3 research outputs found

    Fizički integritet i najnovije zakonodavne izmjene u Albaniji

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    In 2016 Albania went through a major justice reform which provided legislative changes to the already existing institutions, established new ones and sought to improve the procedural guarantees of the accused in criminal trials. While the Albanian Code of Criminal Procedure prior to the changes did not provide for biological evidence or a medical intervention in the course of a criminal investigation, the new legislative changes introduced the concepts of biological evidence and the compulsory physical examination as part of tools in search of the evidence. Even though the draft amendments to the previous Albanian Code of Criminal procedure recognized the problems encountered in practice during the collection of biological evidence vis à vis individual’s rights to personal integrity and dignity, the application of the newly introduced and enacted provisions remains still unclear and raises concerns, not only regarding the possible arbitrary use of such tools by law enforcement authorities, but also on the possible conflicts that can arise from the application of such procedures by medical examiners and physicians and the fundamental rights of the person under examination or undergoing the medical procedure/intervention.U 2016. godini Albanija je prošla kroz veliku reformu pravosuđa koja je već postojećim institucijama donijela zakonske izmjene, uspostavila nove zakone te nastojala poboljšati procesna jamstva optuženih u kaznenim postupcima. Dok albanski Zakon o kaznenom postupku prije ovih izmjena nije predviđao biološke dokaze niti medicinsku intervenciju tijekom kaznene istrage, nove zakonske izmjene predstavile su koncepte bioloških dokaza i obavezni fizički pregled kao dio alata u potrazi za dokazima. Iako su u nacrtima amandmana za prethodni Zakon o kaznenom postupku Albanije prepoznati problemi koji se susreću u praksi tijekom prikupljanja bioloških dokaza s obzirom na prava pojedinca na osobni integritet i dostojanstvo, primjena novouvedenih i donesenih odredbi i dalje ostaje nejasna i izaziva zabrinutost, ne samo u pogledu mogućeg proizvoljnog korištenja takvih alata od strane tijela za provedbu zakona, već i zbog mogućih sukoba koji mogu proizaći iz primjene takvih postupaka od strane medicinskih istražitelja i liječnika te temeljnih prava osobe koju se ispituje ili prolazi kroz medicinski postupak/intervenciju

    Jardim sensorial como ferramenta didática e de inclusão

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    In spite of the importance of Floriculture, Landscaping and Gardening offered as a discipline at Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC) – Campus Rio do Sul, it seems to be clear that  many students may not develop much interest in its contents since, from their point of view, getting such knowledge is considered not important for the development of neither professional nor academic life. Being convinced that the use of projects and non-formal spaces in the educational development process can help to arouse students’ interest in such content, we decided to implement a sensory garden as a tool in the teaching/learning process of students in the first grade of farming course within the discipline of Floriculture, Landscaping and Gardening. After that, we also decided to make it available to students attended by APAE (Association of Parents and Friends of Disabled People). This project obteined positive results since there was students’ awareness on the topic of social inclusion. In addition to that, it is possible to say that there were  commitment and dedication in the planning and collective implementation of the sensory garden. The students evaluated it as being a positive teaching strategy for being outside the traditional teaching environments. Students attended by APAE, who also visited the sensory garden, could experiment intellectual, motor, cognitive, and affective development, showing great enthusiasm in carrying out the activities. That technique has the potential to be used continuously as a tool in the teaching/learning process for all audiences, especially for those with disabilities.Apesar da importância do componente curricular Floricultura, Paisagismo e Jardinagem oferecida no curso Técnico em Agropecuária, integrado ao Ensino Médio no Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC) – Campus Rio do Sul, percebe-se que muitos estudantes não desenvolvem interesse pelos conteúdos dessa disciplina. Isso se manifesta em relatos dos próprios estudantes, nos quais revelam que não acham esses conteúdos importantes para sua vida profissional ou acadêmica. A utilização de projetos e de espaços não formais de ensino no processo educacional podem despertar o interesse dos estudantes pelos conteúdos dos componentes curriculares. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar um jardim sensorial como ferramenta no processo de ensino/aprendizagem dos estudantes do primeiro ano do referido curso, no componente curricular Floricultura, Paisagismo e Jardinagem, e disponibilizar a sua utilização/visitação aos alunos atendidos pela Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE). Os resultados do projeto foram positivos, pois houve, por parte dos estudantes do IFC, sensibilização sobre o tema da inclusão social, além da dedicação no planejamento e implantação coletiva do jardim sensorial. Os estudantes avaliaram como positiva a estratégia de ensino fora do ambiente tradicional. Os alunos atendidos pela APAE, que visitaram o jardim sensorial, apresentaram melhora no desenvolvimento intelectual, motor, cognitivo e socioafetivo, além de demonstrarem grande entusiasmo na realização das atividades. Esta técnica apresenta potencialidade para ser utilizada continuamente como ferramenta no processo de ensino/aprendizado para todos os públicos, em especial, os com deficiência

    All-On-Four Concept Literature Review

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    The All-on-4 concept is a dental implant technique that provides a solution for patients who have lost or are about to lose all of their teeth in one or both jaws. This concept was developed to simplify the implant process and make it more accessible for individuals with extensive tooth loss. In the review performed in Pubmed and Cochrane Library between 2005 and 2023, Full arch implant-supported prosthesis, 4-implant full arc, osseointegration, inclined implant, total edentulism and different combinations in which some of these keywords were used together were chosen. 100 of the articles achieved from the review were evaluated with respect to the subject we examined. The inclusion criteria for articles were as follows: 1-Articles were related to the all-on-four concept. 2-Abstracts were obtained when the full texts could not be obtained. The All-on-4 concept in dental implantology offers several advantages, making it a popular and effective solution for patients with extensive tooth loss. The All-on-4 concept allows for the immediate loading of prostheses onto the implants shortly after surgery. Compared to traditional implant approaches, All-on-4 reduces treatment time significantly. The concept utilizes tilted posterior implants, which take advantage of available bone and reduce the necessity for bone grafting in areas with insufficient bone volume. All-on-4 may be more cost-effective than traditional implant-supported restorations due to the reduced number of implants and the associated surgical procedures. The concept aims to provide a fixed, full-arch prosthesis that closely resembles natural teeth. Numerous studies have reported high success rates for the All-on-4 concept, with the majority of patients experiencing successful osseointegration and long-term stability of the implants. All-on-4 often results in a more comfortable experience for patients, with fewer surgical interventions and reduced healing periods. The tilted posterior implants increase the contact between bone and implant, enhancing stability and support for the prosthesis