614 research outputs found

    Dynamic resource allocation scheme for distributed heterogeneous computer systems

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    This invention relates to a resource allocation in computer systems, and more particularly, to a method and associated apparatus for shortening response time and improving efficiency of a heterogeneous distributed networked computer system by reallocating the jobs queued up for busy nodes to idle, or less-busy nodes. In accordance with the algorithm (SIDA for short), the load-sharing is initiated by the server device in a manner such that extra overhead in not imposed on the system during heavily-loaded conditions. The algorithm employed in the present invention uses a dual-mode, server-initiated approach. Jobs are transferred from heavily burdened nodes (i.e., over a high threshold limit) to low burdened nodes at the initiation of the receiving node when: (1) a job finishes at a node which is burdened below a pre-established threshold level, or (2) a node is idle for a period of time as established by a wakeup timer at the node. The invention uses a combination of the local queue length and the local service rate ratio at each node as the workload indicator

    Australian Sheep Industry CRC: Economic Evaluations of Scientific Research Programs

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    By the end of its seven-year term in 2007-08, the Australian Sheep Industry CRC (Sheep CRC) will have received total funds of about 90million,thatcomprisesCommonwealthandindustryfundingof90 million, that comprises Commonwealth and industry funding of 30 million, and in-kind contributions valued at 60million.ThislevelofpublicandprivatefundingemphasisestheneedfortheSheepCRCtodemonstratethatitsresearchprogramswillgeneratesoundeconomicreturnstoallstakeholders.ThispaperreportsanevaluationofthepotentialeconomicvalueoftheachievementsoftheSheepCRCatthemidpointofitstermofoperationsatwhichithassomecompletedresearchandalargevolumeofresearchinprogress.Themainquestionthathasbeenaddressedinthisevaluationconcernsthenatureandlikelymagnitudeofthepotentialbenefitsrelativetothecostsoftheirrealisation.Theeconomicmethodsandotherproceduresthatwereusedtoanswerthisquestion,theevaluationscenariosandtheresultsobtainedaredescribed.Basedonthedefinedwith−andwithout−SheepCRCevaluationscenarios,the‘bottom−line’resultwasthattheSheepCRC’sscientificresearchprogramshavethepotentialtodeliveratotalincrementalbenefitwitha20−yearnetpresentvalue(NPV)of60 million. This level of public and private funding emphasises the need for the Sheep CRC to demonstrate that its research programs will generate sound economic returns to all stakeholders. This paper reports an evaluation of the potential economic value of the achievements of the Sheep CRC at the midpoint of its term of operations at which it has some completed research and a large volume of research in progress. The main question that has been addressed in this evaluation concerns the nature and likely magnitude of the potential benefits relative to the costs of their realisation. The economic methods and other procedures that were used to answer this question, the evaluation scenarios and the results obtained are described. Based on the defined with- and without-Sheep CRC evaluation scenarios, the ‘bottom-line’ result was that the Sheep CRC’s scientific research programs have the potential to deliver a total incremental benefit with a 20-year net present value (NPV) of 191.3 million, and a total benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 8.1:1 (both at a 5% real rate of discount), indicating that the Sheep CRC’s total research investment over all programs has the potential to return about 8forevery8 for every 1 of research investment funds.sheep research, economic evaluations, economic-surplus- benefit-cost analysis., Agribusiness, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Q160,

    Machine aided indexing from natural language text

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    The NASA Lexical Dictionary (NLD) Machine Aided Indexing (MAI) system was designed to (1) reuse the indexing of the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC); (2) reuse the indexing of the Department of Energy (DOE); and (3) reduce the time required for original indexing. This was done by automatically generating appropriate NASA thesaurus terms from either the other agency's index terms, or, for original indexing, from document titles and abstracts. The NASA STI Program staff devised two different ways to generate thesaurus terms from text. The first group of programs identified noun phrases by a parsing method that allowed for conjunctions and certain prepositions, on the assumption that indexable concepts are found in such phrases. Results were not always satisfactory, and it was noted that indexable concepts often occurred outside of noun phrases. The first method also proved to be too slow for the ultimate goal of interactive (online) MAI. The second group of programs used the knowledge base (KB), word proximity, and frequency of word and phrase occurrence to identify indexable concepts. Both methods are described and illustrated. Online MAI has been achieved, as well as several spinoff benefits, which are also described

    Studi Awal Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Terhadap Rendemen Dan Kadar Asiaticoside Dari Centella Asiatica (L) Urb

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    PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INFLUENCEOF METHOD OF EXTRACTION TO YIELD AND CONTENT OF ASIATICOSIDE FROM CENTELLA ASIATICA (L) URB. The process of extracting Canella Asiatic (L) Rub with maceration, sonication, soxhletation and CO2 supercriticalmethod had been done. The effect of extraction to the yield and asiaticoside levels of Centella asiatica (L) Urb has been studied. The results of calculation yield of asiaticoside will be seen that the content of asiaticoside (%) by weight of the extraction process of maceration, sonication, soxhletation and CO2 supercritic row as follows: 6.723; 0.187; 3648 and 9.24%. The yield of the highest asiaticoside obtained from CO2 supercritical, since the technology applied on certain pressure and temperature so that the quality of extracted yield determined by how critical the USAge of pressure and temperature was. Due to these conditions, in addition to changing the density of CO2 , also it affected solubility and selectivity of the substance to extract. The higher the pressure and solubility, the total yields will be higher. To determine the presence of compounds of asiaticoside in Centella asiatica (L) Urb, HPLC analysis is used. From the analysis of the chromatogram can be seen that there are only two peaks were detected. The qualitatively compounds of asiaticoside obtained using CO2 supercritical extraction reached higher levels than the other extractionmethods. Because the technological process of CO2 supercritical extraction utilizing the solvent power and physical properties of pure or the blend components, making it easy topenetrate into the wall material in the extraction and dissolving the active compound component selectively with high product quality and contains no solvent residues so it is more pure

    Machine-aided indexing at NASA

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    This report describes the NASA Lexical Dictionary (NLD), a machine-aided indexing system used online at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI). This system automatically suggests a set of candidate terms from NASA's controlled vocabulary for any designated natural language text input. The system is comprised of a text processor that is based on the computational, nonsyntactic analysis of input text and an extensive knowledge base that serves to recognize and translate text-extracted concepts. The functions of the various NLD system components are described in detail, and production and quality benefits resulting from the implementation of machine-aided indexing at CASI are discussed

    Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp) (Studi Kasus pada Kantor Stasiun Meteorologi El Tari Kupang)

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    Penilaian prestasi kinerja adalah suatu proses penilaian yang dilakukan pemimpin Perusahaan secara sistematik berdasarkan pekerjaan yang ditugaskan kepada pegawainya. Stasiun Meteorologi El Tari Kupang merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintahan yang menerapkan penilaian kinerja pegawai untuk tujuan promosi jabatan ataupun pemilihan pegawai berprestasi. Untuk membantu Kepala Stasiun Meteorologi El Tari Kupang dalam proses penilaian kinerja pegawai maka sangat penting dibangun sebuah sistem penilaian kinerja. Penerapan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) terkomputerisasi yang mampu membantu proses penilaian kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk penilaian prestasi kerja pegawai. Sistem yang dibangun berbasis web dan menggunakan kriteria penilaian pegawai meliputi kedisiplinan, prestasi kerja, tanggung jawab dan kompetensi bidang. Hasil analisis yang didapat mampu memberikan urutan rangking terbaik, sehingga menghasilkan kriteria dengan bobot tertinggi yang dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi sistem penilaian kinerja pegawai Stasiun Meteorologi El Tari Kupang dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Proccess dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Hasil perbandingan nilai akhir antara perhitungan sistem dengan perhitungan metode AHP secara manual memiliki nilai yang sama. Hasil perbandingan perangkingan antara sistem dengan data penilaian manual Kantor Stasiun Meteorologi El Tari Kupang mempunyai persamaan urutan perangkingan sebanyak 9 dari 16 pegawai

    The Electrochemistry of Simple Inorganic Molecules in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids

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    The electrochemistry of simple inorganic compounds in room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) is reviewed and some new work in this area is presented. This paper focuses on the comparison between electrochemical behaviour in RTILs and in conventional aprotic solvents. Some compounds (iodides, O2, NO2, SO2, NH3) display similar reactions and mechanisms in RTILs as in aprotic solvents (as is observed for organic compounds). However other species (nitrates, PCl3, POCl3) show remarkably different behaviour to traditional solvents. This makes RTILs very promising media for the study of inorganic compounds, and highlights the need for more investigations in this exciting area

    NASA's online machine aided indexing system

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    This report describes the NASA Lexical Dictionary, a machine aided indexing system used online at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Center for Aerospace Information (CASI). This system is comprised of a text processor that is based on the computational, non-syntactic analysis of input text, and an extensive 'knowledge base' that serves to recognize and translate text-extracted concepts. The structure and function of the various NLD system components are described in detail. Methods used for the development of the knowledge base are discussed. Particular attention is given to a statistically-based text analysis program that provides the knowledge base developer with a list of concept-specific phrases extracted from large textual corpora. Production and quality benefits resulting from the integration of machine aided indexing at CASI are discussed along with a number of secondary applications of NLD-derived systems including on-line spell checking and machine aided lexicography

    Double layer in ionic liquids: Overscreening vs. crowding

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    We develop a simple Landau-Ginzburg-type continuum theory of solvent-free ionic liquids and use it to predict the structure of the electrical double layer. The model captures overscreening from short-range correlations, dominant at small voltages, and steric constraints of finite ion sizes, which prevail at large voltages. Increasing the voltage gradually suppresses overscreening in favor of the crowding of counterions in a condensed inner layer near the electrode. The predicted ion profiles and capacitance-voltage relations are consistent with recent computer simulations and experiments on room-temperature ionic liquids, using a correlation length of order the ion size.Comment: 4 pages + supplementary informatio
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