19 research outputs found

    Assessment of the genotoxicity of Cu and Zn in raw and anaerobically digested slurry with the Vicia faba micronucleus test

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    Genotoxicity of Cu and Zn was assessed by use of the micronucleus (MN) test on Vicia faba roots. Plants were exposed to various leachates of rawand anaerobically digested pig slurry, with maximum total concentrations of 200MCu and 600MZn. The results indicated stabilisation of the organic matter during anaerobic digestion of the slurry and bioconversion of some phytotoxic organic compounds (e.g. phenols or p-cresol), but did not showa relationship between Cu and Zn concentrations and MN frequency. Exposure of Vicia plants to binary inorganic solutions of Cu and Zn (CuSO4/ZnSO4, 1:3) showed a significant micronucleus induction at concentrations of 40M Cu and 120M Zn and higher. When MN frequency was plotted against dissolved Cu (<0.45m), applied as slurry or as CuSO4, a single curve was obtained. At concentrations lower than 10M, modulation of the genotoxic effect of Cu was found. At concentrations up to 150M,MNinduction increased significantly, while phytotoxic symptoms appeared at higher concentrations

    Potential role of NADPH-oxidase in early steps of lead-induced oxidative burst in Vicia faba roots

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    The mechanism of oxidative burst induced by lead in Vicia faba excised roots was investigated by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. Results showed that lead triggered a rapid and dose-dependent increase in chemiluminescence production. In this study, specific inhibitors of putative reactive oxygen species (ROS) sources were used to determine the mechanism of lead-induced ROS generation. This generation was sensitive to dephenylene iodonium (DPI), quinacrine and imidazole, some inhibitors of the NADPH-oxidase and not inhibited by other putative ROS sources inhibitors. Data reported in this work clearly demonstrated the pivotal role of NADPH-oxidase-like enzyme in early steps of lead-induced oxidative burst. To investigate the respective implication of calmodulin and protein kinase (PK) in leadinduced NADPH-oxidase activation, excised roots were treated with the calmodulin inhibitor W7 or with the PK inhibitor staurosporine. The chemiluminescence generation inhibition by these inhibitors illustrated the role of PK in lead-induced NADPH-oxidase activation and revealed a calmodulin-dependent step. Using the calcium entry blocker La 3+ or different concentrations of calcium in the extracellular medium, our data highlighted the implication of Ca 2+ channel in leadinduced oxidative burst

    A field study of lead phytoextraction by various scented Pelargonium cultivars

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    Phytoremediation appears to be a promising technique for metal soil clean up, although its successful application on a large scale still remains a challenge. Field experiments for six scented Pelargonium cultivars, conducted on two Pb-contaminated calcareous and acidic soils, revealed vigorous plant growth, with no symptoms of morpho-phytotoxicity in spite of high Pb accumulation levels. Lead contents in the harvestable parts of all plants grown on the acidic and more contaminated soil were significantly higher than those grown on the calcareous soil. Three cultivars (Attar of Roses, Clorinda and Atomic Snowflake) are Pb-hyperaccumulator plants: they accumulated more than 1000 mg Pb kg1 DW, with high biomass produced

    Phenological Model Intercomparison for Estimating Grapevine Budbreak Date (Vitis vinifera L.) in Europe

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    Budbreak date in grapevine is strictly dependent on temperature, and the correct simulation of its occurrence is of great interest since it may have major consequences on the final yield and quality. In this study, we evaluated the reliability for budbreak simulation of two modeling approaches, the chilling-forcing (CF), which describes the entire dormancy period (endo- and eco-dormancy) and the forcing approach (F), which only describes the eco-dormancy. For this, we selected six phenological models that apply CF and F in different ways, which were tested on budbreak simulation of eight grapevine varieties cultivated at different latitudes in Europe. Although none of the compared models showed a clear supremacy over the others, models based on CF showed a generally higher estimation accuracy than F where fixed starting dates were adopted. In the latter models, the accurate simulation of budbreak was dependent on the selection of the starting date for forcing accumulation that changes according to the latitude, whereas CF models were independent. Indeed, distinct thermal requirements were found for the grapevine varieties cultivated in Northern and Southern Europe. This implies the need to improve modeling of the dormancy period to avoid under- or over-estimations of budbreak date under different environmental conditions.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under the Clim4Vitis project: “Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach”, grant agreement no. 810176. It was also supported by FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/2020 and the French National Research Agency (ANR) in the frame of the Investments for the Future Program, within the cluster of excellence COTE (ANR-10-LABX-45)

    Audience Participation and Neoliberal Value: Risk, Agency and Responsibility in Immersive Theatre.

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    This article identifies a value set shared between the neoliberal ethos and modes of audience participation frequently promoted in immersive theatre: values such as risk-taking, individual freedoms and personal responsibility. The promotion of self-made opportunity, premised either on opportunistic risk-taking, or the savvy attitude that comes with experience and familiarity with immersive theatre participation, will be addressed as valorising another shared value: entrepreneurialism. A participatory mode will be introduced that I call ‘entrepreneurial participation’: a kind of audience participation privileged in much immersive theatre performance identifying the enactment of neoliberal value. While entrepreneurial participation may be deliberately deployed by audiences as a participatory tactic, it will be argued that this particular participatory mode is frequently expected of audiences, or at least privileged as a means of engaging with performance. Work by the British immersive theatre company Punchdrunk will be taken as a means of illustrating this suggestion, particularly The Masque of the Red Death (2007). The article begins with a definition of immersive theatre that focuses on the figuring of participating audiences, paying particular attention to the relativity of participatory freedoms and the centrality of experience production. Hedonistic and narcissistic experiences will pull focus and will be approached as a possible reason behind immersive theatre's susceptibility to absorption within the experience industry and co-optation by innovative marketers. The article then establishes a set of shared values between the neoliberal ethos and audience participation in The Masque of the Red Death. Risk perception research, especially that arising from the Oregon Group and Stephen Lyng, will be touched on as a means of introducing some political considerations arising from the notion of entrepreneurial participation. A more optimistic, but ultimately sobering set of responses will be offered in conclusion

    Traitement par Lemna minor d’un effluent agro-industriel riche en ions Mg2+ et Ca2+ et contaminé par la vinchlozoline

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    International audienceObjectif: Application du lagunage à macrophytes aux effluents agricoles et industriels pouvant contenir une pollution de type pesticides. Matériel : 5 bacs en verre de 3 L, pour s’affranchir des interactions plastique – vinchlozoline, ont été utilisés suivant le même protocole que précédemment. L’effluent a été traité avec une solution de vinchlozoline, synthétisée dans notre laboratoire, pour avoir une concentration de 0,5 mg/L (dose +++).Résultats et discussions : On observe, avec la dose +++, un frein de la croissance des Lemna