.(2006)16:1332-1337

    Spiropyran modified PDMS micro-fluidic chip device for photonically controlled sensor array detection of metal ions

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    Micro‐fluidic chips are particularly attractive in biological and life sciences for analytical purposes because they provide a convenient small platform for rapid analysis and detection [1]. Using micro‐fluidic devices for the determination of ions emerges as a potential solution to some of the challenges not overtaken by conventional techniques e.g. atomic absorption, inductively‐coupled plasma‐optical emission, mass spectrometry and ion‐selective electrodes [2]. For example, these devices can integrate complex sample handling processes, calibration, and detection steps into a compact, portable system. Moreover they require small sample volumes (low μl or nl), consume little power, and are easily constructed for multi‐analyte detection, either through multiple parallel fluidic architectures or by using arrays of detection elements. Organic photochromic compounds like spiropyrans are particularly interesting targets for the development of new approaches to sensing since they offer new routes to multi‐functional materials that take advantage of their photo‐reversible interconversion between two thermodynamically stable states (a spiropyran (SP) form, and a merocyanine (MC) form), which have dramatically different charge, polarity and molecular conformations. Furthermore, they can be easily incorporated into membranes for improved robustness and ease of handling [3], but from our perspective, most interesting of all, they have metal ion‐binding and molecular recognition properties which are only manifested by the MC form. Based on the coordinationinduced photochromism characteristic of the MC form, spiropyrans have been employed as molecular probes for metal ions and organic molecules [4]. In this abstract, we show how through integrating the beneficial characteristics of micro‐fluidic devices and spiropyrans photoswitches, a simple and very innovative chip configured as an on‐line metal ion sensor array can be realised (Figure 1). The micro‐fluidic device consists of five independent 94 μm depth, 150 μm width channels fabricated in polydimethylsiloxane. The spiropyran 1’‐(3‐carboxypropyl)‐3,3’‐dimethyl‐6‐nitrospiro‐1‐benzopyran‐2,2’‐indoline (SP‐COOH) is immobilised by physical adsorption directly on ozone plasma activated PDMS micro‐channel walls. When the colourless, inactive, spiropyran coating absorbs UV light it switches to the highly coloured merocyanine form (MC‐COOH), which also has an active binding site for certain metal ions. Therefore metal ion uptake can be triggered using UV light and subsequently reversed on demand by shining white light on the coloured complex, which regenerates the inactive spiropyran form, and releases the metal ion. When stock solutions of several metal ions (Ca2+, Zn2+, Hg2+, Cu2+, Co2+) are pumped independently through the five channels, different optical responses were observed for each metal (Figure 2), (i.e. complex formation with metal ions is associated with characteristic shifts in the visible spectrum), and the platform can therefore be regarded as a micro‐structured device for online multi‐component monitoring of metal cations

    Alkaline phosphatases in the complex chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorders

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    Alkaline phosphatases (APs) remove the phosphate (dephosphorylation) needed in multiple metabolic processes (from many molecules such as proteins, nucleotides, or pyrophosphate). Therefore, APs are important for bone mineralization but paradoxically they can also be deleterious for other processes, such as vascular calcification and the increasingly known cross-talk between bone and vessels. A proper balance between beneficial and harmful activities is further complicated in the context of chronic kidney disease (CKD). In this narrative review, we will briefly update the complexity of the enzyme, including its different isoforms such as the bone-specific alkaline phosphatase or the most recently discovered B1x. We will also analyze the correlations and potential discrepancies with parathyroid hormone and bone turnover and, most importantly, the valuable recent associations of AP's with cardiovascular disease and/or vascular calcification, and survival. Finally, a basic knowledge of the synthetic and degradation pathways of APs promises to open new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of the CKD-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) in the near future, as well as for other processes such as sepsis, acute kidney injury, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, metabolic syndrome or, in diabetes, cardiovascular complications. However, no studies have been done using APs as a primary therapeutic target for clinical outcomes, and therefore, AP's levels cannot yet be used alone as an isolated primary target in the treatment of CKD-MBD. Nonetheless, its diagnostic and prognostic potential should be underlined

    Self-assembled solvato-morphologically controlled photochromic crystals

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    Here we describe, for the first time, intriguing solvato-morphological control of spiropyran-based microcrystalline structures. These micro- structures exhibit reversible photoisomerization upon light irradiation (UV/Vis) in the solid-state. Finally, light-guided aggregation of these microstructures at the liquid/air interface is also demonstrated

    Instalación solar fotovoltaica -20 Kw para conexión a red

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    Este TFG trata sobre el diseño de una instalación de generación eléctrica de una potencia nominal de 20 kW mediante paneles fotovoltaicos. Estos paneles se situarán sobre la cubierta de una nave industrial en la localidad de Soria. Toda la energía producida será vertida a la red eléctrica de baja tensión, abasteciendo al entorno cercano. Se describe, el funcionamiento de una instalación de este tipo, en la cual el componente más destacado es el panel fotovoltaico, que genera corriente continua cuando es expuesto a la radiación solar. Esta corriente es transformada en alterna mediante los inversores, que además se encargan de regular su tensión y frecuencia. Se eligieron paneles fotovoltaicos de células de silicio monocristalino y de una potencia pico de 160 Wp. En cuanto a los inversores, se optó por instalar 2 unidades de 10 kW de potencia nominal. El esquema eléctrico resultante de aplicar todos los criterios de diseño más las limitaciones que imponen los inversores consiste en 5 series de 15 paneles por inversor. Esto supone un total de 150 paneles y una potencia pico instalada de 24 kWp. La cubierta de la nave tiene una inclinación de 8,5°, y los paneles se colocarán sobre estructuras metálicas, sin seguimiento solar, con una pendiente de 30° respecto a la horizontal y un azimut de 15°. Los inversores se situaran en el exterior de la nave, en un armario compartido con los cuadros de protección y control de continua, de alterna y con el equipo de medida. Una única línea trifásica evacuará la energía producida directamente a la red de B.T. del polígono. Otros apartados importantes del TFG son el cálculo del cableado y las protecciones, el cálculo estructural, y el estudio energético mediante el que se calculará la energía producida anualmente. También se incluye en este TFG el pliego de condiciones que establece los derechos, obligaciones y garantías entre todas las partes que intervienen en la ejecución y puesta en marcha de este TFG. También se ha realizado un estudio básico de seguridad y salud con las normas aplicables durante la ejecución de la instalaciónGrado en Ingeniería Forestal: Industrias Forestale

    Una mirada a través de la pintura a la historia de la cirugía

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    El arte es una forma de expresarse, reflejando cambios sociales y culturales, como la evolución de la medicina, estando arte y salud estrechamente relacionados a lo largo de la historia. Ambas disciplinas requieren imaginación y estudio, y la ciencia a la vez ha contribuido al desarrollo de técnicas artísticas. La humanidad es muy importante en la medicina y la pintura es capaz de plasmar los detalles y mostrar las emociones causadas en su ejercicio. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la evolución de la cirugía, centrándonos en los siglos XIX y XX, época de la cirugía moderna, representándola a través de la pintura. La conclusión a la que podemos llegar es que estudiar a los protagonistas de la historia de la cirugía nos ofrece un conocimiento valioso para aprender los aciertos y evitar los errores. El arte es una buena forma de plasmar estos acontecimientos para futuras generaciones. Este enseña la medicina, impulsando la sensibilidad y humanizando la práctica médica, algo muy importante, pues la medicina además de curar debe ayudar y consolar al paciente. La cirugía ha evolucionado de forma significativa en los siglos XIX y XX, gracias a los avances en diferentes áreas, como la anatomía, fisiología, anestesia, antisepsia y tecnología, siendo cada vez más segura y efectiva. La cirugía no se detendrá en su evolución y los artistas futuros seguirán deleitándonos con sus obras, mostrando esos cambios.Grado en Medicin

    Photochromic spiropyran monolithic polymers: Molecular photo-controllable electroosmotic pumps for micro-fluidic devices

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    A novel photo-controllable micro-fluidic electroosmotic pump based on spiropyran monolithic polymers is presented here for the first time. Photochromic monolithic scaffolds have been synthesised within poly(tetrafluoroethylene) coated fused silica capillaries. These monoliths have a photochromic spiropyran monomer incorporated in the bulk by thermally induced copolymerisation with a cross-linking agent (divinylbenzene) and were encased in micro-fluidic devices to function as photo-controllable electroosmotic pumps (EOPs). Due to the presence of the spiropyran the monolith can exist in two forms: a zwitterionic merocyanine (MC) form and an uncharged spiropyran (SP). As both forms bare a net overall zero charge, an acidic electrolyte was used to produce a stable anodic electroosmotic flow (EOF), while still retaining the ability to switch between the SP and the MC forms, which exhibit different charge distributions. It was confirmed that visible light, which produces the SP form, caused an increase in EOF while UV light, which generates the MC form, caused a decrease in EOF. In this way the EOF from the chip was modified by light and not by changing the electric field, temperature or buffer pH, some of the more common methods of altering the EOF