3 research outputs found

    Uma proposta de avaliação de desempenho para os sistemas de transporte rodoviário interurbano de passageiros

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    O transporte rodoviário interurbano de passageiros é caracterizado pelo deslocamento de pessoas, por rodovia, entre duas cidades e/ou núcleos urbanos. Em virtude da sua alta expressividade perante o transporte de passageiros no Brasil, e de uma preocupação com a adequabilidade e aumento da qualidade do serviço oferecido, esse trabalho procurou desenvolver um Sistema de Avaliação de Desempenho Operacional dos prestadores do serviço de transporte rodoviário interurbano de passageiros. Faz-se importante que essa avaliação seja voltada para resultados referentes à prestação de um serviço adequado e mantenha-se como um processo constante. A avaliação pode resultar em penalizações ou incentivos aos operadores, induzindo-os a um aprimoramento do seu serviço. Esse método é capaz de auxiliar órgãos reguladores e gestores no acompanhamento e controle do Transporte Rodoviário Interurbano de Passageiros – TRIP, seja este intermunicipal ou interestadual. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Interurban Land Passenger Transportation is characterized by the displacement of people by road, between two cities and / or urban areas. Because of its high expressiveness at the passenger transport in Brazil, and a concern about the appropriateness and quality of service, this work sought to develop a System of Operational Performance Evaluation of the service providers. It is important that this assessment is geared to results concerning the provision of an adequate service and keep it as a constant. The assessment may result in penalties or incentives to operators, inducing them to improve its´ service. This method is able to assist regulators and managers in monitoring and control of the Interurban Land Passenger Transport, being it intercity or interstate

    Diversity of yam bean ( Pachyrhizus spp. Fabaceae) based on morphoagronomic traits in the Brazilian Amazon

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    ABSTRACT Yam bean is a non-conventional horticultural crop adapted to the Amazon region. It presents edible roots, yet, its seeds contain cytotoxic components such as rotenone and pachyrhizin. The Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia has 64 yam bean genotypes in its germplasm bank, however, their diversity is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the diversity of these genotypes using 10 morphoagronomic traits, plant height, number of secondary branches, shoot biomass, stem diameter, root biomass, number, length, diameter, length/diameter ratio (L/D), and shape. The accessions were planted on non-flooded land, Manaus, Amazonas (02º 59'48.2''S and 60º 01' 22.4''W) in completely randomized design with three replicates and three plants per plot spaced 0.5 x 1 m. The results showed significant diversity for all characters except for stem diameter and visual assessment of root shape. Biplot graphic explained 60% of the total variation, which identified that genotypes P44, P22 and P18 have high values for root yield (80-108 t ha-1), number of secondary branches (15-31) and shoot biomass (0.5-0.8 kg plant-1). Cluster analysis, considering 50% of relative Euclidean distance, revealed 15 major groups. We conclude that the genotypes assessed have wide diversity and some of them high root yield potential. This suggests that a yam bean breeding program can be successful for the yield of roots and seeds in the Amazonian region