91 research outputs found

    Growth factors for clinical-scale expansion of human articular chondrocytes : Relevance for automated bioreactor systems

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    The expansion of chondrocytes in automated bioreactors for clinical use requires that a relevant number of cells be generated, starting from variable initial seeding densities in one passage and using autologous serum. We investigated whether the growth factor combination transforming growth factor beta 1/fibroblast growth factor 2/platelet-derived growth factor BB (TFP), recently shown to enhance the proliferation capacity of human articular chondrocytes (HACs), allows the efficiency of chondrocyte use to be increased at different seeding densities and percentages of human serum (HS). HACs were seeded at 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 celIS/cm(2) in medium containing 10 bovine serum or 10,000 cells/cm(2) with 1 chondrogenic capacity of post-expanded HACs was then assessed in pellet cultures. Expansion with TFP allowed a sufficient number of HACs to be obtained in one passage even at the lowest seeding density and HS percentage and variability in cartilage-forming capacity of HACs expanded under the different conditions to be reduced. Instead, larger variations and insufficient yields were found in the absence of TFP. By allowing large numbers of cells to be obtained, starting from a wide range of initial seeding densities and HS percentages, the use of TFP may represent a viable solution for the efficient expansion of HACs and addresses constraints of automated clinical bioreactor systems

    6D Supersymmetry, Projective Superspace and 4D, N=1 Superfields

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    In this note, we establish the formulation of 6D, N=1 hypermultiplets in terms of 4D chiral-nonminimal (CNM) scalar multiplets. The coupling of these to 6D, N=1 Yang-Mills multiplets is described. A 6D, N=1 projective superspace formulation is given in which the above multiplets naturally emerge. The covariant superspace quantization of these multiplets is studied in details.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, minor changes, references adde

    Non(anti)commutative SYM theory: Renormalization in superspace

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    We present a systematic investigation of one-loop renormalizability for nonanticommutative N=1/2, U(N) SYM theory in superspace. We first discuss classical gauge invariance of the pure gauge theory and show that in contradistinction to the ordinary anticommutative case, different representations of supercovariant derivatives and field strengths do not lead to equivalent descriptions of the theory. Subsequently we develop background field methods which allow us to compute a manifestly covariant gauge effective action. One-loop evaluation of divergent contributions reveals that the theory simply obtained from the ordinary one by trading products for star products is not renormalizable. In the case of SYM with no matter we present a N=1/2 improved action which we show to be one-loop renormalizable and which is perfectly compatible with the algebraic structure of the star product. For this action we compute the beta functions. A brief discussion on the inclusion of chiral matter is also presented.Comment: Latex file, 59 pages, 10 figures, One reference adde

    Two-loop Renormalization for Nonanticommutative N=1/2 Supersymmetric WZ Model

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    We study systematically, through two loops, the divergence structure of the supersymmetric WZ model defined on the N=1/2 nonanticommutative superspace. By introducing a spurion field to represent the supersymmetry breaking term F^3 we are able to perform our calculations using conventional supergraph techniques. Divergent terms proportional to F, F^2 and F^3 are produced (the first two are to be expected on general grounds) but no higher-point divergences are found. By adding ab initio F and F^2 terms to the original lagrangian we render the model renormalizable. We determine the renormalization constants and beta functions through two loops, thus making it possible to study the renormalization group flow of the nonanticommutation parameter.Comment: 36 pages, 25 figures, Latex fil

    Real versus complex beta-deformation of the N=4 planar super Yang-Mills theory

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    This is a sequel of our paper hep-th/0606125 in which we have studied the {\cal N}=1 SU(N) SYM theory obtained as a marginal deformation of the {\cal N}=4 theory, with a complex deformation parameter \beta and in the planar limit. There we have addressed the issue of conformal invariance imposing the theory to be finite and we have found that finiteness requires reality of the deformation parameter \beta. In this paper we relax the finiteness request and look for a theory that in the planar limit has vanishing beta functions. We perform explicit calculations up to five loop order: we find that the conditions of beta function vanishing can be achieved with a complex deformation parameter, but the theory is not finite and the result depends on the arbitrary choice of the subtraction procedure. Therefore, while the finiteness condition leads to a scheme independent result, so that the conformal invariant theory with a real deformation is physically well defined, the condition of vanishing beta function leads to a result which is scheme dependent and therefore of unclear significance. In order to show that these findings are not an artefact of dimensional regularization, we confirm our results within the differential renormalization approach.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures; v2: one reference added; v3: JHEP published versio

    On the perturbative chiral ring for marginally deformed N=4 SYM theories

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    For \cal{N}=1 SU(N) SYM theories obtained as marginal deformations of the \cal{N}=4 parent theory we study perturbatively some sectors of the chiral ring in the weak coupling regime and for finite N. By exploiting the relation between the definition of chiral ring and the effective superpotential we develop a procedure which allows us to easily determine protected chiral operators up to n loops once the superpotential has been computed up to (n-1) order. In particular, for the Lunin-Maldacena beta-deformed theory we determine the quantum structure of a large class of operators up to three loops. We extend our procedure to more general Leigh-Strassler deformations whose chiral ring is not fully understood yet and determine the weight-two and weight-three sectors up to two loops. We use our results to infer general properties of the chiral ring.Comment: LaTex, 40 pages, 4 figures, uses JHEP3; v2: minor correction

    6D Supersymmetric Nonlinear Sigma-Models in 4D, N=1 Superspace

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    Using 4D, N=1 superfield techniques, a discussion of the 6D sigma-model possessing simple supersymmetry is given. Two such approaches are described. Foremost it is shown that the simplest and most transparent description arises by use of a doublet of chiral scalar superfields for each 6D hypermultiplet. A second description that is most directly related to projective superspace is also presented. The latter necessarily implies the use of one chiral superfield and one nonminimal scalar superfield for each 6D hypermultiplet. A separate study of models of this class, outside the context of projective superspace, is also undertaken.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX. v3: some comments added, version to appear in JHE

    Mesons in marginally deformed AdS/CFT

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    We study the embedding of spacetime filling D7-branes in beta-deformed backgrounds which, according to the AdS/CFT dictionary, corresponds to flavoring beta-deformed N=4 super Yang-Mills. We consider supersymmetric and more general non-supersymmetric three parameter deformations. The equations of motion for quadratic fluctuations of a probe D7-brane wrapped on a deformed three-sphere exhibit a non-trivial coupling between scalar and vector modes induced by the deformation. Nevertheless, we manage to solve them analytically and find that the mesonic mass spectrum is discrete, with a mass gap and a Zeeman-like splitting occurs. Finally we propose the action for the dual field theory as obtained by star-product deformation of super Yang-Mills with fundamental matter.Comment: LaTex, 42 pages, 3 figures, uses JHEP

    Pulsar kicks from a dark-matter sterile neutrino

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    We show that a sterile neutrino with mass in the 1-20 keV range and a small mixing with the electron neutrino can simultaneously explain the origin of the pulsar motions and the dark matter in the universe. An asymmetric neutrino emission from a hot nascent neutron star can be the explanation of the observed pulsar velocities. In addition to the pulsar kick mechanism based on resonant neutrino transitions, we point out a new possibility: an asymmetric off-resonant emission of sterile neutrinos. The two cases correspond to different values of the masses and mixing angles. In both cases we identify the ranges of parameters consistent with the pulsar kick, as well as cosmological constraints.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; final version; discussion and references adde

    Nonanticommutative U(1) SYM theories: Renormalization, fixed points and infrared stability

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    Renormalizable nonanticommutative SYM theories with chiral matter in the adjoint representation of the gauge group have been recently constructed in [arXiv:0901.3094]. In the present paper we focus on the U*(1) case with matter interacting through a cubic superpotential. For a single flavor, in a superspace setup and manifest background covariant approach we perform the complete one-loop renormalization and compute the beta-functions for all couplings appearing in the action. We then generalize the calculation to the case of SU(3) flavor matter with a cubic superpotential viewed as a nontrivial NAC generalization of the ordinary abelian N=4 SYM and its marginal deformations. We find that, as in the ordinary commutative case, the NAC N=4 theory is one-loop finite. We provide general arguments in support of all-loop finiteness. Instead, deforming the superpotential by marginal operators gives rise to beta-functions which are in general non-vanishing. We study the spectrum of fixed points and the RG flows. We find that nonanticommutativity always makes the fixed points unstable.Comment: 1+30 pages, 5 figure
