7 research outputs found

    AMMI analysis of the adaptability and yield stability of yellow passion fruit varieties

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    High yield stability and adaptability of yellow passion fruit varieties (Passiflora edulis Sims. f. flavicarpa Deg.) are highly desirable attributes when exploring different environments. This study aimed to evaluate the adaptability and yield stability of yellow passion fruit varieties using AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) and other ancillary statistics. Twelve varieties were evaluated in eight environments. Analysis of variance showed effects attributable to the varieties (G), environment (E) and their interaction (G × E). The first two multiplicative components of the interaction accounted for 69% of the sum of squares. The scores of the principal interaction components showed high variability for the environments relative to the variety effects. High varietal phenotypic stability was observed in three environments; which can be used in yellow passion fruit breeding programs for initial selection trials. A biplot-AMMI analysis and yield stability index incorporating the AMMI stability value and yield capacity in a single non-parametric index were useful for discriminating genotypes with superior and stable fruit yield. AMMI analysis also allowed for the identification of more productive varieties in specific environments, leading to significant increase in passion fruit productivity

    Comparison between different selection indices in energy cane breeding

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    Não encontrei o número de páginas.Sugarcane breeding programs have been adapting to a new market demand: aside from high sucrose yield per hectare, the sector needs new cultivars with higher fiber percentages. The selection of sugarcane clones based on phenotype alone is a complex task. The selected clones should display high performance in a series of yield- and quality-related traits. Selection indices can provide information about which clones can best combine the traits of agronomic interest. In this study, different selection indices were evaluated in a population of 220 clones. The following traits were evaluated: weight of 10 stalks with straw, weight of 10 stalks with no straw, tons of cane per hectare with straw, tons of cane per hectare with no straw, sucrose content, fiber percentage, and tons of fiber per hectare. The selection indices of Smith (1936) and Hazel (1943) and Mulamba and Mock (1978), the base index (Williams, 1962), and the index of Pesek and Baker (1969) were used. The selection index of Mulamba and Mock (1978) without economic weight estimates, the index of Mulamba and Mock with economic weights based on heritability, and the index of Pesek and Baker (1969) with the desired gains based on genetic standard deviations were efficient for the selection of energy cane clones with good fiber yield, sucrose content, and tons of cane per hectare

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos precoces de cana‑de‑açúcar no Rio Grande do Sul

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de cana‑de‑açúcar de maturação precoce, quanto à produtividade de colmos e de Brix, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Quinze genótipos de maturação precoce foram avaliados nas safras 2009/2010 e 2010/2011, por meio da análise de efeitos principais aditivos e interações multiplicativas (AMMI). As interações genótipo x ambiente foram de alta significância e evidenciaram a alteração de posição na classificação dos genótipos de um ambiente para outro. Novos genótipos superaram, em produtividade e estabilidade, o genótipo‑padrão precoce RB855156, embora este ainda se destaque pela produtividade, estabilidade moderada e ampla adaptabilidade. O genótipo RB966928 destacou-se pela riqueza e produtividade de Brix, estabilidade moderada e ampla adaptabilidade. Salto do Jacuí, RS, é o ambiente mais indicado para testes preliminares de seleção de genótipos