6 research outputs found


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    Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a composição taxonômica de Eunotiaceae Kützing em cursos d’água do Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães (PNCG) no Estado do Mato Grosso. As amostras foram coletadas em cinco estações de amostragem por meio de rede de plâncton 25 µm. Foram identificados 16 táxons de Eunotiaceae, pertencentes aos gêneros Actinella F.W.Lewis e Eunotia Ehrenberg. Quatro táxons foram identificados em nível genérico, portanto carecem de mais estudo, como análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura ou análise populacional para a confirmação das espécies. O presente trabalho contribui para o conhecimento da distribuição da família no país e reforça a necessidade de estudos florísticos na região para a avaliação da biodiversidade, entendendo ser este conhecimento uma importante ferramenta para conservação de ecossistemas aquáticos


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    Não há melhor lugar de se trabalhar o tema saúde, que não a escola, por ser esta um local de formação social e intelectual de indivíduos. Portanto, a abordagem de assuntos na escola relacionados à saúde assume grande importância. Este artigo apresenta um trabalho desenvolvido na Escola Estadual Francisco A. Ferreira Mendes, em Cuiabá, MT, com duas turmas dos 1ºs anos do período vespertino. O tema trabalhado foi o solo, um recurso disponível a todos e que pode influenciar direto ou indiretamente na saúde. Tendo em vista o ambiente escolar, após uma pesquisa qualitativa com objetivo de investigar como o tema é concebido pelos alunos, fizemos uma intervenção abordando o assunto de forma interdisciplinar. Por meio deste trabalho, podemos constatar existe a falta de argumentos críticos pelos alunos, tendo em vista que muitos sabiam sobre a importância do solo mas não sabiam explicar. Durante as atividades práticas desenvolvidas na intervenção, se mostraram participativos, apresentando interesse de aprender

    Review and Perspectives of sustainable, biodegradable, eco-friendly and flexible electronic devices and (Bio)sensors

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    The demand for increasingly advanced bioelectronic devices with smart functions, long-term stability, and the ability to operate outdoors for extended periods of time has been growing rapidly in modern society. In addition, excellent flexibility, biocompatibility, lightweight design, sustainability, biodegradability and environmental friendliness are equally important considerations when choosing mobile electronics. To meet these requirements, flexible bioelectronic devices need to be equipped with efficient portable tasks. However, most of these devices are currently manufactured using plastic substrates/supports, which is not environmentally sustainable. This review is focused on research attempts to shift biodegradable polymeric materials toward flexible and sustainable components. We present recent scientific achievements in the strategies to obtain eco-friendly polymers for flexible substrates/support to fabrication of bioelectronic devices. We summarize the introduction of biodegradable polymers and techniques to fabrication of portable bioelectronic devices as components to provide flexible and sustainable substrates/support. Lastly, we summarized the few applications reported on biodegradable polymeric films toward flexible bioelectronic devices and commented on the challenges and future prospects for unexplored sensing and biosensing

    Inventory of cyanobacteria and microalgae cited for the National Park of the Chapada dos Guimarães (MT) and 80 new records from the region

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    <div><p>Abstract: Cyanobacteria and microalgae make up a very diverse group and exhibit diverse morphological, biochemical and physiological differences. The knowledge of these organisms that inhabit epicontinental waters in Brazil is extremely heterogeneous in relation to the geographic region and the taxonomic group. Taxonomically there is much more knowledge about the algae of the South and Southeast regions of the country than there is about the algae of the North and Central-West regions. Therefore, this research presents a revised and updated knowledge of the algae that occur in the National Park of the Chapada dos Guimarães (PNCG) and surrounding areas. Our area of study is located in the state of Mato Grosso, in the center-west region of Brazil. The database was obtained from published literature related to taxonomic and ecological inventories, as well as new collections carried out in the area. The collection methods were quite diverse to cover all types of organisms, in plankton, periphyton, filamentous masses, sludge and water accumulated in bromeliads, the new collections are samples collected exclusively in the plankton. They were listed 182 taxa, distributed in 83 genera, 45 families, 11 classes and seven taxonomic divisions. In total, 89 taxa were found in the new samplings, of which nine taxa were already registered in the existing literature, so 80 taxa are new records for the region. A large number of taxa previously mentioned in the literature were not recorded in the sampled environments, most of them composed of Bacillariophyceae, Conjugatophyceae and Euglenophyceae. As well as three species of cyanobacteria of great sanitary importance were registered. Therefore, CGNP has great importance in the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity and to know this community becomes increasingly important to support management measures.</p></div