32 research outputs found

    Diversity of the arthropod fauna in organically grown garlic intercropped with fodder radish.

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    The cultivation of garlic faces several problems, which include pest attack, and the diversification of habitat through intercropping with attractive plants comes up as a method to pest management. The objective of this research was to verify the effect of the association of garlic with fodder radish on richness, abundance and diversity of arthropods under organic production system in Lavras, MG, Brazil. The treatments were composed of garlic in monoculture and garlic in association with fodder radish, in plots of 40 garlic plants, intercropped or not with two lines of fodder radish. Weekly, 25 samples were collected for a period of 10 weeks (n=250). Species accumulation curves, species richness, abundance, and diversity index were determined, and T or Mann-Whitney tests were used for analysis. The 250 samples collected were sufficient to register the majority of species present in garlic. Richness and abundance were higher in diversified garlic whereas diversity was higher in monoculture. Diversified system increased the overall richness of phytophagous species and parasitoids. The abundance of T. tabaci decreased, while increased the presence of A. fabae, demonstrating that the association was potentially beneficent to the culture. The possible reasons for these results are discussed, and future works should focus in the ecological mechanisms involved in crop diversification of organic garlic

    Famílias de Himenópteros Parasitoides em cultivo orgânico de café em Santo Antônio do Amparo, MG, Brasil

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    The objective of this study was to understand the profiles of families of Hymenoptera parasitoids present in the organic coffee grown in Santo Antônio do Amparo, Brazil. Samples were collected monthly to calculate the accumulation curve, richness and abundance indices. 4817 parasitoids distributed in nine families and 26 superfamilies were collected. The superfamily Chalcidoidea had the highest abundance (28.34 %) and diversity (13 families). Families that have natural enemies to the coffee pests represented 42 % of arthropods collected. Samples were taken of Parasitoid families not related to coffee pests, indicating the importance of organic farming in the conservation of hymenoptera.Objetivou-se neste estudo compreender os perfis das famílias de himenópteros parasitoides presentes na cultura de café orgânico, no município de Santo Antônio do Amparo, MG. Foram realizadas amostragens mensais e posterior cálculo da curva de acumulação, riqueza e índices de abundância. Foram coletados 4.817 parasitoides, distribuídos em nove superfamílias e 26 famílias. A superfamília Chalcidoidea apresentou maiores abundância (28,34%) e diversidade (13 famílias). Famílias que possuem inimigos naturais de pragas do café representaram 42% dos artrópodes coletados. Foram amostradas famílias de parasitoides não relacionadas a pragas do cafeeiro, indicando a importância do cultivo orgânico na conservação da fauna de himenópteros

    Visitation of Social Wasps in Arabica Coffee Crop (Coffea Arabica L.) Intercropped with Different Tree Species

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    Brazil stands out for its coffee plantations for which the 2015 harvest yielded a revenue of over 600 million dollars. Its production is closely related to biotic and abiotic factors, and insect pests are noted for reducing this production. However, those insects are highly influenced by biological control agents such as predator wasps. This study aimed to survey the wasps visiting intercropping coffee cultivation with different tree species. Four plots of coffee intercropped with different tree species and coffee in full sun (control) were sampled for comparison. Tree species were: Teak (Tectona grandis L.f), Australian redcedar (Toona ciliata M. Roem.), Mangium (Acacia mangium Willd.) and Avocado (Persea americana Mill.). Six hundred and thirty-nine individuals of social wasps were collected, with 20 species and 7 genera, and an overall diversity index of 1.14. The plot with Avocado had the highest Shannon diversity index (H ‘) 1.23 and the lowest dominance according to the Index Berger-Paker (DPB) 0.54

    Niche overlap and daily activity pattern of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) in kale crops

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    Kale (Brassica oleraceae var. acephala) is of great importance in human nutrition and local agricultural economies, but its growth is impaired by the attack of several insect pests. Social wasps prey on these pests, but few studies report the importance of this predation or the potential use of wasps as biological control for agricultural pests. This study aimed to survey the species of social wasps that forage in kale (B. oleraceae var. acephala), recording the influence of temperature and time of day on the foraging behavior of these wasps. The research was conducted at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais - Bambuí Campus, from July to December 2015, when twelve collections of social wasps that foraged on a common area of kale cultivation were made, noting the temperature and time of collection for each wasp. Polybia ignobilis, Protonectarina sylveirae and Protopolybia sedula were the most common wasp species foraging in fields of kale. Interspecific interactions between wasp species did not affect their coexistence within kale fields, with peak foraging occurring between 1000 and 1100 hours. Social wasps are important predators of herbivorous insects in the agricultural environment and the coexistence of a great diversity of these predators can help control pest insects that occur in the crop. Moreover, knowing factors that influence foraging behaviors of common wasp species that occur in this crop is important for effective use of these insects in the biological control of pests

    Diversified and monoculture, contrasts in some parasitoids community of coffee crop / Monocultura diversificada e monocultura, contrastes em alguns parasitóides da comunidade da cultura do café

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    The diversification of the agriculture is a practice that is getting focus in the last decade, but it always was the natural way. The diversification, being anthropomorphic or natural, brings benefits to the crop, farmer, and the environment. One way possible to restore the diversity of the crop, is planting trees along the culture. Doing this, we can restore the diversification and help to improve ecological function, as pest control. This work was conducted at Fazenda da Lagoa, Santo Antonio do Amparo municipality, Brazil in a coffee plantation diversified with different tree species, being them Avocado, Macadamia, Mangium, Teak and Red Cedar. The insects were collected utilizing yellow plastic pan traps left in the field for a 48h period. Each tree species was sampled separated and a monoculture coffee as control. We found 254 insects in 40 species being 22 species of Braconidae, six species of Eulophidae and 12 Mymaridae species. Our results showed that all tree species had a greater insect richness than Monoculture coffee with Avocado (16), Mangium (18), Cedar (16), Macadamia (19), Teak (16) and Full Sun (10), also we found more abundance of parasitoids at the diversified coffee than in monoculture

    Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) as an attractive crop to natural enemies in onion fields

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    Onion is the third most grown vegetable crop in São Paulo state, Brazil. Organic onion farming is expected to increase in the state due to the increasing demand. Pest management in organic onion farming is based on plant extracts with insecticide effects. However, the efficacy of such plant extracts has not been proved yet, and it was observed that they do negatively affect natural enemies. Plants surrounding onion fields, and that are attractive to natural enemies, may be a good option to farmers, since they may lead to increased diversity of arthropod species and, consequently, the natural control of pest populations. This study deals with the effect of marigold plants as a resource plant to natural enemies in onion fields. The experiment was set in a certified organic farm using marigold rows at a center of an onion field. Samples were taken from marigold and the onion plants 5 m (near) and 30 m (far) from the flowering strips. Higher numbers of arthropod pests were observed in onion plants 30 m from the marigold strip, while higher numbers of predators and parasitoids were found at 5 m distance. Species richness and Shannon's diversity index were higher at 5 m from marigold. Therefore, marigold rows next to onion fields resulted in higher number of entomophagous species, potentially enhancing the natural control of onion pests. In the study field, marigold strips may be an alternative to crop sprays for organic control of onion pests.A cebola é a terceira hortaliça mais cultivada em São Paulo, cujo cultivo orgânico tende a crescer devido ao grande mercado consumidor existente. O manejo das pragas na cebolicultura orgânica baseia-se nos extratos de plantas inseticidas que, além de terem eficiência não comprovada, podem afetar negativamente os inimigos naturais. A utilização de plantas atrativas a inimigos naturais no entorno dos cultivos de cebola pode ser uma boa opção para os produtores, pois potencialmente aumentam a diversidade da artropodofauna e podem regular naturalmente as populações de espécies pragas. Verificou-se o efeito de linhas de cravo-de-defunto (Tagetes erecta L.) como cultura atrativa a inimigos naturais em campos de cebola. O experimento foi realizado em propriedade orgânica certificada, instalando-se linhas de cravo-de-defunto nas bordaduras de dois campos de cebola. Os tratamentos foram definidos coletando-se amostras nas plantas de cebola próximas às linhas da atrativa (5m) e distante das linhas (30 m). De maneira geral, observou-se maior quantidade de artrópodes fitófagos nas plantas de cebola longe da faixa atrativa e, inversamente, maior quantidade de inimigos naturais próximos à faixa. A riqueza de espécies também foi maior nas coletas próximas, o mesmo valendo para o índice de diversidade de Shannon. Portanto, a manutenção de linhas de cravo-de-defunto próximas ao cultivo de cebola promoveu maior riqueza e diversidade de artrópodes, bem como maior número de entomófagos, resultando em menor presença de fitófagos nas plantas, auxiliando na regulação natural das pragas da cultura

    Resistance of corn genotypes to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de genótipos de milho no desenvolvimento e preferência alimentar de Spodoptera frugiperda. No primeiro ensaio, estudou-se o desenvolvimento do inseto em 9 linhagens (Mp496, Mp701, Mp705, Mp706, Mp707, IAC701 N, IAC701 BPl, IAC103 N e IAC103 BPl), um híbrido (IAC7777) e uma raça (Zapalote Chico, ZC) de milho, avaliando-se a duração e viabilidade da fase larval, peso de lagartas (10 dias de idade) e de pupas, viabilidade da fase pupal, razão sexual e deformação de adultos. A melhor discriminação dos genótipos foi obtida com os parâmetros relativos à fase larval, concluindo-se que os genótipos menos adequados ao inseto (com maior grau de resistência) foram Mp707 e ZC, vindo a seguir Mp705, Mp706 e Mp701, enquanto que os mais adequados (com maior suscetibilidade) foram IAC103 N, IAC701 N e Mp496. Num segundo ensaio foram feitos dois testes para verificar a não-preferência para alimentação das lagartas de 10 e 50 ínstar aos genótipos IAC701 N (testemunha suscetível), IAC7777 (testemunha comercial) e Mp707 e ZC (resistentes). Estes ensaios foram feitos em arenas, com livre chance de escolha pelas lagartas. Em ambos os testes, houve não-preferência das lagartas para os genótipos Mp707 e ZC, sendo 'IAC701 N' o mais preferido, o que permitiu concluir que este tipo de resistência é, ao menos em parte, responsável pela menor adequação daqueles materiais ao desenvolvimento do inseto. Avaliou-se ainda a sobrevivência de lagartas (do início do desenvolvimento até a pupação) mantidas em grupos de 20 indivíduos por recipiente (frasco de 600 ml) e alimentadas com cada um dos 4 genótipos utilizados no teste de preferência. Verificou-se uma maior mortalidade larval nos genótipos Mp707 e ZC (65,0%), comparado ao genótipo IAC701 N (52,0%), o que foi demonstrado pelo menor número de pupas formadas nos dois primeiros genótiposThe objective of this paper was the evaluation of the com genotypes effect upon the development and food preference of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. In the first trial the rate of development, duration and viability of larval stage, larval (10 days of age) and pupal weight, pupal viability, sexual ratio and adult deformation influenced by larval feeding on the inbreed lines Mp496, Mp701, Mp705, Mp706, Mp707, IAC701 N, IAC701 BPI, IAC103 N and IAC103 BPI, the hybrid IAC7777 and the race Zapalote Chico (ZC), was studied. The parameters related to the larval fase gave the best genotype discrimination, and it was concluded that the least adequate genotypes to the insect (genotypes with the higher resistance) were Mp707 and ZC, followed by Mp705, Mp706 and Mp701, while the most adequates (most susceptible) were: IAC103 N, IAC701 N and Mp496. In a second trial two tests were made to evaluate the non-preference for feeding of the larvae to the genotypes IAC701 N (susceptible check), IAC7777 (commercial check), Mp707 and ZC (resistant). These tests were run in arenas with free choice among treatments. The test with 1st instar larvae indicated that the insects preferred the genotypes IAC701 N and IAC7777, whereas the orientation of the larvae towards those resistant genotypes was smaller, since a lower percentage of larvae stablished on the leaves of 'Mp707' and 'ZC' after 24 hours. The test with 5th instar larvae indicated a non-preference of the larvae for the leaves of genotypes Mp707 and ZC while 'IAC701 N' was the most prefered with most leaves being consumed. The non-preference for feeding tests leaded to the conclusion that this type of resistance is at least partially responsible for the inadequate development of S. frugiperda caterpillar fed on leaves of 'Mp707' and 'ZC', observed on the biology tests. The larvae survival (from larvae emergence until pupation) held in bulks of 20 and fed with four different genotypes used in the non-preference tests was also evaluated. There was higher larval mortality in the genotypes Mp707 and ZC (65%), compared with 'IAC701 N' (52%), and this was evidenced by the lower number of pupae formed in the first two genotype

    Resistance of corn genotypes to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de genótipos de milho no desenvolvimento e preferência alimentar de Spodoptera frugiperda. No primeiro ensaio, estudou-se o desenvolvimento do inseto em 9 linhagens (Mp496, Mp701, Mp705, Mp706, Mp707, IAC701 N, IAC701 BPl, IAC103 N e IAC103 BPl), um híbrido (IAC7777) e uma raça (Zapalote Chico, ZC) de milho, avaliando-se a duração e viabilidade da fase larval, peso de lagartas (10 dias de idade) e de pupas, viabilidade da fase pupal, razão sexual e deformação de adultos. A melhor discriminação dos genótipos foi obtida com os parâmetros relativos à fase larval, concluindo-se que os genótipos menos adequados ao inseto (com maior grau de resistência) foram Mp707 e ZC, vindo a seguir Mp705, Mp706 e Mp701, enquanto que os mais adequados (com maior suscetibilidade) foram IAC103 N, IAC701 N e Mp496. Num segundo ensaio foram feitos dois testes para verificar a não-preferência para alimentação das lagartas de 10 e 50 ínstar aos genótipos IAC701 N (testemunha suscetível), IAC7777 (testemunha comercial) e Mp707 e ZC (resistentes). Estes ensaios foram feitos em arenas, com livre chance de escolha pelas lagartas. Em ambos os testes, houve não-preferência das lagartas para os genótipos Mp707 e ZC, sendo 'IAC701 N' o mais preferido, o que permitiu concluir que este tipo de resistência é, ao menos em parte, responsável pela menor adequação daqueles materiais ao desenvolvimento do inseto. Avaliou-se ainda a sobrevivência de lagartas (do início do desenvolvimento até a pupação) mantidas em grupos de 20 indivíduos por recipiente (frasco de 600 ml) e alimentadas com cada um dos 4 genótipos utilizados no teste de preferência. Verificou-se uma maior mortalidade larval nos genótipos Mp707 e ZC (65,0%), comparado ao genótipo IAC701 N (52,0%), o que foi demonstrado pelo menor número de pupas formadas nos dois primeiros genótiposThe objective of this paper was the evaluation of the com genotypes effect upon the development and food preference of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. In the first trial the rate of development, duration and viability of larval stage, larval (10 days of age) and pupal weight, pupal viability, sexual ratio and adult deformation influenced by larval feeding on the inbreed lines Mp496, Mp701, Mp705, Mp706, Mp707, IAC701 N, IAC701 BPI, IAC103 N and IAC103 BPI, the hybrid IAC7777 and the race Zapalote Chico (ZC), was studied. The parameters related to the larval fase gave the best genotype discrimination, and it was concluded that the least adequate genotypes to the insect (genotypes with the higher resistance) were Mp707 and ZC, followed by Mp705, Mp706 and Mp701, while the most adequates (most susceptible) were: IAC103 N, IAC701 N and Mp496. In a second trial two tests were made to evaluate the non-preference for feeding of the larvae to the genotypes IAC701 N (susceptible check), IAC7777 (commercial check), Mp707 and ZC (resistant). These tests were run in arenas with free choice among treatments. The test with 1st instar larvae indicated that the insects preferred the genotypes IAC701 N and IAC7777, whereas the orientation of the larvae towards those resistant genotypes was smaller, since a lower percentage of larvae stablished on the leaves of 'Mp707' and 'ZC' after 24 hours. The test with 5th instar larvae indicated a non-preference of the larvae for the leaves of genotypes Mp707 and ZC while 'IAC701 N' was the most prefered with most leaves being consumed. The non-preference for feeding tests leaded to the conclusion that this type of resistance is at least partially responsible for the inadequate development of S. frugiperda caterpillar fed on leaves of 'Mp707' and 'ZC', observed on the biology tests. The larvae survival (from larvae emergence until pupation) held in bulks of 20 and fed with four different genotypes used in the non-preference tests was also evaluated. There was higher larval mortality in the genotypes Mp707 and ZC (65%), compared with 'IAC701 N' (52%), and this was evidenced by the lower number of pupae formed in the first two genotype

    Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae): sensibilidade ao fotoperíodo e diapausa reprodutiva? Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae): sensitivity to diapause-inducting photoperiods?

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    <abstract language="eng">The minute pirate bugs, Orius spp., are known as predators on several pests as thrips, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. Orius insidiosus is an important thrips predator, commercially used around the world. However, one of the main problems on biological control of thrips in temperate regions is the occurrence of reproductive diapause in Orius species. This characteristic promotes the interruption of biological control strategies when predators are exposed to short photoperiods. This research had as objective to evaluate the influence of different photoperiod conditions on eggs/nymphs and adults of O. insidiosus in laboratory. The trials were carried out through the combination of eggs/nymphs and adults reared under the photoperiods 10L:14D; 11L:13D; 12L:12D and 13L:11D, at 25±2ºC and 70±10% RH. The predators were maintained during their pre-imaginal development time under one of the photoperiods and, after being emerged as adults transferred to another photoperiod regime. The predator had a tendency to present longer development time under photoperiod 13L:11D. There was no influence of the different photoperiods conditions on the reproduction of O. insidiosus. The females laid eggs normally during all their lifetime. O. insidiosus is not sensitive to photoperiod evaluated and do not enter in reproductive diapause