51,760 research outputs found

    Parabolic dunes in north-eastern Brazil

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    In this work we present measurements of vegetation cover over parabolic dunes with different degree of activation along the north-eastern Brazilian coast. We are able to extend the local values of the vegetation cover density to the whole dune by correlating measurements with the gray-scale levels of a high resolution satellite image of the dune field. The empirical vegetation distribution is finally used to validate the results of a recent continuous model of dune motion coupling sand erosion and vegetation growth.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, aubmitted to Geomorpholog

    Conditions for the onset of the current filamentation instability in the laboratory

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    Current Filamentation Instability (CFI) is capable of generating strong magnetic fields relevant to explain radiation processes in astrophysical objects and lead to the onset of particle acceleration in collisionless shocks. Probing such extreme scenarios in the laboratory is still an open challenge. In this work, we investigate the possibility of using neutral ee^{-} e+e^{+} beams to explore the CFI with realistic parameters, by performing 2D particle-in-cell simulations. We show that CFI can occur unless the rate at which the beam expands due to finite beam emittance is larger than the CFI growth rate and as long as the role of competing electrostatic two-stream instability (TSI) is negligible. We also show that the longitudinal energy spread, typical of plasma based accelerated electron-positron fireball beams, plays a minor role in the growth of CFI in these scenarios

    Adubação fosfatada e regime de uso de uma caatinga raleada. 2. Produção do estrato herbáceo.

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    A pesquisa objetivou determinar os efeitos da adubação fosfatada, do regime de uso e do sistema de manejo sobre a produção da vegetação herbácea da caatinga raleada. 0 experimento foi um fatorial de 23x3, (dois níveis de adubação, dois regime de uso, dois sistemas de manejo e três anos), em parcelas subdivididas, com distribuição em blocos ao acaso, com tres repetições. Os resultados indicaram que a adubação aumentou a produtividade do estrato herbáceo, desde que associada ao uso da pastagem ao meio e ao fim do período chuvoso. 0 corte nao afetou a produtividade das gramíneas e das ervas anuais, enquanto que, o pastejo com ovinos favoreceu a produção das ervas. As flutuayoes anuais da produção de fitomassa foram elevadas, dependeram, provavelmente, das precipitações pluviais, e apontam a necessidade de prazos prolongados para a confiabilidade dos resultados da pesquisa nesta área de conhecimento

    Density-functionals not based on the electron gas: Local-density approximation for a Luttinger liquid

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    By shifting the reference system for the local-density approximation (LDA) from the electron gas to other model systems one obtains a new class of density functionals, which by design account for the correlations present in the chosen reference system. This strategy is illustrated by constructing an explicit LDA for the one-dimensional Hubbard model. While the traditional {\it ab initio} LDA is based on a Fermi liquid (the electron gas), this one is based on a Luttinger liquid. First applications to inhomogeneous Hubbard models, including one containing a localized impurity, are reported.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (final version, contains additional applications and discussion; accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Predicted defect induced vortex core switching in thin magnetic nanodisks

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    We investigate the influence of artificial defects (small holes) inserted into magnetic nanodisks on the vortex core dynamics. One and two holes (antidots) are considered. In general, the core falls into the hole but, in particular, we would like to remark an interesting phenomenon not yet observed, which is the vortex core switching induced by the vortex-hole interactions. It occurs for the case with only one hole and for very special conditions involving the hole size and position as well as the disk size. Any small deformation in the disk geometry such as the presence of a second antidot changes completely the vortex dynamics and the vortex core eventually falls into one of the defects. After trapped, the vortex center still oscillates with a very high frequency and small amplitude around the defect center.Comment: 11pages, Revtex format, 17 figure

    Negative Hopping Magnetoresistance and Dimensional Crossover in Lightly Doped Cuprate Superconductors

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    We show that, due to the weak ferromagnetism of La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4, an external magnetic field leads to a dimensional crossover 2D \to 3D for the in-plane transport. The crossover results in an increase of the hole's localization length and hence in a dramatic negative magnetoresistance in the variable range hopping regime. This mechanism quantitatively explains puzzling experimental data on the negative magnetoresistance in the N\'eel phase of La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    Growth of seven perennial plant species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid.

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    Growth of seven perennial plant species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid. Abstract - Measuring plant height (y) and canopy diameter (x) in trees may not be an easy task, but stem diameter (z) can be more easily evaluated. This work's objective was two-fold: evaluate the growth of species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region in the first two years of age, and obtain linear equations to estimate y and x from z, in those species. A random block design with four replications was employed. The values for x, z, and y were measured biannually from October/2003 to March/2005. Prosopis juliflora and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia showed the highest stem diameter and plant height values, respectively, and both showed the highest canopy diameter. In the equations to estimate plant height from the stem diameter the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) ranged from 0.76 (Tamarindus indica and Leucaena leucocephala) to 0.92 (Prosopis juliflora and Azadirachta indica). In the equations that allowed to estimate the crown diameter from the stem diameter the R2 value ranged from 0.70 (Leucaena leucocephala) to 0.92 (Azadirachta indica). Crescimento de sete espécies vegetais perenes adaptadas ao Semi-Árido brasileiro. Resumo - A mensuração da altura da planta (y) e do diâmetro da copa (x) em árvores pode não ser tarefa fácil, mas o diâmetro do caule (z) pode ser avaliado mais facilmente. Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar o crescimento de espécies adaptadas ao Semi-Árido brasileiro, nos primeiros dois anos de idade, e obter equações lineares para estimar y e x a partir de z, nessas espécies. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os valores de x, z e y foram medidos semestralmente de outubro/2003 a março/2005. Prosopis juliflora e Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia apresentaram os maiores diâmetros do caule e altura da planta, respectivamente, e ambas apresentaram o maior diâmetro da copa. Nas equações para estimar a altura da planta a partir do diâmetro do caule, o valor do coeficiente de determinação (R2) variou de 0,76 (Tamarindus indica and Leucaena leucocephala) a 0,92 (Prosopis juliflora and Azadirachta indica). Nas equações que permitiram estimar o diâmetro da copa a partir do diâmetro do caule, o valor de R2 variou de 0,70 (Leucaena leucocephala) a 0,92 (Azadirachta indica)

    New convolutions associated with the Mellin transform and their applications in integral equations

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    In this paper, we introduce two new convolutions associated with the Mellin transform which exhibit factorization properties upon the use of certain weight functions. This is applied to the solvability analysis of classes of integral equations. In particular, we present sufficient conditions for the solvability of an integral equation and a system of integral equations of convolution type.publishe