1,634 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the cardiovascular effects of vasicine, an alkaloid isolated from the leaves of Sida cordifolia L. (Malvaceae)

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    The cardiovascular effects of vasicine, an alkaloid isolated from the leaves of Sida cordifolia L., were evaluated in this work. In non-anaesthetized rats (n=6), vasicine (1, 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/kg; i.v., randomly) induced hypotension associated with an intense bradycardia. Both responses were completely abolished after atropine (2mg/Kg; i.v.) and attenuated after hexamethonium (20 mg/Kg; i.v.). In isolated rat mesenteric artery rings, vasicine (0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 and 300 μg/mL, cumulatively) induced concentration-dependent relaxation of phenylephrine-induced tone (IC50= 3.8±0.9 μg/mL; n = 6). In conclusion, the results show that vasicine produce hypotension and bradycardia which appears to be due to the stimulation of cardiac muscarinic receptors (directly and/or indirectly), and by a decrease of the peripheral resistances

    Laparoscopic Upper-pole Nephroureterectomy In Infants

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    Objective: Report the results of laparoscopic upper-pole nephroureterectomy in infants. Materials and Methods: Six consecutive infants underwent 7 laparoscopic upper-pole nephroureterectomy. Pre and post-operative evaluation included renal sonography, voiding cystourethrogram and renal scintigraphy. All infants showed upper-pole exclusion. Surgery was performed through a transperitoneal approach with full flank position in all infants. Three or 4 ports were used according to the necessity of retracting the liver. The distal ureter was ligated close to the bladder whenever reflux was present and the dysplastic upper-pole was divided with the help of an electrocautery. Data regarding operative time, postoperative use of analgesics, time to resume oral feeding, hospital stay and tubular function were collected and analyzed. Results: All procedures were concluded as planned. Mean operative time was 135 min. One patient underwent staged bilateral upper-pole nephrectomy. There were no complications and the postoperative hospital stay was 48 hours in 5 procedures and 24 hours in 2 procedures. Pain medication was required only in the first day. Renal tubular function showed improvement in half of the cases. Conclusion: Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is a safe and feasible procedure in infants. Due to the magnification provided by the lenses, a better vision of the structures is achieved, facilitating selective dissection of vascular upper-pole, renal parenchyma and distal ureter. This approach is less damaging to the lower pole, and is associated to low morbidity and a short hospital stay.3318791Peters, C.A., Laparoscopic and robotic approach to genitourinary anomalies in children (2004) Urol Clin North Am, 31, pp. 595-605Robinson, B.C., Snow, B.W., Cartwright, P.C., De Vries, C.R., Hamilton, B.D., Anderson, J.B., Comparison of laparoscopic versus open partial nephrectomy in a pediatric series (2003) J Urol, 169, pp. 638-640Steyaert, H., Valla, J.S., Minimally invasive urologic surgery in children: An overview of what can be done (2005) Eur J Pediatr Surg, 15, pp. 307-313Koyle, M.A., Woo, H.H., Kavoussi, L.R., Laparoscopic nephrectomy in the first year of life (1993) J Pediatr Surg, 28, pp. 693-695Valla, J.S., Breaud, J., Carfagna, L., Tursini, S., Steyaert, H., Treatment of ureterocele on duplex ureter: Upper pole nephrectomy by retroperitoneoscopy in children based on a series of 24 cases (2003) Eur Urol, 43, pp. 426-429Jordan, G.H., Winslow, B.H., Laparoendoscopic upper pole partial nephrectomy with ureterectomy (1993) J Urol, 150, pp. 940-943Horowitz, M., Shah, S.M., Ferzli, G., Syad, P.I., Glassberg, K.I., Laparoscopic partial upper pole nephrectomy in infants and children (2001) BJU Int, 87, pp. 514-516Gill, I.S., Delworth, M.G., Munch, L.C., Laparoscopic retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy (1994) J Urol, 152, pp. 1539-1542Borzi, P.A., A comparison of the lateral and posterior retroperitoneoscopic approach for complete and partial nephroureterectomy in children (2001) BJU Int, 87, pp. 517-520Desgrandchamps, F., Gossot, D., Jabbour, M.E., Meria, P., Teillac, P., Le Duc, A., A 3 trocar technique for transperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy (1999) J Urol, 161, pp. 1530-1532Hulbert, W.C., Rabinowitz, R., Prenatal diagnosis of duplex system hydronephrosis: Effect on renal salvage (1998) Urology, 51, pp. 23-26El-Ghoneimi, A., Farhat, W., Bolduc, S., Bagli, D., McLorie, G., Khoury, A., Retroperitoneal laparoscopic vs open partial nephroureterectomy in children (2003) BJU Int, 91, pp. 532-535Jednak, R., Kryger, J.V., Barthold, J.S., Gonzalez, R., A simplified technique of upper pole heminephrectomy for duplex kidney (2000) J Urol, 164, pp. 1326-1328Borzi, P.A., Yeung, C.K., Selective approach for transperitoneal and extraperitoneal endoscopic nephrectomy in children (2004) J Urol, 171, pp. 814-816Guillonneau, B., Ballanger, P., Lugagne, P.M., Valla, J.S., Vallancien, G., Laparoscopic versus lumboscopic nephrectomy (1996) Eur Urol, 29, pp. 288-291Janetschek, G., Seibold, J., Radmayr, C., Bartsch, G., Laparoscopic heminephroureterectomy in pediatric patients (1997) J Urol, 158, pp. 1928-193

    High-pressure Raman study of L-alanine crystal

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    Pressure-dependent Raman scattering studies in the range 0.0 -- 32 kbar were carried out in L-alanine in order to investigate its external mode phonon spectra in relation to the phase transitions in the crystal. A careful analysis of the spectra shows that the low-energy Raman modes exhibit variation both in frequency and in intensity and between 26 and 28 kbar it is observed a splitting of a external mode, indicating that the D_2 normal phase undergoes a transition. Pressure coefficients for external modes are also given.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Craniotomia Orbitozigomática Em Três Peças: Dicas E Truques

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    Objective: Didactically describe the orbitozygomatic craniotomy made in three pieces. Method: This approach was performed, from 2002 to 2011, in 49 patients admitted at Beneficência Portuguesa of São Paulo Hospital. Results: Twenty-seven patients had vascular lesions and twenty-two suffered for intracranial skull base tumors. The vascular lesions varied from cavernous angiomas inside the mesencephalum, high bifurcation basilar tip aneurysms, superior cerebellar arteries aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations in the interpeduncular cistern. Skull base tumors as meningiomas, interpeduncular hamartomas and third ventricle floor gliomas were among the neoplastic lesions approached. We had no permanent injuries and minimal transient complications had occurred. Conclusion: It is a descriptive text, organized in the sequence of the main stages in which such a craniotomy is performed, describing in details the technique in which this group of evolutionarily authors came to accomplish the task. © 2016, Associacao Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. All rights reserved.74322823

    Uso do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) na avaliação do desenvolvimento de cafeeiros do Sul de Minas Gerais

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi de observar o índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) em cafezais de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais ao longo do tempo para utilização desta variável como ferramenta no manejo das lavouras. Foi realizado o estudo em cafezal no campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) no período de fevereiro de 2014 a março de 2015. Trinta plantas de Coffea arabica L, cv Catuaí IAC 144 com 6 anos de idade foram avaliadas semanalmente o NDVI em três posições e conteúdo de clorofila total em 4 posições. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de série temporal e cada variável foram submetidos à análise de correlação de Person (r). Os resultados indicam que Nas plantas de café valores de NDVI variaram em função da posição da planta e da época da medida, enquanto para NDVI e conteúdo de clorofila total foi observada uma correlação negativa. Contudo, a série temporal do NDVI é uma ferramenta útil no manejo de cafezais no sul de Minas Gerais

    Conhecendo o IAF do cafeeiro arábica através do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar a série temporal do Índice de Área Foliar (IAF) estimado pelo método proposto por Barbosa et al. (2012) ao índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) adequando um modelo de determinação do IAF através de dados de NDVI coletados em um cafezal na região de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais. Para isso foi realizado o estudo em cafezal no campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) no período de fevereiro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015 onde trinta plantas de Coffea arabica L, cv Catuaí IAC 144 foram avaliadas mensalmente com medições de altura do ramo ortotrópico e comprimento de plagiotrópicos em 5 posições na copa para estimativa do IAF, enquanto as avaliações de NDVI foram realizadas semanalmente em três posições distintas da planta. Dados mensais de precipitação (mm- Prec) e temperatura média do ar (°C- Tm) também foram coletados. Os valores de cada variável foram submetidos à análise de correlação (r). A série temporal demonstra que o IAF varia em função da temperatura e precipitação. O modelo de regressão exponencial foi o mais adequado para determinar os valores de IAF em função do NDVI. As correlações do IAF com o NDVI variam em função da posição da medida de NDVI da planta. A série temporal do IAF é uma variável útil nas práticas de manejo, enquanto NDVI pode ser utilizado para determinar o IAF em plantas de café

    Ensaio de combate químico ao ácaro da leprose Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) em pomar cítrico

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    This paper deals with chemical control of the citrus leprosis mite on nature orange trees. The test was carried out in Tietê, State of São Paulo, Brazil (november 1985 - january 1986). The seven treatments were evaluated using plots, with four repetitions (three plants per repetition). Treatments were as follows: A) cyhexatin; B) cyhexatin; C) quinometionate; D) flubenzimine; E) clofentezine; F) clofentezine; G) bromopropilate; H) check. Table 1 shows the pesticides, doses, formulations and the material used in 100 liters of water and per hectare. Counts of the mite were made on fruits 01 day before and 07, 20, 34 and 58 days after the application (table 2). The most efficient treatments after 58 days of the spray were obtained with bromopropilate, clofentezine (20 g/ha), and flubenzimine (Tables 3 and 4).O ácaro da leprose Brevipalpus phoenicis é considerado o responsável ou um dos responsáveis pela transmissão da leprose em citros. O presente trabalho foi realizado com a finalidade do combate químico ao ácaro. Os tratamentos foram oito: pulverizaram-se cinco defensivos em diferentes formulações comerciais e dosagens, tendo cada laranjeira recebido 7,0 litros de calda. A análise dos resultados mostrou que o bromopropilato (tratamento padrão) se manteve eficiente durante todo o experimento; a clofentezina, na menor dosagem, foi bastante promissora e teve efeito residual relativamente longo