181 research outputs found

    The prognostic value of a normal oral glucose tolerance test in pregnant women who tested positive at screening: a validation study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Controversies surround a diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The objective of this study was to evaluate the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) for the prediction of adverse gestational and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with a positive screening test for diabetes mellitus and a negative diagnosis, i.e. a normal 3-hour OGTT.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This validation study evaluated 409 pregnant women who tested positive for diabetes mellitus at screening. Perinatal and maternal outcomes were considered. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for each of the values of the OGTT as a diagnostic test, with the gold standard being perinatal outcome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The most frequent risk factors were obesity, arterial hypertension and advanced maternal age. The most common neonatal outcomes were large-for-gestational-age infants, Cesarean delivery and preterm birth. A fasting blood glucose level of 87 mg/dL was the most powerful predictor of adverse perinatal outcome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>At the cut-off level adopted by the American Diabetes Association, gestational OGTT was able to successfully identify in which pregnant women outcome would be unfavorable.</p

    [knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices On Previous Use Of Contraceptive Methods Among Pregnant Teenagers].

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    To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices related to previous contraceptive methods used among pregnant teenagers as well as to outline some sociodemographic characteristics and sexual practices. An observational study associated to the KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices) survey was carried out in 156 pregnant teenagers aged 19 years or more. A structured questionnaire was applied before their first prenatal visit from October 1999 to August 2000. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed using Pearson's and Yates' chi-square test and logistic regression. The adolescents had an average age of 16.1 years and most were in their first pregnancy (78.8%). Average age of menarche was 12.2 years and their first sexual intercourse was at the age of 14.5 years. Condoms (99.4%) and oral contraceptives (98%) were the most common contraceptive methods known. Of all, 67.3% were not using any contraceptive method before getting pregnant. The main reason reported for not using any contraceptive method was wanting to get pregnant (24.5%). The older ones who reported having religious beliefs and had a higher socioeconomic status had better knowledge on contraceptive methods. Teenagers who had had previous pregnancies reported more often use of contraceptive methods before getting pregnant. The pregnant teenagers showed to have adequate knowledge of contraceptive methods and agreed to use them throughout their teenage years. Religion, age group, and socioeconomic status were directly related to their knowledge on contraceptive methods, and multiple pregnancies brought more awareness on that. Of all, 54% had used any contraceptive on first sexual intercourse but their use decreased over time and shortly after their first intercourse the studied teenagers got pregnant.38479-8

    Conhecimento, atitude e prática sobre métodos anticoncepcionais entre adolescentes gestantes

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices related to previous contraceptive methods used among pregnant teenagers as well as to outline some sociodemographic characteristics and sexual practices. METHODS: An observational study associated to the KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices) survey was carried out in 156 pregnant teenagers aged 19 years or more. A structured questionnaire was applied before their first prenatal visit from October 1999 to August 2000. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed using Pearson's and Yates' chi-square test and logistic regression. RESULTS: The adolescents had an average age of 16.1 years and most were in their first pregnancy (78.8%). Average age of menarche was 12.2 years and their first sexual intercourse was at the age of 14.5 years. Condoms (99.4%) and oral contraceptives (98%) were the most common contraceptive methods known. Of all, 67.3% were not using any contraceptive method before getting pregnant. The main reason reported for not using any contraceptive method was wanting to get pregnant (24.5%). The older ones who reported having religious beliefs and had a higher socioeconomic status had better knowledge on contraceptive methods. Teenagers who had had previous pregnancies reported more often use of contraceptive methods before getting pregnant. CONCLUSIONS: The pregnant teenagers showed to have adequate knowledge of contraceptive methods and agreed to use them throughout their teenage years. Religion, age group, and socioeconomic status were directly related to their knowledge on contraceptive methods, and multiple pregnancies brought more awareness on that. Of all, 54% had used any contraceptive on first sexual intercourse but their use decreased over time and shortly after their first intercourse the studied teenagers got pregnant.OBJETIVO: Estudar o conhecimento, a atitude e a prática em relação ao uso prévio de métodos anticoncepcionais em adolescentes gestantes, bem como algumas de suas características sociodemográficas e da sua vida sexual. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, associado a inquérito conhecimento, atitude e prática. Envolveu 156 adolescentes grávidas com idade menor ou igual a 19 anos, que responderam a questionário antes da primeira consulta pré-natal, entre outubro de 1999 a agosto de 2000. Foram realizadas análises univariada e bivariada.Para esta foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado de Pearson e de Yates e de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: As adolescentes apresentaram média de idade de 16,1 anos. Houve predomínio de primigestas (78,8%). A idade média da menarca foi 12,2 anos, sendo 14,5 anos para a primeira relação sexual. Condom (99,4%) e anticoncepcional oral hormonal (98%) foram os métodos anticoncepcionais mais conhecidos. Cerca de 67,3% não estavam utilizando qualquer método antes de ficar grávida. O principal motivo isolado alegado para o não uso foi o desejo de engravidar (24,5%). As adolescentes mais velhas, as que informaram professar alguma religião e as que pertenciam a uma classe socioeconômica mais alta tinham um maior conhecimento dos métodos. As adolescentes multíparas usaram com maior freqüência contraceptivos antes de ficar grávidas. CONCLUSÕES: As adolescentes mostraram ter conhecimento adequado sobre os métodos anticoncepcionais e concordaram com seu uso durante o período da adolescência. A religião, a idade e a classe socioeconômica estão relacionadas ao maior ou mais adequado conhecimento dos métodos, enquanto a multiparidade a seu maior uso. Cinqüenta e quatro por cento de adolescentes usaram algum contraceptivo na primeira relação sexual. Ocorreu um decréscimo de utilização de contraceptivos, havendo um período de tempo curto entre o início da vida sexual e a gravidez

    Meningite criptocóccica em gestante HIV negativa: relato de caso e revisão da literatura

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    INTRODUCTION: Cryptococcosis has become an important entity due to the epidemic of AIDS and therefore it is a significant opportunistic infection. However, there are case reports of cryptococcal meningitis in immune competent pregnant women. Since pregnancy is considered a period of relative immunosuppression, which likely prevents fetal rejection, this could explain the occurrence of opportunistic infections. OBJECTIVE: To report a case of cryptococcosis, and review all cases involving pregnancy and neurocryptococcal infection in immune competent pregnant patients. METHODS: Case report and systematic review of the literature using the MEDLINE and SciELO databases. DISCUSSION: A total of 27 patients were analyzed from 19 studies. The mean age at diagnosis was 26.4 years. There were six patients in their first trimester of pregnancy, 10 in the second, eight in the third and three post-partum. The most prevalent symptoms were headache (85.2%), altered vision (44.4%), altered mental status (44.4%), nausea (40.7%) and fever (33.3%). There were nine deaths (33.3%). Most of the patients received intravenous amphotericin B as treatment (77.8%). The majority (66.6%) of the patients accomplished a term delivery with healthy infants. CONCLUSION: Cryptococcal meningitis should be considered during pregnancy in cases of unexplained headache, altered vision, altered mental status, nausea and fever. Patients with a confirmed diagnosis should be admitted and treated with amphotericin B.INTRODUÇÃO: Com a epidemia da AIDS, a neurocriptococose foi melhor estudada e considerada infecção fúngica oportunista. No entanto, há casos descritos de gestantes acometidas, apesar de imunocompetentes. A gestação, por si só, pode ser considerada um período de imunossupressão, para adaptação materno-fetal, o que poderia predispor à instalação de certas infecções. OBJETIVOS: Relato de caso de gestante com neurocriptococose e revisão sistemática dos casos descritos na literatura desta patologia durante a gestação, em pacientes imunocompetentes. METODOLOGIA: Revisão sistemática com busca MEDLINE e SciELO. RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 27 pacientes com diagnóstico de neurocriptococse na gestação. A média de idade foi 26,4 anos. Seis pacientes estavam no primeiro trimestre de gravidez ao diagnóstico, 10 no segundo, oito no terceiro e três eram puérperas. O sintoma mais prevalente foi cefaléia (85,2%), seguido por alteração visual (44,4%), confusão mental (44,4%), náusea (40,7%) e febre (33%). Houve nove óbitos maternos (33,3%). Vinte e uma pacientes foram tratadas com anfotericina B (77,8%). A maioria dos casos evoluiu com gestação a termo, com recém-nascidos saudáveis (66,6%). CONCLUSÕES: Neurocriptococose deve ser um diagnóstico a se considerar na gestação, nos casos de cefaléia, alteração visual, confusão mental, náusea e febre persistentes, sendo indicada terapia intensiva e uso de anfotericina B

    Evaluation of fetal well-being through color doppler velocimetry

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    Purpose: to evaluate the accuracy of Doppler velocimetry in the diagnosis of fetal well-being. Methods: a total of 130 pregnant women assisted at the Ultrasound Unit of the Center for Integral Assistance of Women's Health, UNICAMP, between the 28th and 42nd gestational weeks was analyzed. The correlation between fetal umbilical and middle cerebral arteries, abdominal aorta, and the adverse perinatal results was established. The pregnant women selected for this study were submitted electively to cesarean sections, at the utmost four hours after the color Doppler examination. We considered as adverse perinatal results: Apgar score lower than seven at the 5th minute, neonatal intensive care unit hospitalization, intrauterine growth retardation, acute fetal distress, perinatal mortality, hypoglycemia, polycythemia, necrotizing enterocolitis, and cerebral hemorrhage. The indexes for the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries and the abdominal aorta were related, in each case, to the adverse perinatal results. Results: the systole/diastole umbilical artery ratio presented a higher sensitivity than the pulsatile and tolerance indexes. The Doppler study of the umbilical artery presented greater sensitivity than the middle cerebral artery and the abdominal aorta in detecting adverse perinatal results. Conclusion: the Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries presented good diagnostic capacity in evaluating fetal well-being, and a significant association with the adverse perinatal results.Objetivos: Avaliar a eficiência do exame dopplervelocimétrico no diagnóstico do bem-estar fetal. Metodologia: Foram analisadas 130 gestantes atendidas no Serviço de Ultra-Sonografia do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, entre a 28ª e a 42ª semana. Foram feitas correlações entre o Doppler das artérias umbilical, cerebral média e aorta abdominal fetal com os resultados perinatais adversos. As gestantes selecionadas para o estudo foram submetidas eletivamente ao parto cesáreo, no máximo quatro horas após o exame Doppler. Considerou-se como resultados perinatais adversos: índice de Apgar ao 5º minuto menor que sete, internação em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, retardo de crescimento intra-uterino, sofrimento fetal agudo, mortalidade perinatal, hipoglicemia, enterocolite necrosante e hemorragia cerebral. Os índices de impedância das artérias umbilical, cerebral média e aorta abdominal foram relacionados caso a caso com os resultados perinatais adversos. Resultados: a relação sístole/diástole da artéria umbilical apresentou maior sensibilidade (80,76%) do que o índice de pulsatilidade e índice de resistência da artéria umbilical. O estudo Doppler da artéria umbilical apresentou melhor sensibilidade que o da artéria cerebral média e da aorta abdominal na detecção de resultados perinatais adversos. Conclusão: a dopplervelocimetria das artérias umbilical e cerebral média apresentou boa capacidade de avaliação do bem-estar fetal e associação significativa com resultados perinatais adversos.71

    Epidemiology of abortion during adolescence

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    Purpose: to evaluate the social, demographic and obstetrical profile of adolescents as compared with adult women hospitalized for abortion complications. Material and methods: this is a descriptive study that evaluated 230 women with abortion complications. Among them, 59 were adolescents hospitalized at the IMIP Maternity (Recife, Brazil) from August 1994 to July 1995. The variables studied were: educational level, marital status, any paid activity, gestation age, number of pregnancies, desire to become pregnant, use of anticonceptive method, kind of relationship, reason for voluntary interruption, clinical classification of abortion and associated complications. The procedure for data analysis was the distribution of variables among adolescents and adults, the differences being evaluated through chi² and chi² for trend. Results: compared with the adult women who aborted, the adolescents showed a lower number of paid activity and multiparity and a higher number of pregnancies resulting from an unstable relationship. Conclusions: the results indicated that biologicallly the adolescents who were hospitalized for abortion have a similar profile to adult women. What differentiates them are the unfavorable social and demographic conditions that they are faced with at their generally unplanned first pregnancies.Objetivo: avaliar o perfil sócio-demográfico e obstétrico das adolescentes internadas por abortamento, comparativamente ao das mulheres adultas internadas pela mesma causa. Material e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo que avaliou 230 mulheres com complicações por abortamento, das quais 59 eram adolescentes, internadas na Maternidade do IMIP (Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco) no período de agosto de 1994 a julho de 1995. As variáveis estudadas foram: grau de escolaridade, situação marital, atividade remunerada, idade gestacional, número de gestações, desejo de gravidez, uso de MAC, tipo de relacionamento, motivo da interrupção voluntária, classificação clínica do abortamento e complicações associadas. Para a análise dos dados, procedeu-se à distribuição das variáveis entre adolescentes e adultas, utilizando-se os testes estatísticos do chi² e chi² para tendência. Resultados: comparativamente à mulheres adultas que abortaram, as adolescentes apresentaram uma menor proporção de atividade remunerada e de multiparidade e uma maior proporção de gestações resultantes de um relacionamento não-estável. Conclusões: os resultados deste estudo permitem concluir que biologicamente as adolescentes que são internadas por abortamento têm um perfil semelhante ao das mulheres adultas. O que as diferenciam destas são as condições sociais e demográficas desfavoráveis que enfrentam em suas primeiras gestações, geralmente não planejadas.16116

    Factores asociados con el acceso anterior a la gestación a los servicios de salud por adolescentes gestantes

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess determinants of access to primary care services prior to pregnancy by pregnant adolescents. METHODS: Theory-based cross-sectional study conducted to examine access to heath services at five dimensions: geographic, economic, administrative, psychosocial and information. There were included in the study 200 first-time pregnant adolescents (aged 10 to 19 years) who attended a primary care unit in the municipality of Indaiatuba, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire applied in face-to-face interviews conducted just before their first pre-natal care visit. Data analyses were performed through Person's chi-square or Fisher's exact test, and by a multivariate logistic regression model including all five dimensions of access. RESULTS: More than half (63.7%) of the adolescents utilized some gynecological care service. Information (43.8%) or psychosocial feelings of embarrassment or fear (37.0%) barriers were the most frequent reasons given for not having sought care before. The main barrier to health service access was related to the psychosocial dimension, reported by 77.0% of the adolescents studied. CONCLUSIONS: Among all barriers to health service access, the most important were those related to the psychosocial dimension. There is a need for new strategies to facilitate access to health services by adolescents, including actions to reduce gender-based barriers taking into consideration sociodemographic characteristics of this population and the relationship they have with their partners.OBJETIVO: Analizar los factores determinantes del acceso de adolescentes gestantes a los servicios de atención primaria a la salud, anterior a la ocurrencia de la gestación. MÉTODOS: Se efectuó estudio transversal basado en referencial teórico. El acceso a servicios fue analizado en cinco dimensiones: geográfico, económico, administrativo, psicosocial y de información. Participaron 200 adolescentes primigestas (10 a 19 años) atendidas en una unidad básica de salud del municipio de Indaiatuba (Sureste de Brasil), en 2003. Se aplicó a las participantes en el momento de su primera consulta pre-natal un cuestionario con preguntas abiertas y cerradas referentes al acceso al último servicio de salud utilizado, anterior a la gestación. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de la prueba de Chi cuadrado de Pearson o exacto de Fischer y por regresión logística múltiple, considerando las cinco dimensiones del acceso. RESULTADOS: Más de la mitad (63,7%) de las adolescentes utilizó algún servicio de salud para consulta ginecológica. Entre las que nunca consultaron un ginecólogo, las justificativas dadas fueron falta de información (43,8%) o sentimiento de miedo o vergüenza (37,0%). La principal dificultad de acceso al servicio estuvo relacionada con barreras psicosociales, identificadas por 77,0% de las adolescentes. CONCLUSIONES: Entre las barreras de acceso al servicio de salud, fueron significativas solo las psicosociales. Son necesarias nuevas estrategias para facilitar el acceso al servicio de salud a las adolescentes, incluyendo acciones que disminuyan las barreras de género y que se consideren sus características sociodemográficas y el vínculo con sus parejas.OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores determinantes do acesso de adolescentes gestantes a serviços de atenção primária à saúde, anterior à ocorrência da gestação. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal baseado em referencial teórico. O acesso a serviços foi analisado em cinco dimensões: geográfico, econômico, administrativo, psicossocial e de informação. Participaram 200 adolescentes primigestas (10 a 19 anos) atendidas em uma unidade básica de saúde do município de Indaiatuba (SP), em 2003. Um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas referentes ao acesso ao último serviço de saúde utilizado, anterior à gestação, foi aplicado às participantes no momento de sua primeira consulta de pré-natal. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste de qui-quadrado de Pearson ou exato de Fisher e por regressão logística múltipla, considerando as cinco dimensões de acesso. RESULTADOS: Mais da metade (63,7%) das adolescentes utilizou algum serviço de saúde para consulta ginecológica. Entre as que nunca consultaram um ginecologista, as justificativas dadas foram falta de informação (43,8%) ou sentimento de medo ou vergonha (37,0%). A principal dificuldade de acesso ao serviço esteve relacionada a barreiras psicossociais, identificadas por 77,0% das adolescentes. CONCLUSÕES: Entre as barreiras de acesso ao serviço de saúde, foram significativas apenas as psicossociais. São necessárias novas estratégias para facilitar o acesso ao serviço de saúde às adolescentes, incluindo ações que diminuam as barreiras de gênero e que se considerem suas características sociodemográficas e o vínculo com seus parceiros

    [recommendations For Physical Exercise Practice During Pregnancy: A Critical Review].

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    Physical exercise is recommended for all healthy pregnant women. Regular practice of exercises during pregnancy can provide many physical and psychological benefits, with no evidence of adverse outcomes for the fetus or the newborn when exercise is performed at mild to moderate intensity. However, few pregnant women engage in this practice and many still have fears and doubts about the safety of exercise. The objective of the present study was to inform the professionals who provide care for Brazilian pregnant women about the current recommendations regarding physical exercise during pregnancy based on the best scientific evidence available. In view of the perception that few systematic models are available about this topic and after performing several studies in this specific area, we assembled practical information of interest to both the professionals and the pregnant women. We also provide recommendations about the indications, contraindications, modalities (aerobics, resistance training, stretching and pelvic floor training), frequency, intensity and duration indicated for each gestational trimester. The review addresses physical exercise recommendation both for low risk pregnant women and for special populations, such as athletes and obese, hypertensive and diabetic subjects. The advantages of an active and healthy lifestyle should be always reinforced during and after gestation since pregnancy is an appropriate period to introduce new habits because pregnant women are usually more motivated to adhere to recommendations. Thus, routine exams, frequent returns and supervision are recommended in order to provide new guidelines that will have long-term beneficial effects for both mother and child.36423-3

    Association Of Anticardiolipin Antibody And C677t In Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Mutation In Women With Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions: A New Path To Thrombophilia?

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    Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) has been associated with venous thrombosis in the mother. Acquired and inherited thrombophilia factors are possible causes. To evaluate the association between thrombogenic factors and recurrent spontaneous abortion. Case-control study. Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 40 ml of blood was collected from 88 women attending an RSA clinic and 88 fertile women attending a family planning clinic, to evaluate the presence of acquired and inherited thrombophilia factors. Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), lupus anticoagulant and deficiencies of proteins C and S and antithrombin III were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), dilute Russell Viper Venom time (dRVVT), coagulometric and chromogenic methods. DNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to study factor V Leiden and G20210A mutations in the prothrombin gene and C677T mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene. Data were analyzed using odds ratios and a regression model for age adjustment. Fishers exact test was used to evaluate statistical relationships between associated factors and RSA. ACA was detected in 11 women with RSA and one fertile woman. Heterozygous C677T was detected in 59 women with RSA and 35 fertile women. Concomitant presence of ACA and C677T was found in eight women with RSA and no fertile women (p < 0.01). The meaning of the association between C677T mutation in the MTHFR gene and ACA is still not clear. It is possible that an inherited factor that alone would not strongly predispose a woman to thrombosis could, when associated with an acquired factor, start the process and increase the likelihood of thrombosis expression. ACA and C677T in the MTHFR gene are statistically associated with RSA. The association of these two conditions is a new finding in thrombogenic factors and RSA.12315-2