36 research outputs found

    Physico-chemical and rheological properties of prato cheese during ripening

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    The influence of storage temperature (6, 12 and 18°C) on texture parameters of Prato cheese were evaluated during 22 days of ripening. A reduction of firmness, gumminess and elasticity was observed; however, cohesiveness and adhesiveness increased. With the increasing temperature, firmness and gumminess reduced, whereas the elasticity, cohesiveness and adhesiveness did not change. It can be concluded that storage temperature influences the texture profile of Prato cheese which present differences in the evaluated parameters during 22 days of ripening.Keywords: Cheese ripening, hard cheese, colour, texture profile analysis

    Influence of breeds genetic composition on the quality of milk from primiparous cows

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    Forty-four crossbred primiparous cows participated in this study, namely: 15 1/2 animals corresponding to 1/2 Holstein (HO) x 1/2 Gyr; 15 3/4 animals corresponding to (3/4 HO x 1/4 Gyr) and 14 7/8 animals corresponding to (7/8 HO x 1/8 Gyr) raised under similar handling and feeding conditions. The sample collection was carried out between January and March 2013. To compare the quality of milk among breeds genetic compositions, the study was set up in a completely randomized design. Data of variables fat, protein, lactose contents, fat free dry matter (DDE), urea, somatic cell count, electrical conductivity, pH, titratable acidity and production were submitted to analysis of variance using the Tukey test at 5% probability for comparison of means between treatment 1 (1/2 HO x 1/2 Gyr), treatment 2 (3/4 HO x 1/4 Gyr) and treatment 3 (7/8 HO x 1/8 Gyr). Statistical analyses were performed using the SISVAR® - UFLA software. Correlation analysis between variables was performed using the ASSISTAT software. The results demonstrate that the genetic makeup of the different races holstein / Gyr primiparous cows did not affect the quality of the milk produced. The values of the chemical constituents of milk have been considered suitable for human consumption. Titratable acidity and milk production were higher for 3/4 Holstein/Gyr animals.Key words: Protein, electrical conductivity, titratable acidity, Holstein, Gyr

    Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin application intervals on Girolando cows’ milk production and composition

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) application intervals on chemical composition of milk from Girolando cows with productivity below 20 L/milk/day and animals with productivity above 20.1 liters/milk/day. The study included 30 Girolando cows with production ranging from 13 to 28 L/milk/day. Cows were submitted to two milkings: 06:00 am and 04:00 pm. Milk samples were obtained at the end of the first milking. With the aid of individual meters, 40 mL of milk were collected in bottles containing preservative bronopol. On the day of collections, the individual milk production of each animal was notes. The experiment was performed on a 3x2 factorial design. Factor A corresponded to rBST application intervals divided into three levels (intervals) of rBST application every 10, 12 and 14 days, respectively. Factor B corresponded to the production levels of animals, divided into two levels: animals with production above 20.1 L/milk/day and animals with production less than 20 L/milk/day. About 500 mg rBST were subcutaneously applied in previously disinfected ischiopubic-rectal fossa. On the first day, all animals received rBST, the applications were  respected for planned application range for each group of animals. The Application interval of 14 days was better for animals with productivity below 20 L/milk/day and for animals with higher production, the best rBST application interval was 10 and 12 days. Application interval of 10 days resulted in higher fat content in milk from animals with lowear productivity, and fat and protein contents were higher for animals with lower productivity in all application intervals. Key words: Growth hormone, production increment. milk quality. Abbreviation: DDE, Defatted dry extract; rBST, recombinant bovine somatotropin

    Metodologia do cuidar em enfermagem na abordagem fenomenológica Metodología del cuidar en enfermería en el abordaje fenomenológico Nursing care methodology in the phenomenological approach

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    Para o cuidado zeloso, autêntico, é preciso compreender aquele que será cuidado. Isso requer um perscrutar atento do cuidador sobre a experiência existencial do ser que precisa do cuidado. Exige, sobretudo, saber perguntar e refletir sobre o que foi revelado. Acreditando nos fundamentos da fenomenologia, as autoras vêm buscando construir uma metodologia para a arte de cuidar em enfermagem. Inspiradas nessa visão, procuram desenvolver habilidades de um pensar e de um fazer fenomenológico para ser-com-o-outro num modo autêntico de solicitude. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas reflexões sobre a compreensão do ser-paciente e sobre uma metodologia do cuidado, para que respaldem o(a) enfermeiro(a) em seu cotidiano.<br>Para un cuidado realizado con celo y auténtico, es necesario comprender al sujeto que será cuidado. Eso requiere un preescrutar atento del cuidador sobre la experiencia existencial del ser que precisa del cuidado. Exige, sobre todo, saber preguntar y reflexionar sobre lo que le fue revelado. Basadas en los fundamentos de la fenomenología, las autoras buscaron construir una metodología para el arte de cuidar en enfermería. Inspiradas en esa visión, buscaron desarrollar habilidades de un pensar y de un hacer fenomenológico para ser-con-el-otro dentro de un modo autentico de solicitud. En este trabajo, se presentan reflexiones sobre la comprensión del ser-paciente y sobre una metodología del cuidado, para que respalden el enfermero en su cotidiano.<br>It is necessary to understand the person who will receive care in order to provide zealous and authentic care. This requires the caregiver to carefully research the existential experience of the being who needs care. It demands, overall, that one knows how to question and to reflect on what is revealed. By believing in the fundamentals of phenomenology, the authors have been attempting to build a methodology in the art of nursing care. Being inspired by this perspective, they attempt to develop phenomenological thinking and skills so that they can be with the other, in an authentic mode of solicitude. In this article, reflections about the patient-being's comprehension are presented, and about a methodology of care, so that they can support the nurses in their day-to-day activities

    Abordagem fisioterapêutica no pré-parto: proposta de protocolo e avaliação da dor Physiotherapeutic approach in the pre-partum: proposed protocol and evaluate pain

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da abordagem fisioterapêutica no pré-parto e propor um protocolo de intervenção baseado na escala visual analógica (EVA) de dor. Dez parturientes, na primeira fase do trabalho de parto, foram questionadas quanto à dor através da EVA e, com base nas respostas, foi proposto um protocolo, EVA 1-3: cinesioterapia, técnicas respiratórias, relaxamento e estímulo à deambulação; EVA 4-7: massoterapia, técnicas respiratórias, relaxamento e estímulo à deambulação; EVA 8-10: técnicas respiratórias, relaxamento e eletroestimulação nervosa transcutânea. Após as intervenções, as voluntárias foram questionadas novamente através da EVA. Os dados da EVA pré- e pós-intervenção foram submetidos ao teste t pareado, atingindo valor médio de 8,8 pré-intervenção e 8,2 pós-intervenção, sem diferença estatística. Os resultados obtidos por meio da análise quantitativa de dor demonstraram que não houve aumento da mesma até uma hora após a intervenção, fato considerado positivo, uma vez que em função da crescente dilatação é esperado um aumento da dor. O protocolo fisioterapêutico proposto mostrou ser de fácil aplicabilidade, podendo auxiliar o fisioterapeuta na escolha da conduta mais adequada à realidade da sala de pré-parto. A abordagem fisioterapêutica no pré-parto parece interferir positivamente sobre a dor e o desconforto materno no grupo estudado.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of physical therapy approach in the antepartum and to propose an intervention protocol based on the visual analogue scale (VAS) of pain. Ten parturients in the first stage of labor were questioned about the pain by VAS. Based on the responses, we proposed a protocol VAS 1-3: kinesiotherapy, breathing techniques, relaxation and stimulation of walking; VAS 4-7: massage therapy, breathing techniques, relaxation and stimulation of walking; VAS 8-10: breathing techniques, relaxation and transcutaneous electrical stimulation. After the intervention, the volunteers were questioned again by VAS. The VAS data pre-and post-intervention were submitted to the paired t test, reaching an average value of 8.8 pre-intervention and 8.2 post-intervention, no statistical difference. The results obtained through quantitative analysis of pain showed no increase of the same until one hour after the intervention, which was considered positive, since due to the increasing expansion is expected to increase the pain. The proposed physical therapy protocol proved easy to apply. It can assist the therapist in choosing the most adequate to the reality of pre-delivery room. The physical therapy approach in the pre-partum seems to positively affect pain and maternal discomfort in the study group