38 research outputs found

    Cowpea Yield Under Water Stress Scenarios

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    Cowpea is considered a subsistence crop, so it is generally cultivated by  family farming in the rainy season and, outside this season, with the aid of irrigation. Its yield is reduced if there is water stress due to the lack of rainfall or irrigation water. Objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of water stress in the rainy and dry seasons on grain yield, biomass, harvest index and water use efficiency in the ‘Costela de Vaca’ cowpea variety cultivated in no-tillage system using crop residues present in the experimental area. Experimental design used was randomized blocks, in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme (cropping season x water stress), with four replicates. Treatments consisted of two cropping seasons (rainy and dry) and five forms of water stress (without water stress, water suspension for 5, 10 and 15 days, and rainfed cultivation). Biomass was the only parameter influenced by the cropping season versus water stress interaction. Regardless of the cowpea cropping season, water stress reduced grain yield and biomass. Harvest index showed no sensitivity to water stress and cropping season. Water use efficiency was influenced by the cropping season. Soil cover promoted maintenance of soil moisture during cowpea cultivation in both periods.


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    Any alteration caused in riparian areas of hydrographic basins directly causes changes in the dynamics of rivers, lakes, and urban areas with the elements of energy flow, dissolved material and sediments. Better planning, management and protection of natural resources in the areas of a river basin require knowledge of the characteristics of water courses, vegetation and land use and occupation. The present work aimed to analyze a time series of land use and occupation data in Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) of the Paraíba River Basin according to the precepts of the Brazilian Forest Code and with the aid of geoprocessing tools and the Pettitt test and Mann-Kendall test statistics. The Pettitt test showed a temporal change in the average natural cover starting in 2007, with an increase of 4.2%. Based on the Mann-Kendall test, there was a downward trend in the cover of riparian forests in 36.72% of the PPAs, prevailing over PPAs with upward trends, in the period from 1985 to 2006, demonstrating greater degradation of riparian forest areas during this period, mainly in the Middle and Lower Paraíba River regions. For the period from 2006 to 2020, there was a significant change in areas with upward trends in land with natural cover (28.31%), with an increase of 12.5% compared to the previous period. 

    Análise da Expansão do Espaço Urbano do Município de Campina Grande-PB tendo o Sistema de Transportes como Agente Modificador

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X13146This work aims to analyze the transport – urban expansion interrelation. The methodology consisted of: a bibliographical survey to support the theoretical approach; the study and analysis of the TM/LANDSAT 5 (1989 e 2007) satellite images, available at the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) - http://www.dpi.inpe.br, to detect the evolution and tendency of the city area occupation; georeferenced information and representations of the city´s political boundaries, as well as its districts; the road network; the land use and the geoeconomic zoning provided by the Secretary of Planning Department of Campina Grande (SEPLAN), in order to obtain information about planning and urban management. In this context, remote sensing and geoprocessing become important tools to the study of transport dynamics focused on the development of the city, considering that it is possible to obtain multitemporary images and cadastral information. In its conclusions, this work shows the relevance of transportation planning for the production and social chains in a mix of administrative management and urban growth, demonstrating that investment in the transport sector is also related to the well being and quality of life.Esse trabalho objetiva analisar a inter-relação transportes - expansão urbana e a metodologia utilizada constou da realização de um levantamento bibliográfico para a fundamentação teórica, do estudo e análise de imagens de satélite a partir do TM/LANDSAT 5 (1989 e 2007), disponibilizadas no site http://www.dpi.inpe.br, do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), para se detectar a evolução e a tendência de ocupação da área do município, de obtenção de dados de transportes, de informações e representações georeferenciadas da delimitação política do município e de seus respectivos bairros, da malha viária, do uso e da ocupação do solo e zoneamento geoeconômico fornecido pela Secretaria de Planejamento de Campina Grande (SEPLAN), a fim de se obter informações sobre o planejamento e a gestão urbana. Nesse contexto, o sensoriamento remoto e o geoprocessamento apresentam-se como ferramentas de grande importância para o estudo da dinâmica de transportes focada no desenvolvimento da cidade, tendo em vista que é possível obter imagens multitemporais e informações cadastrais. Em suas conclusões, esse trabalho mostra a relevância do planejamento de transportes para a cadeia produtiva e social num misto de gestão administrativa e crescimento urbano, demonstrando que investimento no setor de transportes também está associado ao bem estar e a qualidade de vida

    Net Radiation in the Semiarid Region of the States of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte Using the MODIS Sensor

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    This study aimed to estimate the surface net radiation (Rn) for the States of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte and validate the results with data measured in validate the results with measurements in experimental recovering (CRec), degraded (CDeg), and preserved (CPres) areas of Caatinga. Seventeen images of the MODIS sensor on board the Terra satellite were selected for CRec and CDeg in the State of Paraíba and twenty-eight images for CPres in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, corresponding to the period of January to December 2014. The MODIS-Terra MOD09A1 and MOD11A2 products were used. Parametric (Shapiro-Wilk) and non-parametric (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney) tests were applied to understand the patterns. Statistical error indices were applied to verify the accuracy of the estimates in relation to the observed values. Only the measured albedo (α_meas) met the assumption of normality. According to mean absolute percentage error statistics, the model used to estimate the albedo was classified as inappropriate for CPres and CRec ( 25%), while it was satisfactory for CDeg (15-25%). Significant differences between observed and estimated values were absent only for the variable Rn in the three observation sites. The good performance of Rn estimates confirms the efficiency of the application of the method in semiarid regions

    Comparação entre Métodos de Estimativa da Evapotranspiração de Referência (ETO) na Região de Petrolina-PE

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    The study was aimed to estimate the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) daily for the region of Petrolina-PE, using data from the weather station Trough, inserted in the research unit of EMBRAPA-SEMIARID (CPATSA). Were used meteorological data for the year 2010 in the estimation methods of Penmam-Monteith-FAO (PM), of Linacre, Radiation and Class A pan. We adopted the method of PM as a parameter to evaluate the efficiency of other methods and the index (c) of Camargo and Sentelhas to evaluate their performance. For the method of PM was observed that in general the ETo values ​​show great variability throughout the year in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, reaching present daily average values ​​between 3,0 and 8,0 mm day-1. According to the results it was observed that the methods of radiation and Linacre obtained satisfactory results, as the performance criterion, values ​​above 0,85 for c in the months of September to january. However, with respect to error on the PM, the Linacre method was very efficient for the study area, as there was a value 0,76%, while the method of the class A pan method showed the worst results, with an error around 12%. Have the method of radiation, despite the good performance coefficient showed underestimate the PM method, obtaining an error of -13%.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X13154O trabalho objetivou estimar a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) diária para a região de Petrolina-PE, através de dados da estação agrometeorológica de Bebedouro, da unidade de pesquisa da EMBRAPA-SEMIÁRIDO. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados meteorológicos referentes ao ano de 2010 na estimativa dos métodos de Penmam-Monteith-FAO (PM), de Linacre, da Radiação e do Tanque Classe A. Adotou-se o método de PM como parâmetro para avaliar a eficiência dos demais e o índice  (c) de Camargo e Sentelhas para avaliar o desempenho dos mesmos. A ETo pelo método de PM chegou a apresentar valores médios diários de 3 a 8 mm dia-1. De acordo com os resultados, foi observado que os métodos da Radiação e de Linacre obtiveram resultados satisfatórios alcançando desempenho ótimo, ou seja, valores acima de 0,85 para c no período que compreende os meses de setembro a janeiro. Porém, com relação ao erro relativo a PM, o método de Linacre se mostrou bastante eficiente para a área analisada, já que apresentou um valor de 0.76%, enquanto o método do Tanque Classe A mostrou os piores resultados, com 12%. Já o método da Radiação, apesar do bom coeficiente de desempenho, apresentou subestima a PM, com um erro de -13%

    Influence of Land Use and Coverage Change on Continental Surface Temperature in the Urban Area of Belem-PA

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    The objective of this work is to examine the spatial distribution of Continental Surface Temperature (CST) of the urban area of Belem / PA and the influence of the change of use and soil cover from remote sensing techniques. Products from Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) sensors coupled, respectively, to Landsat 5 and 8 satellites were used. The images acquired from the years 1994, 2008 and 2017 were processed, resampled (spatial resolution of 120 meters) and, finally, centroids were extracted with a total of 1252 points, using the Quantum GIS software. Subsequently, spectral indices, NDVI, NDBI and albedo were calculated, which represent, respectively, the presence of vegetation, exposed soil or built area and reflectivity rate. The results showed that CST showed an increase in all sectors of the study area, mainly between the years 2008 and 2017. The sector with the highest elevation of the CST was the urban center, as it presented values below 25.0 ºC in the image of 1994 and above 35.0 ºC in the 2017 image. In contrast, the ecological park sector showed the lowest increase in CST, from 20.0 ºC (1994) to 25.0 ºC (2017). According to the analysis of the spectral indices, the intensification of CST is directly associated with the strong territorial expansion, since from the NDVI values the degradation of the vegetation cover was noted. This degradation is observed in the comparisons of the images, in which it is possible to verify the decrease in the NDVI values in the entire study area, whose values represent the decrease in the vegetation cover. The sector with the greatest withdrawal of green areas was the northern zone, as it showed a drop in NDVI values, from 0.7 in 1994 to 0.3 in the 2017 image. It was also observed that the density of the constructed area was intensified, presenting increasing values of NDBI. Added to these NDVI and NDBI values, higher reflectivity rate values were noted, whose values in the urban center of Belem in 1994 were 0.1% and which exceeded 0.5% in the image for the year 2017, ratifying the impact of changes in land cover and the direct association between changes in the environment and CST. In general, the results indicate that the uncontrolled expansion of the urban process and the change in land cover cause the intensification of CST


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    É imprescindível entender que qualquer alteração causada nas áreas ciliares das bacias hidrográficas provoca mudanças diretamente na dinâmica dos rios, lagos, áreas urbanas com os elementos de fluxo de energia, material dissolvido e sedimentos. Assim, para melhor planejamento, gestão e proteção dos recursos naturais existentes nas áreas de uma bacia hidrográfica, faz-se necessário conhecer as características dos cursos d’água, vegetação e uso e ocupação da terra. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a série temporal dos dados de uso e ocupação da terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP) na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba, segundo os preceitos do Código Florestal brasileiro e com auxílio das ferramentas de geoprocessamento e das metodologias estatísticas do Teste de Pettitt e Teste de Mann-Kendall. O teste Pettitt apresentou uma mudança temporal na média de cobertura natural a partir do ano de 2007, com aumento de 4,2%. A partir do teste de Mann-Kendall, notou-se que houve tendência de decrescimento das matas ciliares em 36,72% das APPs analisadas, superior à área que apresentou crescimento, demonstrando maior degradação das matas ciliares no período de 1985 a 2006, principalmente nas regiões do Médio e Baixo Curso do Rio Paraíba. Para o período de 2006 a 2020, há mudança significativa nas áreas com tendência de crescimento de coberturas naturais (28,31%), incremento de 12,5% se comparado ao período anterior


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    The impacts of anthropogenic degradation are becoming increasingly more evident in the Amazon and are jeopardizing its environmental systems and water resources, particularly in low monitored watersheds. Thus, the use of hydrological models is necessary to gain an understanding of these impacts on Amazonian river systems. The aim of this study was to analyze the simulation of some hydrological processes in the Itacaiúnas River watershed and its relation with human-induced impacts in the Southeast region of the Pará state using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. SWAT modeling requires several databases, such as relief, land use and land occupation, soil type, and climatic and hydrological variables. These data are input parameters for the SWAT model. The results showed that the hydrological variables in the Amazon tend to follow the seasonal precipitation cycle, with the highest values occurring between January and June and lowest between July and November. It was evident that base and lateral flows are responsible for maintaining perennial river flow during the dry season. Regarding anthropogenic actions in the watershed, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and sediment transportation are clearly affected by environmental degradation, as well as by the replacement of forest by grassland and mining activities. The results may assist in public policy including mitigation and adaptation of environmental systems in the region. In addition, they can improve the management of natural resources in the Itacaiúnas River watershed

    Modelagem preditiva da precipitação para análise das inundações e suas consequências no município de Natal - RN

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    O desenvolvimento urbano leva o aumento de áreas impermeáveis, que gera uma barreira para retenção natural e infiltração de águas pluviais. O município de Natal-RN não se difere dessa realidade, apresentando vários pontos de alagamento em sua área urbana. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o comportamento da precipitação em Natal-RN a partir de análises estatísticas da série histórica (1988-2017) de eventos extremos na cidade e aplicar modelagem hidrológica de previsão, com auxílio da linguagem de programação R para entender os possíveis efeitos futuros que serão gerados. Os dados de precipitação mensal do município apresentaram o comportamento estacionário, sem tendência significativa e com patamares diferentes de homogeneidade. Enquanto a modelagem apresentou resultados concisos para os anos de 2018 até 2030. Pôde-se constatar que as chuvas da região em estudo não são constantes, nem mensalmente, nem anualmente, com ciclos de seca e de chuvas extremas. O estudo evidenciou a necessidade da análise da aplicação de novos elementos de drenagem urbana sustentável, como os telhados verdes, reservatórios de detenção, pavimentos permeáveis e trincheiras de infiltração, como forma de minimizar os eventos de enchentes nesses locais