12 research outputs found

    Desempenho agronômico de genótipos de capim-braquiária em sucessão à soja

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de genótipos de capim-braquiária [Urochloa brizantha (Syn. Brachiaria brizantha)] em sucessão à soja, para uso em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária. Os genótipos Marandu, MG 4, Xaraés, Piatã, Arapoty e B 6, foram avaliados na safrinha, durante a estação seca, e a soja na safra de verão, em esquema de sucessão, de 2007 a 2010. Em cada ano, as forrageiras foram semeadas em março, avaliadas em cortes sucessivos até o final de setembro e dessecadas em outubro para a realização do plantio direto da soja em novembro. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Xaraés e B 6 estiveram entre os genótipos com maior produção de forragem. A cultivar Xaraés apresentou menores teores de proteína bruta, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica, cálcio e fósforo, embora esses teores possam ser considerados bons para o gênero, uma vez que o solo de cultivo apresentava boa fertilidade. Há variação entre os genótipos de U. brizantha quanto ao desempenho na safrinha. A cultivar Xaraés e o genótipo B 6 destacam-se para compor sistemas de produção integrados com lavoura. Os genótipos MG 4 e B6 são facilmente dessecados com o herbicida glifosato. A produtividade de grãos de soja não é significativamente afetada pelo cultivo em sucessão aos genótipos de U. brizantha

    Antiprotozoal and molluscicidal activities of five Brazilian plants

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    Leishmaniasis, Chagas' disease and schistosomiasis (bilharzia) are parasitic diseases with wide distribution on the American continent, affecting millions of people. In the present study, biological assays for antiprotozoal and molluscicidal activities were carried out with ethanolic extracts of plant species from the Brazilian part of the Upper Paraná River. Crude extracts were obtained by percolation with absolute ethanol from the leaves of Cayaponia podantha Cogn., Nectandra falcifolia (Nees) Castiglioni and Paullinia elegans Cambess., as well as from the aerial parts of Helicteres gardneriana St. Hil. & Naud. and Melochia arenosa Benth., all belonging to genera used in folk medicine. Trypanocidal activity of plants was assayed on epimastigote cultures in liver infusion tryptose. Anti-leishmanial activity was determined over cultures of promastigote forms of the parasite in Schneider's Drosophila medium. Microscopic countings of parasites, after their incubation in the presence of different concentrations of the crude extracts, were made in order to determine the percentage of growth inhibition. C. podantha and M. arenosa, at a concentration of 10 µg/mL, showed 90.4 ± 11.52 and 88.9 ± 2.20% growth inhibition, respectively, of epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, whereas N. falcifolia demonstrated an LD50 of 138.5 µg/mL against promastigote forms of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Regarding molluscicidal activity, the acute toxicity of the extracts on Biomphalaria glabrata was evaluated by a rapid screening procedure. M. arenosa was 100% lethal to snails at 200 µg/mL and showed an LD50 of 143 µg/mL. Screening of plant extracts represents a continuous effort to find new antiparasitic drugs

    Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of guinea grass tillers at different ages under intermittent stocking

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    The objective of this research was to assess morphogenetic and structural characteristics of tillers of guinea grass cv. Tanzania at different ages. The pastures of guinea grass were managed in six pasture conditions related to the combination of three frequencies (90, 95, and 99% light interception) and two post-grazing heights (25 and 50 cm). In these six pastures conditions, three tiller ages were evaluated (young, mature, and old). The design was of completely randomized block with three replications. Young tillers exhibited higher leaf appearance rate and leaf elongation rate and, consequently, higher final leaf length and number of live leaves than mature and old tillers, regardless of the pasture condition. On pastures managed with 90 or 95% light interception associated with a post-grazing height of 25 cm, old tillers presented longer leaf lifespan than young and mature ones. There is a progressive reduction in the vigor of growth of pastures of guinea grass cv. Tanzania with advancing tiller age

    Forage yield and nutritive value of Panicum maximum genotypes in the Brazilian savannah

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    The narrow genetic variability of grasslands and the incidence of new biotic and abiotic stresses have motivated the selection of new Panicum maximum genotypes for use as forage for beef cattle in the Brazilian savannah. This study aimed to evaluate forage yield and nutritive value of P. maximum genotypes including 14 accessions (PM30 to PM43), four intraspecific hybrids (PM44 to PM47) and six cultivars (Aruana, Massai, Milênio, Mombaça, Tanzania and Vencedor), examining 24 genotypes over two years (2003 and 2004). Milênio cultivar was the genotype with the highest dry matter yield (DMY) in both years (18.4 t ha-1 and 20.9 t ha-1, respectively) although it presented a high proportion of stems (~ 30%). Genotypes that showed higher Leaf DMY in both years were the accession PM34 (14.7 t ha-1) and the hybrid PM46 (14.0 t ha-1), while Mombaça and Tanzania yielded 12.5 and 11.0 t ha-1, respectively. Leaf organic matter digestibility and leaf DMY for PM40 and PM46 genotypes exceeded the mean (> 656 g kg-1 and > 11.7 t ha-1, respectively). For this reason, PM40 and PM46 can be considered promising P. maximum genotypes for use as forage for grazing systems in the Brazilian savannah

    Desempenho animal, produção de forragem e características estruturais dos capins marandu e xaraés submetidos a intensidades de pastejo Animal performance, forage yield and structural characteristics in the palisadegrass cvs. marandu and xaraés submitted to grazing intensities

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    Os objetivos foram avaliar a produção de forragem, as características estruturais, a ingestão de forragem, o comportamento de ingestão e o desempenho animal de bovinos em pastos de capins marandu e xaraés submetidos a três intensidades de pastejo. O período experimental foi de outubro de 2005 a junho de 2006 em área de 8 hectares, divididos em 12 piquetes de 0,67 hectares. Foram avaliados dois cultivares de B. brizantha (Marandu e Xaraés) e três intensidades de pastejo (15, 30 e 45 cm de altura do dossel). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos completos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas com duas repetições. As parcelas principais foram constituídas pelos cultivares e as subparcelas pelas intensidades de pastejo. O método de pastejo utilizado foi de lotação contínua com taxa de lotação variável. Cada piquete foi pastejado por três novilhos e por animais reguladores, utilizados para ajustar as alturas do dossel. As alturas foram monitoradas duas vezes por semana. Os pastos foram amostrados a cada 28 dias para estimativa da massa de forragem, da taxa de acúmulo de forragem, das características estruturais e do valor nutritivo. Os animais foram pesados a cada 28 dias. O consumo de matéria seca foi estimado no verão e outono, e o comportamento de ingestão no verão. A taxa de acúmulo e o ganho médio diário decresceu à medida que aumentou a intensidade de pastejo nos pastos de capins xaraés e marandu. O consumo de forragem pelos animais nos pastos de capim xaraés foi limitado pela variação na estrutura do dossel. Considerando as características estruturais do dossel, o consumo de forragem e a produtividade, estes capins requerem práticas de manejo diferenciadas: o capim-marandu deve ser manejado entre 25 e 40 cm de altura e o capim-xaraés a 40 cm.<br>The objectives were to evaluate the forage yield, the structural characteristics, the herbage intake, the grazing behavior and beef cattle performance in the palisadegrass cvs. Marandu and Xaraés pastures submitted to three grazing intensities. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Gado de Corte. The experimental period was from October 2005 to June 2006. The area was of 8 ha, divided in 12 paddocks of 0.67 ha. Two cultivars of palisadegrass, Marandu and Xaraés, and three grazing intensities, 15, 30, and 45 cm of sward height were evaluated. The experimental design was randomized block in a split plot arrangement and two replications. The main plot was constituted by cultivars and the subplot by the grazing intensities. The grazing was continuously stocking with variable stocking rate. Each paddock was grazed by three steers and regulating animals were utilized to adjust the sward heights. The sward heights were monitored twice per week. The grass was sampled each 28 days to estimate the herbage yield, herbage accumulation rate, pasture structural characteristics, and nutritive value. Animals were weighed each 28 days. The dry matter intake was estimated in the summer and the autumn, and the grazing behavior in the summer. Herbage accumulation and average daily gain decreased as the grazing intensities increased for both palisadegrass cvs. Xaraés and Marandu. The forage intake for the animals in xaraés grass pasture was limited by the variation in the sward structure. Based on the sward structural characteristics, forage intake and the productivity, these grasses require differentiated management. Marandu grass must be managed between 25 and 40 cm of height and xaraés grass at 40 cm