14 research outputs found

    Prevalence of cleft lip and palate in Brazilian children 2011 - 2015

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    Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth defects of complex etiology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of cleft lip and palate in Brazilian children. An ecological and descriptive study, based on data from the Live Birth Information System (SINASC / DATASUS) between years 2011 and 2015 in the cities of João Pessoa, Campina Grande, Patos, Cajazeiras, and Sousa (State of Paraíba) was developed. Information on the presence of congenital anomalies and cleft lip and palate, gender of neonate, birth-weight (<2.5kg and ≥2.5kg) and mother's age were collected. Data were tabulated with Microsoft Excel software and presented through descriptive statistics (absolute and percentage distributions). In the study period, there were 206367 cases of live birth, with 1916 cases of children with congenital anomalies of which 109 (5.7%) had cleft lip and palate, predominantly males (66%). Regarding birth-weight, 27.5% had <2.5kg. The majority of mothers aged 20-29 years (45.9%). The city of Campina Grande concentrated the highest number of cases (50.5%), with prevalence of 7.36 cases per ten thousand live births. The frequency of cleft lip and palate was 5.2 per 10000 live births. Male children with normal birth-weight are the most affected by cleft lip and palate.Key words: Epidemiology; Cleft Lip; Cleft Palate; Congenital Abnormalitie

    Rheological Analysis of Asphalt Binders Modified with Hydrated Lime and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

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    The significant increase in traffic on paved roads has accelerated the deterioration of asphalt coatings. Because of this, the use of additives to modify the properties of the asphalt binder has been studied in order to improve the performance in relation to, mainly, permanent deformations and fatigue life. This work evaluates the changes in the rheological properties of CAP 50/70 modified with fractionated particles of hydrated lime and titanium dioxide nanoparticles, obtained from the use of a ball mill. For this purpose, the CAP 50/70 was modified with the addition of fractionated lime particles in the contents of 3%, 5% and 7% by weight of the pure binder and with 3% of ground nano TiO2 (180 nm). The modified samples showed less loss of mass in the short term aging, proving to be an antioxidant alternative. In addition, it was found that the modified binders provided an increase in G* (stiffness parameter) and, consequently, in the maximum Performance Grade (PG) temperature, allowing the use of the studied binders at higher temperatures. The binder modified with a content of 5% hydrated lime presented better results in the tests of permanent deformation (MSCR and LAS). The decrease in TiO2 granulometry increased the integrity of the binder and made it more sensitive to deformations under temperature variations, however, milled titanium dioxide showed a positive result in increasing the resistance of the asphalt binder to fatigue when compared to the binder with nano TiO2 220 nm. Finally, it was possible to establish that the addition of fractionated particles of hydrated lime to CAP 50/70 is a viable and effective technique that meets the requirements of DNIT for use in paving and that the incorporation of ground nano TiO2 (180 nm) attributed to the asphalt binder 50/70 higher working temperature in the field

    The Epidemiological Profile of Sexual Violence Notifications in the Capitals of the Northeast of Brazil: An Ecologic Time Series

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    This study aimed at outlining the epidemiological profile of the notifications of sexual violence in the capitals of the Northeast of Brazil. It is a descriptive, analytical, and ecological study, made with the information about sexual violence recorded at SINAN (the Information System of Health Problem Notifications). The nine capital cities of the Northeast of the country were selected, and data from them was analyzed from 2012 to 2014. The depending variables were notifications of sexual violence and rape. Independent variables included sex, age group, educational level, and race. For a statistical analysis, the Chi-squared and Fisher\u27s exact tests were used when the expected frequencies were below 5. The statistical treatment of variables was done using the R software. Regarding the results, 6811 sexual violence cases were notified in the capitals. Most of them took place in Recife (31.2%), Teresina (16.5%), and Aracaju (13.3%). In most cases, the victims were females, children or adolescents, and brown. Most victims had less than eight years of study. The city with the most notifications of rape was Recife. The results show the association between socioeconomic factors and sexual violence, outlining a profile of the victims of this type of violence in the capitals of the Brazilian Northeast. A high prevalence of sexual violence was found in the investigated cities

    Psychological, physical and sexual violence against brazilian women: a cross-section study

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    The objective was to characterize the notifications of urban violence against women, according to psychological, physical and sexual typologies. This is a cross-sectional, documentary, descriptive and analytical research, based on the notification forms of the Brazilian Notifiable Diseases Information System between the years 2014 and 2017, referring to a city in the Northeast. The independent variables were divided according to the most prevalent types of violence, while the dependent ones followed the characteristics suggested by the notification forms. The data were analyzed using the Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests, with a significance level of 5%, in addition to calculating the Chance Ratio. RStudio was used as statistical software.447 notification forms were included, with the following prevalences being observed: psychological (80.1%), physical (39.2%), and sexual (21%), with a predominance of women with low educational level (<8 years of study), non-white race, without companions and heterosexuals. Most of the notifications pointed to the repetition of violence, occurring mainly at night, in homes and public roads, in the form of threats, and the use of body strength. Women are exposed to psychological, physical, and sexual violence, especially to the psychological form, possibly because they have a pattern intrinsically associated with other types

    Pré-natal durante a pandemia de COVID-19: uma análise dos indicadores do Previne Brasil e sua influência na incidência de sífilis congênita e em gestantes

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    Introdução: O Previne Brasil reestruturou a forma de financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde, estabelecendo metas e indicadores cujo objetivo é garantir a qualidade da assistência. Três destes novos indicadores dizem respeito ao pré-natal. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade das atividades de pré-natal prestadas às gestantes no município de Campina Grande (PB) entre os anos de 2018 e 2021, por meio dos indicadores do Previne Brasil, estabelecendo um comparativo entre os anos de pandemia de COVID-19 e relacionando os com a incidência de casos de sífilis congênita e em gestantes. Método: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, observacional e descritivo realizado por meio da coleta de dados secundários do Sistema de Informação em Saúde para a Atenção Básica (2018–2021) de indicadores de desempenho do programa Previne Brasil para o pré-natal: proporção de gestantes com pelo menos seis consultas de pré-natal; proporção de gestantes com realização de exames para sífilis e HIV e a proporção de gestantes que passaram por atendimento odontológico. Acrescentou-se ainda uma busca de novos casos de sífilis congênita e em gestantes no TABNET - Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan) abrangendo os mesmos anos. Resultados: O indicador com piores resultados foi o de atendimento odontológico. Para os demais, embora haja entre um quadrimestre e outro, alguma variação de melhoria, os três indicadores avaliados apresentaram resultados muito aquém da meta de 60% estabelecida pelo Ministério da Saúde, o que pode ter influenciado no aumento considerável da incidência de sífilis no ano de 2021. Conclusões: É preciso que se estabeleça formas efetivas de melhoria da assistência que culminem em uma atenção integral à saúde da gestante que promovam desde o pré-natal a saúde do bebê. Para além disso, faz-se necessário o estudo das barreiras que separam a gestante do atendimento odontológico, desmistificando a relação que se estabelece entre a gestação e a atenção à saúde bucal

    As mudanças no processo de trabalho dos Agentes Vomunitários de Saúde no Brasil durante a pandemia da COVID-19

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    Objetivo: analisar as mudanças no processo de trabalho do Agente Comunitário de Saúde, da Estratégia Saúde da Família, entre os anos de 2019 e 2020, em meio ao cenário da pandemia da COVID-19. Metodologia: caracteriza-se por um estudo documental, quantitativo, do tipo ecológico, de série temporal. Os dados foram coletados na base de dados do Sistema de Informação em Saúde para a Atenção Básica. As variáveis do estudo tratam-se de dados referentes às atividades do Agente Comunitário de Saúde quanto às atividades coletivas, visitas domiciliares e os indicadores de desempenho elencados pelo sistema. Os dados foram analisados no SPSS versão 24.0, por meio de um cálculo do percentual de variação (%V) entre os anos coletados. Logo após, foi realizado o Teste T de Student para se verificar diferenças estatisticamente relevantes entre os anos avaliados (p&lt;0,05). Resultados: quanto às atividades coletivas, houve redução significativa (p&lt;0,001) de 51,1% entre os anos. As visitas domiciliares também apresentaram uma diminuição do percentual de variação (18,6%); já os indicadores de desempenho não demonstraram significativas mudanças. Conclusões: diante do estudado, as ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde foram as mais prejudicadas nesse cenário, sendo necessário um maior empenho do Poder Público para a melhoria desses indicadores

    Improvement in vehicle flow and pedestrian safety: study with users on the feasibility of traffic near rotatory

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    Traffic is a set of complex variables such as vehicle flow and driver behavior, which one variable depends on the other and both depend on the scenario involved. The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of traffic lights near a roundabout located in the city of Campina Grande-PB, in order to improve the flow and safety of drivers and pedestrians who surround it there. A study was conducted through a questionnaire with drivers and pedestrians using the roundabout daily evaluating the use of traffic lights near the roundabout as a solution to improve the flow in the device, as well as the safety of pedestrians who do crossings in their vicinity. The results of the questionnaire intensify the population's need to increase the safety and effectiveness of the roundabout at peak times, place of passage of students, workers, UFCG teachers, UEPB teachers, city dwellers who travel daily to work in Campina Grande, among others. Therefore, it is advisable to implement a partial traffic light that operates normally at certain periods of the day and remains with all focus groups flashing in alert form at other times, regularizing vehicle tickets more securely. The traffic light would be activated early in the morning, at lunch time and in the late afternoon, which are peak times, moving the population to their homes and feeding places