5 research outputs found

    The tadpole of Osteocephalus cabrerai (Anura: Hylidae) from central Amazonia, Brazil

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    Neste estudo, descrevemos o girino de Osteocephalus cabrerai utilizando 37 indivíduos em oito diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. Também fornecemos informações sobre o sítio e período de reprodução da espécie e comparamos os girinos com outros já descritos do mesmo gênero. O girino de O. cabrerai (Estádio 39) é caracterizado por um corpo ovóide alongado em vista lateral e oval em vista dorsal. O focinho é arredondado, as narinas são ovais e os olhos são laterais. A cauda representa 67% do comprimento total. O girino tem espiráculo único, sinistro e ventrolateral. O tubo anal é destro, curto e aderido à nadadeira ventral. O disco oral é anteroventral, com papilas marginais e submarginais; a fórmula dentária é 2(2)/6(1). Os girinos são encontrados em riachos dentro de floresta de terra firme.Herein we describe the tadpoles of Osteocephalus cabrerai based on 37 individuals of eight different development stages. We provide comments on spawning sites and breeding period, and compare these tadpoles with those of congeners. The tadpole of O. cabrerai (Stage 39) is characterized by an ovoid body, elongated in lateral view and oval in dorsal view. The snout is rounded, the nostrils oval and the eyes lateral. The tail length is 67% of total length. The larva has a single, sinistral spiracle that is ventrolateral in position. The short vent tube is dextral and attached to the ventral fin. The anteroventral oral disc has marginal and submarginal papillae and a labial tooth row formula 2(2)/6(1). Tadpoles inhabit streams in terra firme forest

    The tadpole of Osteocephalus cabrerai (Anura: Hylidae) from central Amazonia, Brazil

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    Herein we describe the tadpoles of Osteocephalus cabrerai based on 37 individuals of eight different development stages. We provide comments on spawning sites and breeding period, and compare these tadpoles with those of congeners. The tadpole of O. cabrerai (Stage 39) is characterized by an ovoid body, elongated in lateral view and oval in dorsal view. The snout is rounded, the nostrils oval and the eyes lateral. The tail length is 67% of total length. The larva has a single, sinistral spiracle that is ventrolateral in position. The short vent tube is dextral and attached to the ventral fin. The anteroventral oral disc has marginal and submarginal papillae and a labial tooth row formula 2(2)/6(1). Tadpoles inhabit streams in terra firme forest. © 2011 Departamento de Ciências Biológicas - ESALQ - USP

    Descrição das larvas de Osteocephalus buckleyi (Anura, Hylidae) da Amazônia Ocidental

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    Neste projeto será descrita a morfologia externa e aspectos morfométricos das larvas de Osteocephalus buckleyi em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimentos. Também serão descritos os ambientes de reprodução da espécie.CNP

    The tadpole of Osteocephalus cabrerai (Anura: Hylidae) from central Amazonia, Brazil

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    Herein we describe the tadpoles of Osteocephalus cabrerai based on 37 individuals of eight different development stages. We provide comments on spawning sites and breeding period, and compare these tadpoles with those of congeners. The tadpole of O. cabrerai (Stage 39) is characterized by an ovoid body, elongated in lateral view and oval in dorsal view. The snout is rounded, the nostrils oval and the eyes lateral. The tail length is 67% of total length. The larva has a single, sinistral spiracle that is ventrolateral in position. The short vent tube is dextral and attached to the ventral fin. The anteroventral oral disc has marginal and submarginal papillae and a labial tooth row formula 2(2)/6(1). Tadpoles inhabit streams in terra firme forest