76 research outputs found


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    Tendo a água como principal agente deflagrador dos deslizamentos em regiões tropicais, este trabalho objetivou o estudo hidrológico de uma encosta com um cicatriz de deslizamento do tipo translacional raso, no evento extremo de chuva de Janeiro de 2011, Nova Friburgo-RJ. Para o entendimento da influência da água subterrânea na deflagração dos movimentos de massa, a área foi sondada e instrumenta, visando a caracterização física da encosta

    Isolamento de isobruceina B e neosergeolida de Picrolemma sprucei Hook. f. em escala-grama

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    Quassinoids neosergeolide and isobrucein B, obtained from Picrolemma sprucei, have proven in vitro antitumor, antimalarial, anthelminthic, cytotoxic, insecticide and leishmanicidal activities. There is interest in the in vivo pharmacological study of these natural compounds and their semi-synthetic derivatives, however, the quantities obtained in previous extraction processes have been shown to be a limiting factor for continuation of these studies. Herein, we describe a method for obtaining grams of these quassinoids whose purification relies only on recrystallization.Os quassinóides neosergeolida e isobruceína B, obtidos de Picrolemma sprucei, possuem atividades antitumoral, antimalárica, anti-helmíntica, citotóxica, inseticida e anti-leishmania comprovadas em estudos in vitro. Há interesse no estudo farmacológico in vivo dessas substâncias naturais e de seus derivados semi-sintéticos, porém a quantidade obtida nos processos de extração tem se mostrado um fator limitante à continuação desses estudos. No presente trabalho, descrevemos um método para obtenção de gramas desses quassinóides cuja purificação depende apenas de cristalização fracionada

    Screening, production and biochemical characterization of a new fibrinolytic enzyme produced by Streptomyces sp. (Streptomycetaceae) isolated from Amazonian lichens

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    Thrombosis is a pathophysiological disorder caused by accumulation of fibrin in the blood. Fibrinolytic proteases with potent thrombolytic activity have been produced by diverse microbial sources. Considering the microbial biodiversity of the Amazon region, this study aimed at the screening, production and biochemical characterization of a fibrinolytic enzyme produced by Streptomyces sp. isolated from Amazonian lichens. The strain Streptomyces DPUA1576 showed the highest fibrinolytic activity, which was 283 mm2. Three variables at two levels were used to assess their effects on the fibrinolytic production. The parameters studied were agitation (0.28 - 1.12 g), temperature (28 - 36 ºC) and pH (6.0 - 8.0); all of them had significant effects on the fibrinolytic production. The maximum fibrinolytic activity (304 mm2) was observed at 1.12 g, 28 ºC, and pH of 8.0. The crude extract of the fermentation broth was used to assess the biochemical properties of the enzyme. Protease and fibrinolytic activities were stable during 6 h, at a pH ranging from 6.8 to 8.4 and 5.8 to 9.2, respectively. Optimum temperature for protease activity ranged between 35 and 55 °C, while the highest fibrinolytic activity was observed at 45 ºC. Proteolytic activity was inhibited by Cu2+ and Co2+ ions, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and pepstatin A, which suggests that the enzyme is a serine protease. Enzymatic extract cleaved fibrinogen at the subunits A-chain, A-chain, and -chain. The results indicated that Streptomyces sp. DPUA 1576 produces enzymes with fibrinolytic and fibrinogenolytic activity, enzymes with an important application in the pharmaceutical industry.The authors grateful acknowledge the financial support of Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Pernambuco (FACEPE, Pernambuco, Brazil, N. 0158-2.12/11), CNPq/ RENORBIO (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development, N.55146/2010-3) and National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES, Brazil) for the scholarship. The author thanks editor and reviewers for their review and comments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio