223 research outputs found

    Tourism And Urbanization: Environmental Problem Of The Araruai Lagoon, State Of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

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    The Araruama Lagoon (Rio de Janeiro) is known for its scenic beauty and natural resources, factors that have led to the economic expansion of the region. In recent decades, tourism and property speculation have been key to the urban development of the municipalities surrounding this Lagoon. Using secondary data and a theoretical framework based on Political Ecology and Critical Environmental Education, this article seeks to analyze the correlations between the development processes of the towns surrounding the Lagoon and the impact of these processes on the environmental quality of its ecosystem. In recent years, the evolution of parameters studied revealed that the imbalance in terms of the sustainable development of the region has damaged the health of this body of water. Large quantities of fresh water, as well as domestic and industrial effluents discharged without appropriate treatment in the Lagoon, have overloaded the ecological system, with negative effects for the entire economy in the surrounding area.194598


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance, as well as neuromuscular activity, in a strength task in subjects with different training backgrounds. Participants (n = 26) were divided into three groups according to their training backgrounds (aerobic, strength or mixed) and submitted to three sessions: (1) determination of the maximum oxygen uptake during the incremental treadmill test to exhaustion and familiarization of the evaluation of maximum strength (1RM) for the half squat; (2) 1RM determination; and (3) strength exercise, four sets at 80�0of the 1RM, in which the maximum number of repetitions (MNR), the total weight lifted (TWL), the root mean square (RMS) and median frequency (MF) of the electromyographic (EMG) activity for the second and last repetition were computed. There was an effect of group for MNR, with the aerobic group performing a higher MNR compared to the strength group (P = 0.045), and an effect on MF with a higher value in the second repetition than in the last repetition (P = 0.016). These results demonstrated that individuals with better aerobic fitness were more fatigue resistant than strength trained individuals. The absence of differences in EMG signals indicates that individuals with different training backgrounds have a similar pattern of motor unit recruitment during a resistance exercise performed until failure, and that the greater capacity to perform the MNR probably can be explained by peripheral adaptations

    Nutritional and mineral composition of Opuntia stricta Haw: Balance of macrominerals, renal function and blood metabolites in sheep

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of spineless cactus (Opuntia stricta Haw) in the diet of sheep on the balance of macrominerals, renal function, and blood metabolites. Five sheep cannulated in the rumen (61.5±9.5kg body weight) were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square composed of five diets and five experimental periods. The experimental period lasted 105 days, with five periods of 21 days each. Four diets containing levels of spineless cactus (121, 245, 371, and 500g/kg of dry matter (DM)), and a control diet were evaluated. Samples of the ingredients, orts, feces, urine, and blood were collected. Spineless cactus inclusion in sheep diets increased the DM intake, ash, oxalate, and all macrominerals intake (P 0.05). It is possible to verify that the inclusion of spineless cactus, up to the level of 500g/kg of DM in the sheep diets, does not appear to cause damage to the animal’s health. Its inclusion does not compromise kidney function or blood metabolites evaluated herein

    Epidemiological situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina. O Estado foi dividido em sete regiões. Em cada região foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades, e dentro dessas foi escolhido de forma aleatória um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total foram amostrados 16.072 animais, provenientes de 1.957 propriedades. Em cada propriedade amostrada foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas zootécnicas e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e o reteste dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo se pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. Para o Estado, as prevalências de focos e de animais infectados foram, respectivamente, 2,1% [1,5-2,6%] e 1,0% [0,60-1,4%]. Para os circuitos, a prevalência de focos e a de animais foram, respectivamente: circuito 1, 3,1% [1,4-5,7%] e 0,95% [0,0-2,0%]; circuito 2, 7,7% [4,9-11,3%] e 1,0% [0,40-1,7%]; circuito 3, 5,7% [3,4-8,8%] e 2,1% [0,41-3,8%]; circuito 4, 0,66% [0,08-2,4%] e 0,66% [0,0-1,8%]; circuito 5, 0,66% [0,08-2,4%] e 0,05% [0,0-0,13%]; circuito 6, 0,0% [0,0-1,3%] e 0,0% [0,0-0,25%]; circuito 7, 5,4% [2,5-10,1%] e 2,9% [0,49-5,3%]. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: exploração de corte (OR= 4,27 [1,82-10,01]) e histórico de aborto (OR=3,27,1,71-6,25]). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA study to characterize the epidemiological status of bovine brucellosis was carried out in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The State was divided in seven regions. Three hundred herds were randomly sampled in each region and a pre-established number of animals were sampled in each of these herds. A total of 16,072 serum samples from 1,957 herds, were collected. In each herd, it was applied an epidemiological questionnaire focused on herd traits as well as husbandry and sanitary practices that could be associated with the risk of infection. The serum samples were screened for antibodies against Brucella spp. by the Rose-Bengal Test and all positive sera were re-tested by the 2-mercaptoethanol test. The herd was considered positive if at least one animal was positive on both tests. The prevalences of infected herds and animals in the State were, respectively 2.1% [1.5-2.6%] and 1.0% [0.60-1.4%]. In the regions, the prevalences of infected herds and animals were, respectively: region 1, 3.1% [1.4-5.7%] and 0.95% [0.0-2.0%]; region 2, 7.7% [4.9-11.3%] and 1.0% [0.40-1.7%]; region 3, 5.7% [3.4-8.8%] and 2.1% [0.41-3.8%]; region 4, 0.66% [0.08-2.4%] and 0.66% [0.0-1.8%]; region 5, 0.66% [0.08-2.4%] and 0.05% [0.0-0.13%]; region 6, 0.0% [0.0-1.3%] and 0.0% [0.0-0.25%]; and region 7, 5.4% [2.5-10.1%] and 2.9% [0.49-5.3%]. The risk factors (odds ratio, OR) associated with the presence of infection were: beef herd (OR= 4.27 [1.82-10.01]) and recent history of abortion (OR= 3.27-1.71-6.25])

    Produtividade e vigor do maracujazeiro-amarelo plantado em covas e plantio direto sob manejo orgânico.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o vigor e a produtividade do maracujazeiro-amarelo plantado em diferentes tamanhos de cova e plantio direto sob manejo orgânico. O experimento foi conduzido de 2005 a 2007, no Setor de Agricultura Ecológica da Universidade Federal do Acre, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, constituídos de cinco tratamentos, quatro repetições e quatro plantas por parcela. Foram avaliados cinco tipos de preparo do solo: T1 cova do tamanho do torrão (0,19 x 0,063m) com adubação em cobertura; T2 cova de 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,30m com adubação de plantio na cova; T3 cova de 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,30m com adubação de plantio em cobertura; T4 cova de 0,50 x 0,50 x 0,50m com adubação de plantio na cova; e T5 cova de 0,50 x 0,50 x 0,50m com adubação de plantio em cobertura. O tamanho da cova e o plantio direto não influenciaram o vigor da planta e a biomassa de raízes. O número de frutos por planta e a produtividade, na segunda e na somatória das duas safras, foram maiores com plantio direto e com covas cúbicas de 0,30m. Após dois anos de cultivo, a densidade do solo foi maior na camada de 0-5cm de profundidade num raio de 20cm da planta para o plantio em covas de 0,50m com adubação na cova e menor para o plantio direto, não havendo diferença entre os demais tratamentos. O plantio direto ou o plantio em covas pequenas com dimensões de 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,30m proporcionou maior produtividade de maracujá que o plantio em covas maiores, mesmo não influenciando o vigor das plantas e a massa seca de raízes
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