8,137 research outputs found

    Spin-excitation spectra and resistance minima in amorphous ferromagnetic alloys

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    Resistance minima have been found in recent years to occur in amorphous ferromagnetic alloys below the magnetic ordering temperature. Although a well-developed theory exists for resistance minima in very dilute alloys, the meaning of the phenomena has remained in question for alloys in which the neglect of spin-spin interactions is not justifiable. In this paper it is shown that the observation of resistance minima implies that these alloys have a finite density of near zero frequency excitations. Specifically, the theory of inverse transport coefficients, reformulated in terms of linear response, is used to derive a general expression for the resistivity due to the conduction-electron-spin interaction. Expanding perturbatively, the nth-order contribution is determined by an nth-order spin correlation function. To third order it is shown that the coefficient of the lnk T term responsible for the resistance anomaly according to the accepted Kondo theory receives contributions in the low-temperature limit only from those parts of the spin correlation functions which have frequencies less than k TK /ℏ where TK is the Kondo temperature

    A crustal-upper-mantle model for the Colorado Plateau based on observations of crystalline rock fragments in the Moses Rock Dike

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    On the basis of the size, the abundance, and the petrographic character of xenoliths in the Moses Rock dike, a model for the vertical stratigraphy of crystalline rocks beneath the dike is proposed extending from near the surface to a depth of about 200 km. Sedimentary clasts, whose original position in the undisturbed vent walls is known but which are now within the intrusive breccia of the Moses Rock dike, show a decrease in size with distance of upward transport from their original position in the vent walls. This inverse relationship between fragment size and known depth of origin provides an empirical basis for a reconstructed model for the distribution of rocks on the basis of the particle size of fragments in the intrusive breccia. Metabasalt, granite, and granite gneiss are abundant in the upper part of the crust along the dike walls; diorite, gabbro, and amphibole schists of basic composition constitute intermediate layers, and garnet-bearing metagabbro (basic granulite gneiss) and serpentine schist are present in the lower crust. The crustal rock suite is predominantly metavolcanic and metaplutonic and basic in composition. Dense ultramafic rocks, possibly derived from the mantle, constitute about 0.3% of the breccia filling the dike and include jadeite-rich clinopyroxenite, eclogite, spinel-websterite, spinel-lherzolite, and garnet-lherzolite. The M discontinuity appraently occurs within a petrologically complex region and may coincide with phase and compositional transitions, which include hydration. A compositional transition within the upper mantle between spinel- and garnet-peridotite (lherzolite) is inferred. The variety and the abundance of ultramafic and dense types, together with the complexity of their textures, suggest that the mantle may be as complicated as the crust in composition and history

    Titanoclinohumite: A possible mineralogical site for water in the upper mantle

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    Titanium-rich clinohumite and layered structure minerals are observed in kimberlite and as inclusions in pyropic garnets from the Moses Rock dike, a kimberlite-bearing breccia dike in San Juan County, Utah. Associated clinopyroxenes observed as inclusions within similar pyropes and also in kimberlite are estimated to have equilibrated at depths ranging from about 50 to 150 km at modest temperatures, generally less than 1000°C. The presence of titanoclinohumite, a high-density hydrous phase, is of considerable interest as a possible site for volatiles in the earth's upper mantle. The dehydration of hydrous phases such as titanoclinohumite within the upper mantle (1) may provide water as a free phase, (2) could be important in the genesis of kimberlite and alkali-basalt magma, and (3) may be one means of producing a low-velocity zone in the upper mantle

    Successor features for transfer in reinforcement learning

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    Transfer in reinforcement learning refers to the notion that generalization should occur not only within a task but also across tasks. Our focus is on transfer where the reward functions vary across tasks while the environment's dynamics remain the same. The method we propose rests on two key ideas: "successor features," a value function representation that decouples the dynamics of the environment from the rewards, and "generalized policy improvement," a generalization of dynamic programming's policy improvement step that considers a set of policies rather than a single one. Put together, the two ideas lead to an approach that integrates seamlessly within the reinforcement learning framework and allows transfer to take place between tasks without any restriction. The proposed method also provides performance guarantees for the transferred policy even before any learning has taken place. We derive two theorems that set our approach in firm theoretical ground and present experiments that show that it successfully promotes transfer in practice

    Competition Between Antiferromagnetic Order and Spin-Liquid Behavior in the Two-Dimensional Periodic Anderson Model at Half-Filling

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    We study the two-dimensional periodic Anderson model at half-filling using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) techniques. The ground state undergoes a magnetic order-disorder transition as a function of the effective exchange coupling between the conduction and localized bands. Low-lying spin and charge excitations are determined using the maximum entropy method to analytically continue the QMC data. At finite temperature we find a competition between the Kondo effect and antiferromagnetic order which develops in the localized band through Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interactions.Comment: Revtex 3.0, 10 pages + 5 figures, UCSBTH-94-2

    Lower Cretaceous Pre-Batholithic Rocks of Northern Baja California, Mexico

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    Cretaceous fossils have been found at scattered localities in the pre-batholithic metamorphic rocks of northern Baja California by investigators during the past half-century. The resulting information has been inadequate, however, for the explanation of regional stratigraphic and structural relations, particularly those correlations between the less metamorphosed coastal sections and the more deformed rocks of the mountainous interior

    San Jacinto Intrusive Complex: 2. Geochemistry

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    Rocks from three large (>100^2 km) tonalitic intrusions exposed in the San Jacinto Mountains of southern California show a restricted compositional range of between 63 and 68 wt % SiO_2 for all but volumetrically minor felsic differentiates (with Si0_2≈70 wt %). All rocks with less than 65.5 wt % SiO_2 show linear element-element covariation. Felsic differentiates have characteristics (higher SiO_2, K_2O, Rb, Ba, U; higher and variable rare earth elements) consistent with derivation by in situ fractionation; rocks with between 65.5 and 70 wt % SiO_2 have intermediate characteristics and are interpreted as derived from liquids formed by mixing “primitive” liquids with fractionated liquids within an intermittently recharged, continuously solidifying magma chamber. Mafic inclusions extend the compositional trends of the mafic tonalites to 55 wt % SiO_2. The chemical variations of both inclusions and more mafic tonalites are interpreted as resulting from processes acting before injection of their parental liquids into the observed crustal magma chambers. Effects of chamber processes are minor for all but the most felsic rocks. The major effect of recharge is to buffer the thermal and chemical properties of liquids within the magma chambers, yielding large volumes of relatively homogeneous tonalite. For those elements where the bulk distribution coefficient is between about 0.5 and 2, concurrent recharge and solidification produces rocks that closely approximate the composition of the added liquids. Estimated Rayleigh numbers for these liquids are high (>10^(10)), implying convection throughout much of the solidification history of each chamber. Existence of trace element variations within analyzed rocks imply that convection was not totally efficient at homogenizing the various batches of liquid added to each chamber

    Critical Crossover Between Yosida-Kondo Dominant Regime and Magnetic Frustration Dominant Regime in the System of a Magnetic Trimer on a Metal Surface

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    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations were carried out for the system of a magnetic trimer on a metal surface. The magnetic trimer is arranged in two geometric configurations, viz., isosceles and equilateral triangles. The calculated spectral density and magnetic susceptibility show the existence of two phases: Yosida-Kondo dominant phase and magnetic frustration dominant phase. Furthermore, a critical transition between these two phases can be induced by changing the configuration of the magnetic trimers from isosceles to equilateral triangle.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Description of recent large-qq neutron inclusive scattering data from liquid 4^4He

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    We report dynamical calculations for large-qq structure functions of liquid 4^4He at TT=1.6 and 2.3 K and compare those with recent MARI data. We extend those calculations far beyond the experimental range q\le 29\Ain in order to study the approach of the response to its asymptotic limit for a system with interactions having a strong short-range repulsion. We find only small deviations from theoretical 1/q1/q behavior, valid for smooth VV. We repeat an extraction by Glyde et al of cumulant coefficients from data. We argue that fits determine the single atom momentum distribution, but express doubt as to the extraction of meaningful Final State Interaction parameters.Comment: 37 pages, 13 postscript fig