920 research outputs found

    North-Gondwana assembly, break-up and paleogeography: U–Pb isotope evidence from detrital and igneous zircons of Ediacaran and Cambrian rocks of SW Iberia

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    The Estremoz Anticline in the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberia) includes upper Ediacaran detrital rocks uncon- formably overlain by lower Cambrian detrital and carbonate rocks. The spectra of detrital zircon U–Pb ages dominated by Cryogenian and Ediacaran ages (with a typical gap in Mesoproterozoic ages) of the upper Edi- acaran greywackes and lower Cambrian arkosic sandstones indicate provenance from sources placed near or at the North-Gondwana margin. These late Ediacaran and early Cambrian basins developed in a paleoposition close to the West African Craton and related to a long-lived Neoproterozoic magmatism (c. 850–700 Ma — Pan-African suture; c. 700–635 Ma — early Cadomian arc; and c. 635–545 Ma — late Cadomian arc). The rhyolites of the Volcanic–Sedimentary Complex of Estremoz whose stratigraphic position so far has been a controversy, yielded an upper Cambrian age (Furongian) at about 499 Ma indicating that carbonate produc- tion was episodic in SW Iberia during the Cambrian. This new evidence should be taken into account in the reshaping of paleogeographic reconstruction models that have erroneously insisted on placing Iberia at southerly cold water higher latitudes (>60°S) during the Furongian

    Histological and ultrastructural feature and nitrite production of caprine preantral follicles in vitro cultured in the presence or absence of serum

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da adição de diferentes tipos e concentrações de soro sobre o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência de folículos ovarianos pré-antrais (FOPA) caprinos in vitro. Além disso, verificou-se a relação entre as concentrações de nitrito presentes no meio de cultivo e a viabilidade folicular. Cada par ovariano foi dividido em 29 fragmentos, sendo um destinado ao controle. Os fragmentos foram cultivados por um ou sete dias em meio essencial mínimo suplementado (MEM+) ou MEM+ com diferentes concentrações (10 ou 20%) de soro fetal bovino (SFB), soro de cabra em estro (SCE) ou soro de cabra em diestro (SCD). Na análise morfológica após sete dias, apenas o tratamento com 10% de SFB apresentou percentual de FOPA normais similar ao MEM+ (P>0,05). A análise ultra-estrutural dos folículos cultivados por sete dias com MEM+ ou MEM+ com 10% de SFB mostrou danos oocitários, porém células da granulosa normais. A análise do meio de cultivo revelou correlação positiva entre a viabilidade folicular e a produção de nitrito. A suplementação com soro não melhorou a viabilidade de FOPA e a concentração de nitrito no meio de cultivo funcionou como um indicador da viabilidade das células da granulosa de FOPA caprinos cultivados in vitro. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe effect of the addition of different types and concentrations of sera on the viability and development of caprine preantal follicles (PAF) in vitro cultured was analyzed. In addition, it was evaluated the correlation between nitrite concentrations in culture medium and folicular viability. Each ovarian pair was divided in 29 fragments and one was used as control. The fragments were cultured for one or seven days in minimal essential medium (MEM+) or MEM+ with different concentrations of (10 or 20%) bovine fetal serum (BFS), estrous goat serum (EGS), or diestrous goat serum (DGS). After seven days, the morphological analysis showed that only the treatment with 10% BFS maintained the percentage of normal PAF similar to MEM+ (P>0.05). The ultrastructural analysis of follicles cultured for seven days in MEM+ or MEM+ with 10% BFS showed some oocyte damage, although the granulosa cells were normal. Analysis of culture medium revealed a positive correlation between follicular viability and nitrite production. Supplementation with serum did not improve the viability of PAF and nitrite levels in culture medium served as an indicator of viability of granulose cells from caprine PAF in vitro cultured

    Inheritance of resistance to bacterial spot in tomato

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    A herança da resistência do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) à mancha-bacteriana (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, raça T2) foi estudada, em condições de campo, cruzando-se os genótipos resistentes 'Ohio 8245' e 'Hawaii 7998' com os genótipos suscetíveis 'CNPH 401-08' e 'CNPH 416.81.01.02', em um esquema dialélico desconsiderando-se os recíprocos. Foram obtidas cinco famílias, cada uma constituída por seis gerações: Genitor1, Genitor2, F1, F2 e os retrocruzamentos (RC1 e RC2). A família 'Ohio 8245 ' Hawaii 7998' apresentou menor média para severidade da doença, seguida por 'Hawaii 7998 ' CNPH 416.81.01.02' e 'Ohio 8245 ' CNPH 416.81.01.02', as quais, apresentaram maiores estimativas de herdabilidade e de predição de ganho por seleção. Em todas combinações, a herança da resistência genética à mancha-bacteriana foi do tipo quantitativa, com estimativa do número de genes variando de quatro a oito genes, conforme a família analisada. Foi observada segregação transgressiva nas famílias 'Ohio 8245 ' CNPH 401-08', 'Hawaii 7998 ' CNPH 401-08' e 'Hawaii 7998 ' CNPH 416.81.01.02'. Os efeitos gênicos foram do tipo aditivo para todas as famílias e os dados ajustados ao modelo aditivo-dominante, com o componente aditivo apresentando maior magnitude.The inheritance of resistance to bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, race T2) in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) was investigated in a field trial. The genotypes 'Ohio 8245' and 'Hawaii 7998' (resistant), 'CNPH 401-08' and 'CNPH 416.81.01.02' (susceptible) were crossed in a diallel scheme without reciprocals. Each cross was labeled as one family, represented by six different generations: Parent1, Parent2, F1, F2 and Backcrosses to parents (BC1 and BC2). The family 'Ohio 8245 ' Hawaii 7998' presented the lowest disease severity, followed by the family 'Hawaii 7998 ' CNPH 416.81.01.02' and by the family 'Ohio 8245 ' CNPH 416.81.01.02'. These last two families showed both higher broad and narrow sense inheritability estimates and the highest prediction of selection gain. The resistance was found to be quantitative, with four to eight genes involved, depending on the family. Transgressive segregation was observed in the 'Ohio 8245 ' CNPH 401-08', the 'Hawaii 7998 ' CNPH 401-08' and the 'Hawaii 7998 ' CNPH 416.81.01.02' families. The relevance of the additive effects was observed and for all the families the data fitted to additive-dominant model, with the additive component showing greater magnitude

    First observation of the KS->pi0 gamma gamma decay

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    Using the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS, 31 KS->pi0 gamma gamma candidates with an estimated background of 13.7 +- 3.2 events have been observed. This first observation leads to a branching ratio of BR(KS->pi0 gamma gamma) = (4.9 +- 1.6(stat) +- 0.9(syst)) x 10^-8 in agreement with Chiral Perturbation theory predictions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Recursos locais para aplicações multifuncionais de captação de energia com base em tetraedrite

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: Este trabalho descreve as principais linhas de investigação que estão em curso no âmbito do projeto LocalEnergy (http://localenergy.lneg.pt). LocalEnergy é um projeto multidisciplinar de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (I&D&I), envolvendo atividades no domínio da ciência dos materiais, da geologia e das energias renováveis. Essas atividades estão orientadas para a indústria e assentam numa abordagem disruptiva visando o desenvolvimento de materiais termoelétricos, através da utilização de materiais à base de tetraedrites naturais e sintéticas, e o desenvolvimento de novos absorsores para células solares de filmes finos, usando materiais à base de tetraedrites sintéticas. Considerando que Portugal é um dos países europeus com maior nível de irradiação de energia solar e que a tetraedrite é um recurso mineral local, presente na Zona Sul Portuguesa da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica, o projeto LocalEnergy representa uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de sistemas energéticos sustentáveis baseados na maximização e exploração de dois importantes recursos endógenos (energia solar e recursos minerais).ABSTRACT: This work describes the main lines of investigation that are underway within LocalEnergy project (http://localenergy.lneg.pt). LocalEnergy is a multidisciplinary Research, Development and Innovation project, involving activities in the field of materials science, geology and renewable energies. These activities are oriented towards the industry and are based on a disruptive approach aimed at the development of thermoelectric materials, through the use of materials based on natural and synthetic tetrahedrites, and the development of new absorbers for thin film solar cells, using materials based on synthetic tetrahedrites. Considering that Portugal is one of the European countries with the highest level of irradiation of solar energy and that tetrahedrite is a local mineral resource, present in the Portuguese zone of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, LocalEnergy project represents an opportunity for the development of sustainable energy systems based on the maximization and exploration of two important endogenous resources (solar energy and mineral resources).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Search for CP violation in K0 -> 3 pi0 decays

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    Using data taken during the year 2000 with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS, a search for the CP violating decay K_S -> 3 pi0 has been performed. From a fit to the lifetime distribution of about 4.9 million reconstructed K0/K0bar -> 3 pi0 decays, the CP violating amplitude eta_000 = A(K_S -> 3 pi0)/A(K_L -> 3 pi0) has been found to be Re(eta_000) = -0.002 +- 0.011 +- 0.015 and Im(eta_000) = -0.003 +- 0.013 +- 0.017. This corresponds to an upper limit on the branching fraction of Br(K_S -> 3 pi0) < 7.4 x 10^-7 at 90% confidence level. The result is used to improve knowledge of Re(epsilon) and the CPT violating quantity Im(delta) via the Bell-Steinberger relation.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.