41 research outputs found

    In situ crosslinked electrospun gelatin nanofibers for skin regeneration

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    Due to its intrinsic similarity to the extracellular matrix, gelatin electrospun nanofibrous meshes are promising scaffold structures for wound dressings and tissue engineering applications. However, gelatin is water soluble and presents poor mechanical properties, which generally constitute relevant limitations to its applicability. In this work, gelatin was in situ crosslinked with 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDGE) at different concentrations (2, 4 and 6 wt%) and incubation time-points (24, 48 and 72 h) at 37 °C. The physico-chemical and biological properties of BDDGE-crosslinked electrospun gelatin meshes were investigated. Results show that by changing the BDDGE concentration it is possible to produce nanofibers crosslinked in situ with well-defined morphology and modulate fiber size and mechanical properties. Crosslinked gelatin meshes show no toxicity towards fibroblasts, stimulating their adhesion, proliferation and synthesis of new extracellular matrix, thereby indicating the potential of this strategy for skin tissue engineering.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Growth of arabica coffee cultivars submitted to glyphosate doses

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    Avaliaram-se, neste trabalho, os efeitos do glyphosate sobre o crescimento de três cultivares de café arábica. Utilizou-se o esquema fatorial (3 x 5) em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos compostos por três cultivares de café: Catucaí Amarelo (2 SL), Oeiras (MG-6851) e Topázio (MG-1190) e cinco doses de glyphosate (0; 57,6; 115,2; 230,4; e 460,8 g ha-1). O herbicida foi aplicado quando as plantas de café se apresentavam com 21 pares de folhas e de forma que não atingisse o terço superior delas. Aos 45 e 120 dias após a aplicação do glyphosate (DAA), avaliaram-se os incrementos na altura, na área foliar, no diâmetro do caule, no número de folhas e nos ramos plagiotrópicos, sendo eles mensurados inicialmente no dia da aplicação do herbicida; aos 10, 45 e 120 DAA, avaliou-se a porcentagem de intoxicação das plantas. A massa da matéria seca de folhas, raízes e caule, a densidade e o comprimento radicular foram avaliados aos 120 DAA. Os sintomas de intoxicação das plantas de café causados pelo glyphosate foram semelhantes nos diferentes cultivares, sendo caracterizados por clorose e estreitamento do limbo foliar. Os incrementos no número de folhas e ramos plagiotrópicos e no diâmetro do caule, independentemente do cultivar, não foram alterados pelo glyphosate. O cultivar Topázio foi o mais sensível ao glyphosate quanto a acúmulo de área foliar, de massa de matéria seca e densidade radicular.This study evaluated the effects of glyphosate on the growth of three arabica coffee cultivars. A factorial (3 x 5) was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications, with treatments consisting of three coffee varieties: Catucaí Amarelo (2 SL), Oeiras (MG-6851) and Topázio (MG-1190) and five glyphosate doses (0, 57.6, 115.2, 230.4 and 460.8 g ha-1 ). The herbicide was applied when the coffee plants reached 21 pairs of leaves, before reaching their upper third ones. At 45 and 120 days after glyphosate application (DAA), increase in leaf area, stem diameter, number of leaves and plagiotropic branches was evaluated, being initially measured on the day the herbicide was applied, and plant intoxication rate at 10, 45 and 120 DAA. Dry matter of leaves, roots and stem, and root length and density were measured at 120 DAA. Symptoms of coffee plant intoxication caused by glyphosate were similar in different cultivars, being characterized by chlorosis and leaf narrowing. Increase in the number of leaves, plagiotropic branches and stem diameter, regardless of the cultivar, was not affected by glyphosate. Cultivar Topázio was the most sensitive to glyphosate, in terms of accumulation of leaf area, root dry matter and root density.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)(FAPEMIG) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerai

    Efeito de formulações na absorção e translocação do glyphosate em soja transgênica

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a absorção e translocação de glyphosate em diferentes formulações por plantas de soja (variedade CD 219RR). Para isso, aplicou-se o 14C-glyphosate misturado à calda em três formulações comerciais (Roundup Ready® e R. Transorb®, ambas contendo o sal de isopropilamina, e Zapp Qi®, formulado à base do sal potássico), quando as plantas apresentavam o segundo trifólio completamente expandido. Transcorridas 4, 16, 40 e 64 horas após a aplicação, as plantas foram coletadas e fracionadas, separando-se a folha de aplicação (trifólio), a parte aérea, as raízes e os nódulos radiculares. O 14C-glyphosate não-absorvido foi recuperado e contado por meio da lavagem da folha (metanol 80%). Entre as formulações foi observada variação na penetração e na translocação do 14C-glyphosate para as diferentes partes avaliadas. Todavia, em todas as formulações a maior absorção se deu nos intervalos posteriores a 16 horas da aplicação. Em relação ao total de herbicida encontrado nas plantas de soja, maior percentual na parte aérea foi observado quando se aplicou o Zapp Qi® (sal potássico) e, nas raízes, o R. Transorb® (sal de isopropilamina). Detectou-se a presença de 14C glyphosate nos nódulos radiculares das plantas em todos os tratamentos, sendo o maior percentual observado quando se utilizou R. Transorb®, 40 horas após a aplicação (0,13% do total medido ou 0,4% considerando somente o total presente na planta). Os resultados reforçam a hipótese de que o glyphosate pode prejudicar a simbiose entre rizóbio e soja, uma vez que o microssimbionte também apresenta em seu metabolismo a EPSPS, sensível a esse herbicida.This study was carried out to evaluate the absorption and translocation of glyphosate formulations in genetically modified (GM) soybean by applying 14C-glyphosate mixed to three glyphosate formulations (Roundup Ready® and R. Transorb® - both with isopropylamine salt, and Zapp Qi®, formulated from potassic salt ), using a precision micro syringe. Plant samples were collected after herbicide application (4, 16, 40 and 64 hours) and then divided into leaf (trifolium), aerial part, roots and root nodes for radiation reading. 14C-glyphosate that was not absorbed was recovered and counted by washing the leaf with methanol. Penetration and translocation of 14C-glyphosate to the different parts evaluated was found to vary. However, the highest absorption was verified at intervals after 16 hours of application. The highest herbicide percentage in the aerial part of the soybean plants was found when Zapp (potassic salt) was applied on the aerial part and when isopropylamin salt was applied on the roots; 14C-glyphosate was found in the plant root nodules in all treatments, with the highest percentage being observed with R. Transorb®, 40 hours after application (0.13% of the total measured or 0.4%, considering only the plant total). Results highlight the hypothesis that glyphosate could harm symbiosis between rhizobium and soybean, since the former also shows in its metabolism EPSPS, which is susceptible to this herbicide