1,629 research outputs found

    Revisão bibliográfica da busca pela estabilização econômica no Brasil planos cruzados ao plano real

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O presente trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica, sobre as muitas ocorrências ligadas ao fenômeno do descontrole inflacionário, juntamente com os planos econômicos instaurados no Brasil, após a ditadura militar, iniciando pelo Plano Cruzado, estabelecido no governo de José Sarney, até a chegada do Plano Real, no governo Itamar Franc

    Simultaneous treatment of sacral and ischial pressure ulcers with a single flap: case presentation

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    Pressure ulcers are alterations of the integrity of the skin and underlying tissues, caused by pressure, more commonly on bony prominences, especially in areas devoid of sensitivity, which lead to necrosis and ulceration. Data from the international literature estimate that 3-14% of hospitalized patients develop pressure ulcers. We herein describe the simultaneous correction of extensive sacral and ischial ulcers in a young paraplegic patient, using a gluteus maximus fasciomyocutaneous flap from the posterior aspect of the thigh

    Processo hierárquico analítico na gestão da conservação de vias urbanas pavimentadas

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    O objetivo geral deste trabalho é apresentar o estudo de critérios de decisão para um modelo de gestão da conservação de vias urbanas pavimentadas com a aplicação do Processo Hierárquico Analítico (AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process). O AHP éé utilizado com o objetivo de definir o grau de importância (pesos) dos critérios relevantes ao processo decisório. Com base no Método de Comparação Par a Par, a fase de definição da importância relativa de cada critério contou com um painel de especialistas que preencheram planilhas eletrônicas e atribuíram pesos aos critérios de decisão. No intuito de ampliar as expectativas em relação aos critérios utilizados, a metodologia aplicada trouxe bons resultados, por considerar um grande número de critérios relevantes no que diz respeito ao estudo de prioridades em vias urbanas. O processo AHP permitiu calcular a consistência dos julgamentos efetuados, o que garante um elevado nível de confiabilidade no conjunto de pesos resultantes

    Assessment of k-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest classifiers for mapping forest fire areas in central Portugal using Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and Terra Imagery

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    Forest fires threaten the population’s health, biomass, and biodiversity, intensifying the desertification processes and causing temporary damage to conservation areas. Remote sensing has been used to detect, map, and monitor areas that are affected by forest fires due to the fact that the different areas burned by a fire have similar spectral characteristics. This study analyzes the performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) and Random Forest (RF) classifiers for the classification of an area that is affected by fires in central Portugal. For that, image data from Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and Terra satellites and the peculiarities of each of these platforms with the support of Jeffries–Matusita (JM) separability statistics were analyzed. The event under study was a 93.40 km2 fire that occurred on 20 July 2019 and was located in the districts of Santarém and Castelo Branco. The results showed that the problems of spectral mixing, registration date, and those associated with the spatial resolution of the sensors were the main factors that led to commission errors with variation between 1% and 15.7% and omission errors between 8.8% and 20%. The classifiers, which performed well, were assessed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve method, generating maps that were compared based on the areas under the curves (AUC). All of the AUC were greater than 0.88 and the Overall Accuracy (OA) ranged from 89 to 93%. The classification methods that were based on the kNN and RF algorithms showed satisfactory results.Research was supported by PAIUJA-2019/2020 and CEACTEMA from University of Jaen (Spain), and RNM-282 research group from the Junta de Andalucia (Spain). Special thanks to the four anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments

    Memória e humanidade ciborgue: Blade Runner e a dicotomia humano máquina

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    Este artigo objetiva interpelar a memória para discorrer sobre a dicotomia humano/máquina – ciborgue – no clássico Blade Runner (1982). Na diegese fílmica, a dúvida sobre a condição do protagonista Rick Deckard, humano ou replicante, é colocada como base a uma discussão acerca da memória como atributo de distinção entre o natural e o artificial, o humano e o replicante. Conclui-se que a figura do ciborgue na narrativa fílmica sugere a superação de dualismos usados para explicar de modo esquemático nossa existência

    A GEOBIA approach for multitemporal land-cover and land-use change analysis in a Tropical Watershed in the southeastern Amazon

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    The southeastern Amazon region has been intensively occupied by human settlements over the past three decades. To evaluate the effects of human settlements on land-cover and land-use (LCLU) changes over time in the study site, we evaluated multitemporal Landsat images from the years 1984, 1994, 2004, 2013 and Sentinel to the year 2017. Then, we defined the LCLU classes, and a detailed “from-to” change detection approach based on a geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) was employed to determine the trajectories of the LCLU changes. Three land-cover (forest, montane savanna and water bodies) and three land-use types (pasturelands, mining and urban areas) were mapped. The overall accuracies and kappa values of the classification were higher than 0.91 for each of the classified images. Throughout the change detection period, ~47% (19,320 km2) of the forest was preserved mainly within protected areas, while almost 42% (17,398 km2) of the area was converted from forests to pasturelands. An intrinsic connection between the increase in mining activity and the expansion of urban areas also exists. The direct impacts of mining activities were more significant throughout the montane savanna areas. We concluded that the GEOBIA approach adopted in this study combines the advantages of quality human interpretation and the capacities of quantitative computing