5,630 research outputs found

    Descrizione di tre specie di Prospaltella e di una di Encarsia (Hym. Chalcididae) parassite di Aleurocanthus (Aleyrodidae)

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    Fra i parassiti di specie di Aleurocanthus Quaint. et Baker, che jo ebbi occasione di osservare nell'Asia meridionale e orientale, figurano tre specie nuove del genere Prospaltella e una di Encarsia, che descrivo in questa nota.Peer reviewe

    Contribución al conocimiento de los Japygidae (Thysan.) de España

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    Nada era conocido hasta hoy de los Yapygidae de España, pero una pequeña colección del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, de Madrid, enviada para examen por mi amigo y colega D. Cándido Bolívar y Pieltain, y recogida en su mayor parte por él mismo, nos hace conocer cinco especies, de las cuales tres son descritas en esta nota como especies nuevas y otra está representada por dos variedades, también nuevas, diferentes de la forma típica italiana.Peer reviewe

    Surface engineering to control electromagnetic waves across the spectrum

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    Innovation and Technical Change in the European Municipal Waste Industry

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    Municipal Waste (hereafter MW) sector is commonly considered an industry dominated by the collection segment and by labour intensive activity, with almost no room for innovation apart from waste-to-energy incinerators. In this work we intend to argue this perception, demonstrating that even when focused on labour intensive activities such as selection and recycling, MW sector is interested by innovation and technical change. But we claim that standard innovation theory developed by Neoclassical economics miss to represent a useful theoretical framework, and that Complexity Theory allows to better interpret innovation in this field.Municipal Waste (hereafter MW) sector is commonly considered an industry dominated by the collection segment and by labour intensive activity, with almost no room for innovation apart from waste-to-energy incinerators. In this work we intend to argue this perception, demonstrating that even when focused on labour intensive activities such as selection and recycling, MW sector is interested by innovation and technical change. But we claim that standard innovation theory developed by Neoclassical economics miss to represent a useful theoretical framework, and that Complexity Theory allows to better interpret innovation in this field.Municipal Waste (hereafter MW) sector is commonly considered an industry dominated by the collection segment and by labour intensive activity, with almost no room for innovation apart from waste-to-energy incinerators. In this work we intend to argue this perception, demonstrating that even when focused on labour intensive activities such as selection and recycling, MW sector is interested by innovation and technical change. But we claim that standard innovation theory developed by Neoclassical economics miss to represent a useful theoretical framework, and that Complexity Theory allows to better interpret innovation in this field

    Network recovery after massive failures

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    This paper addresses the problem of efficiently restoring sufficient resources in a communications network to support the demand of mission critical services after a large scale disruption. We give a formulation of the problem as an MILP and show that it is NP-hard. We propose a polynomial time heuristic, called Iterative Split and Prune (ISP) that decomposes the original problem recursively into smaller problems, until it determines the set of network components to be restored. We performed extensive simulations by varying the topologies, the demand intensity, the number of critical services, and the disruption model. Compared to several greedy approaches ISP performs better in terms of number of repaired components, and does not result in any demand loss. It performs very close to the optimal when the demand is low with respect to the supply network capacities, thanks to the ability of the algorithm to maximize sharing of repaired resources

    On critical service recovery after massive network failures

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    This paper addresses the problem of efficiently restoring sufficient resources in a communications network to support the demand of mission critical services after a large-scale disruption. We give a formulation of the problem as a mixed integer linear programming and show that it is NP-hard. We propose a polynomial time heuristic, called iterative split and prune (ISP) that decomposes the original problem recursively into smaller problems, until it determines the set of network components to be restored. ISP's decisions are guided by the use of a new notion of demand-based centrality of nodes. We performed extensive simulations by varying the topologies, the demand intensity, the number of critical services, and the disruption model. Compared with several greedy approaches, ISP performs better in terms of total cost of repaired components, and does not result in any demand loss. It performs very close to the optimal when the demand is low with respect to the supply network capacities, thanks to the ability of the algorithm to maximize sharing of repaired resources

    Valutazione empirica dell'influenza della risposta sismica locale sul non sincronismo del moto in superficie

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    Le attività riassunte in questo contributo sono svolte nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca PRIN 2008: “Effetto del non sincronismo inclusa la risposta sismica locale sulla sicurezza dei ponti”, Linea 1 EQK. In tale ambito, gli Autori hanno analizzato gli effetti dell’asincronismo del moto sismico registrato da coppie di stazioni accelerometriche ubicate, a distanze dell’ordine delle centinaia di metri, su terreni con caratteristiche lito-stratigrafiche corrispondenti ad un sito di riferimento (sito R) e su sito con amplificazione stratigrafica (sito S) corrispondente nei diversi casi alle classi di sottosuolo B, C, D della Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (D.M. 14/1/2008). I risultati ottenuti da queste analisi preliminari mostrano che gli spostamenti differenziali valutati secondo le prescrizioni di normativa sono mediamente maggiori di quelli misurati sperimentalmente e che la formulazione analitica adottata dalla Norma è appropriata per descrivere la dipendenza di spostamenti relativi dall’accelerazione di riferimento

    Future mobility and land use scenarios: Impact assessment with an urban case study

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    In recent years the interest in urban mobility has grown considerably, not only due to the local increase in negative externalities generated by transport, but also because recent technological innovations are offering effective solutions especially in urban context. In particular, the introduction of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) could radically change the mobility scenario allowing, on the one hand, a widespread diffusion of shared vehicles that could feed the stations of the mass rapid transit network, improving the attractiveness of Public Transportation (PT), and on the other, the implementation of Travel Demand Management (TDM) measures on large areas of the most densely urbanized (and congested) territory of a city, without reducing accessibility and creating social exclusion. The present study aims at evaluating, through a system of Land-Use Transportation Interaction (LUTI) models, the impacts on transport demand and on population and activities location, of transportation policies oriented to both enhancing PT and restricting the individual use of the car. The case study analyzed is represented by the urban area of Rome. Several scenarios have been simulated and compared by means of sustainability indicators. Preliminary results show that the improvement of PT services, combined with the introduction of car use restriction and car free areas, do induce not only a significant modal shift towards more sustainable transportation modes, but also a limitation of urban sprawl