150 research outputs found

    A phylogenomic perspective on the robust capuchin monkey (Sapajus) radiation : first evidence for extensive population admixture across South America

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    Phylogenetic relationships amongst the robust capuchin monkeys (genus Sapajus) are poorly understood. Morphology-based taxonomies have recognized anywhere from one to twelve different species. The current IUCN (2017) classification lists eight robust capuchins: S. xanthosternos, S. nigritus, S. robustus, S. flavius, S. libidinosus, S. cay, S. apella and S. macrocephalus. Here, we assembled the first phylogenomic data set for Sapajus using ultra-conserved elements (UCEs) to reconstruct a capuchin phylogeny. All phylogenomic analyses strongly supported a deep divergence of Sapajus and Cebus clades within the capuchin monkeys, and provide support for Sapajus nigritus, S. robustus and S. xanthosternos as distinct species. However, the UCE phylogeny lumped the putative species S. cay, S. libidinosus, S. apella, S. macrocephalus, and S. flavius together as a single widespread lineage. A SNP phylogeny constructed from the UCE data was better resolved and recovered S. flavius and S. libidinosus as sister species; however, S. apella, S. macrocephalus, and S. cay individuals were interspersed in a widespread clade with no evidence for monophyly for any of these three morphospecies. STRUCTURE analysis of population clustering revealed widespread admixture among Sapajus populations within the Amazon and even into the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Difficulty in assigning species by morphology may be a result of widespread population admixture facilitated through frequent movement across major rivers and even ecosystems by robust capuchin monkeys

    Quality of life of caregivers for patients of cerebrovascular accidents: association of (socio-demographic) characteristics and burden

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    OBJECTIVE Investigating the association between quality of life with socio-demographic characteristics and the burden of caregivers for individuals with cerebrovascular accident sequelae. METHOD A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a sample composed of 136 caregivers. For data collection, a semi-structured questionnaire, the Barthel, Burden Interview and Short-Form-36 scales were used. Correlation analysis, t-Student test and F-test were used for the analysis in order to compare averages. RESULTS Significant averages in quality of life were demonstrated in association with female caregivers and those over 60 years in the field 'functional capacity,' and in the domains of 'mental health' and 'vitality' for those with higher income. Regarding burden association, the highlighted areas were 'functional capacity,' 'physical aspects,' 'emotional aspects' and 'pain.' CONCLUSION The creation of public policies and social support to effectively reduce the burden on caregivers is a necessity

    Workplace stress in nursing workers from an emergency hospital: Job Stress Scale analysis

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    This study identifies workplace stress according to the Job Stress Scale and associates it with socio-demographic and occupational variables of nursing workers from an emergency hospital. This is a cross-sectional study and data were collected through a questionnaire applied to 388 nursing professionals. Descriptive statistics were applied; univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. The results indicate there is a significant association with being a nursing technician or auxiliary, working in the position for more than 15 years, and having low social support, with 3.84, 2.25 and 4.79 times more chances of being placed in the ‘high strain job' quadrant. The study reveals that aspects related to the workplace should be monitored by competent agencies in order to improve the quality of life of nursing workers.Estudio que tuvo el objetivo identificar el estrés en el trabajo, según la Job Stress Scale y asociarlo con aspectos sociodemográficos y laborales de trabajadores de enfermería de un hospital de emergencia. Estudio de tipo transversal, cuyos datos fueron recolectados, por medio de cuestionario, con 388 profesionales de enfermería. El análisis fue realizado con la estadística descriptiva, análisis univariado y multivariado. Los resultados identificaron asociación significativa con el cargo de técnico/auxiliar de enfermería, tiempo en el cargo superior a 15 años y bajo apoyo social, con chances respectivas de 3,84; 2,25 y 4,79 mayores para el cuadrante alto desgaste. El estudio demostró que los aspectos relacionados al ambiente de trabajo deben ser acompañados por los órganos competentes con la finalidad de invertir recursos en la calidad de vida en el trabajo de la enfermería.Trata-se de estudo cujo objetivo foi identificar o estresse no trabalho, segundo a Job Stress Scale, e associá-lo aos aspectos sociodemográficos e laborais de trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital de pronto-socorro. É estudo tipo transversal, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, com 388 profissionais de enfermagem. A análise foi realizada pela estatística descritiva, análise univariada e multivariada. Através dos resultados identificaram-se associação significativa com o cargo de técnico/auxiliar de enfermagem, tempo no cargo superior a 15 anos e baixo apoio social, com chances respectivas de 3,84, 2,25 e 4,79 maiores para o quadrante alto desgaste. Demonstra-se, assim, que os aspectos relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho devem ser acompanhadas pelos órgãos competentes no intuito de investir na qualidade de vida no trabalho da enfermagem

    Habitat fragmentation and the future structure of tree assemblages in a fragmented Atlantic forest landscape

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    The biodiversity value of human-modified landscapes has become a central question in the tropical forest conservation biology, yet the degree to which plant populations and communities are restructured in response to environmental change remains unclear. Here, we address tree species density in a fragmented Atlantic forest landscape to test the hypothesis that tree assemblages inhabiting edge-dominated forest habitats approach typical conditions of early successional systems. Seedlings and adults from 141 tree species were sampled across 39 0.1-ha plots: 19 in small fragments (55 % of all tree species exhibiting higher densities in small fragments than in mature forest, particularly pioneers (>60 % of all species). Seedlings and adults of these proliferating species differed from species exhibiting population declines in terms of wood density and seed size, respectively. Additionally, pioneers were more abundant than shade-tolerant species, as were hardwood species in the case of seedlings. Tree species showing highest population increases consisted largely of long-lived, light-demanding canopy species bearing soft or hardwood and small-to-medium-sized seeds. Tree assemblage structure also differed in terms of forest habitats with small forest fragments supporting few rare species, whereas the most rapidly proliferating species were much more widespread and abundant in fragments. However, 60 % of all adult pioneer species recorded in small fragments were not recorded as seedlings in this habitat type, although both seedling and adult assemblages were dominated by pioneer species. Edge-dominated tree assemblages are likely to experience long-term shifts toward greater dominance of long-lived, pioneer canopy species

    Uso combinado de modelos de estresse no trabalho e a saúde auto-referida na enfermagem

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar combinações de dois modelos do estresse psicossocial do trabalho em equipes de enfermagem e sua associação com a saúde auto-referida. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com trabalhadoras de três hospitais públicos do Município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (N=1307). Foi aplicado questionário multidimensional que incluiu duas escalas de estresse no trabalho (modelo demanda-controle e desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa) em 2006. Foram considerados o modelo demanda e controle parcial e completo (inclui apoio social no trabalho), assim como o esforço e recompensa parcial e completo (inclui excesso de comprometimento com o trabalho). Modelos de regressão múltipla foram utilizados para estimar razões de chances ajustadas e seus respectivos intervalos com 95% de confiança. RESULTADOS: As dimensões de ambos os modelos estiveram independentemente associadas à situação de saúde, com odds ratios entre 1,70 e 3,37. O modelo parcial demanda-controle mostrou-se menos associado à saúde (OR = 1,79; IC95% 1,26;2,53) quando comparado ao de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa (OR=2,27; IC95% 1,57;3,30). A incorporação do apoio social e do excesso de comprometimento com o trabalho aumentou a força de associação dos modelos demanda-controle e desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa, respectivamente. Foi observado aumento na força de associação quando os dois modelos parciais foram combinados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam melhor desempenho do modelo desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa para este grupo específico e para o desfecho avaliado e vantagem do uso de modelos completos ou do uso combinado em modelos parciais.OBJETIVO: Identificar combinaciones de dos modelos de estrés psicossocial del trabajo en equipos de enfermería y su asociación con la salud auto referida. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con trabajadoras de tres hospitales públicos del Municipio de Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil, (N=1307). Se aplicó cuestionario multidimensional que incluyó dos escalas de estrés en el trabajo (modelo demanda-control y desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa) en 2006. Se consideraron el modelo demando y control parcial y completo (incluye apoyo social en el trabajo), así como el esfuerzo y recompensa parcial y completo (incluye exceso de compromiso con el trabajo). Se utilizaron modelos estadísticos múltiples para estimar razones de probabilidades ajustadas y sus respectivos intervalos con 95% de confianza. RESULTADOS: Las dimensiones de ambos modelos estuvieron independientemente asociadas con la salud autoreferida, con odds ratios entre 1,70 y 3,37. El modelo parcial demanda-control se mostró menos asociado a la salud (OR=1,79; IC 95% 1,26;2,53) al compararlo con el desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa (OR=2,27; IC 95% 1,57;3,30). La incorporación del apoyo social y del exceso de compromiso con el trabajo aumentó la fuerza de asociación de los modelos demanda-control y desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa, respectivamente. Se observó aumento en la fuerza de asociación al combinarse los dos modelos parciales. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados indican mejor desempeño del modelo desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa para este grupo específico y para el resultado evaluado y ventaja en el uso de modelos completos o del uso combinado en modelos parciales.OBJECTIVE: To identify combinations of two models of psychosocial stress at work among nursing teams and their associations with self-rated health. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study among workers at three public hospitals in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil (N = 1307). In 2006, a multidimensional questionnaire including two scales for measuring stress at work (demand-control and effort-reward imbalance models) was administered. Partial and complete (including social support at work) demand-control models were considered, along with partial and complete (including excessive commitment to work) effort-reward models. Multiple logistic regression models were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: The dimensions of both models were independently associated with self-rated health, with odds ratios between 1.70 and 3.37. The partial demand-control model was less associated with health (OR = 1.79; 95%CI 1.26;2.53) than was the partial effort-reward imbalance model (OR = 2.27; 95%CI 1.57;3.30). Incorporation of social support and excessive commitment to work increased the strength of the demand-control and effort-reward imbalance models, respectively. Increased strength of association was observed when the two partial models were combined. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the effort-reward imbalance model performed better for this specific group and for the outcome evaluated, and that there was an advantage in using complete models or combinations of partial models