424 research outputs found

    Do Odontomachus brunneus nestmates request for help and are taken care of when caught?

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    In social insects, situations can arise that threaten an individual or an entire colony. When the call for help goes out, different behavioral responses are elicited by signals emitted from nestmates. In ants, the response can be one of redemptive behavior by the worker receiving it. However, little is known about the evolution of this behavior and in which group of ants it manifests. Therefore, this study investigates whether workers of Odontomachus brunneus Patton can act as rescuers, able to detect and respond to calls for help from nestmates. Laboratory experiments were carried out in which the legs of ants were trapped by tape, simulating capture by a predator. Nearby were nestmates able to receive and respond to a request for help. Two experiments were performed: 1. Calls for help were made at different distances, in order to test the response latency. 2. Evaluation of whether rescuers would respond differently to calls for help from nestmates, non-nestmates of the same species, and ants of another species. Finally, evaluation was made of the behaviors of the rescuers when they responded to requests for help from nestmates and ants of another species. It could be concluded from the results that O. brunneus workers respond to signals emitted by workers who may have been captured by a potential predator, prompting the performance of behaviors related to rescue attempts. The signals involved appear to have an optimal range and are species-specific. When exposed to a capture situation, this species transmits audible signals by stridulation, so it is possible that this type of signal may be involved, in addition to chemical signaling

    Bond strength according to the moment of fiber post cutting fixed with self-adhesive cement to the root dentin

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    The fiber posts require a cut in the coronal portion to adjust it to the available clinical space. The cutting of posts cemented may generate tension via bur vibrations of drill on the bonding interface, with the possibility of decreasing the bond streng


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of pharmaceutical care on the control of high blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive patients. Methods: The study included thirty hypertensive patients from primary or secondary healthcare located in the south of São Paulo, Brazil. Results: The majority of patients was aged over 60 years (68.75%), non-smokers (90%), non-alcoholics (93.33%), did not practice physical activities (93.33%), and presented comorbidities and polypharmacy. The most common drug-related problems were drug-drug interactions, missed doses, incorrect frequency or time of administration, incorrect patient administration technique, and self-medication. The interventions used during the pharmaceutical consultations (PC) were based on the organization of medicines with tools such as a pillbox organizer (84.38%). A significant improvement in BP control (p<0.05) was observed when comparing BP measurements before and after the PC; however, the number of PCs did not influence the BP reduction. Conclusion: Patient guidance and a simple intervention favor better patient understanding of medication administration schedules


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    O presente artigo analisa a importância do rio Araguaia e da pecuária, além das atividades e atores sociais dependente de ambos, no município de São Geraldo do Araguaia, sudeste do Pará. Traz à tona a importância do citado rio como fator principal das ocupações econômicas pioneiras nesse município e demonstra o papel da pecuária nas transformações socioespaciais e nas relações comerciais. Esse trabalho partiu de leituras sobre obras relacionadas ao tema aqui tratado e conversas com alguns dos pioneiros ainda presentes no município são-geraldense e o mesmo visa discutir e relacionar o rio e a atividade pecuária com a ocupação e emancipação do citado município. O Araguaia permitiu a ocupação inicial da região onde hoje se encontra a cidade e depois veio à atividade pecuária a partir da abertura da rodovia implantada pela tão falada integração nacional arquitetada pelos militares, apesar da participação do segundo fator se sobressair, principalmente, no que tange a dinâmica econômica e ao fluxo migratório para a região é inegável a importância do rio para a cidade, pois o mesmo serve como representatividade da natureza e símbolo de dinâmicas locais pioneiras.Thi

    Environmental perception: case study of the Environmental Park Arnulpho Fioravante, Dourados, MS

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    The present study analyzed the environmental perception of students during a guided technical visit. The study site was the Arnulpho Fioravante Environmental Park located in a central region of the city of Dourados, MS. The data were obtained through the Free Association of Words (TALP) derived from the inductive expression "the sensation that I have in this place is ...". Five points with different characteristics of the Park were observed. At the points with vegetation and the minimum of preservation, the students perceived the sounds of nature, evoking a sense of tranquility. At the degraded and unvented points, the students experienced a sense of discomfort and noticed mainly the sounds from urban noise pollution. With these results it is possible to verify that even with the anthropic actions it is still possible to find comfort with the minimum of planning and management of green areas in the midst of urban chaos


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    A utilização da gamificação no contexto educacional, parte do princípio que a aprendizagem aconteça de forma mais divertida e engajadora, tendo como base a aprendizagem a partir das interações. Neste sentido, utiliza-se elementos de design de jogos para promover o engajamento nas atividades. No ambiente da Educação a Distância (EAD), as interações acontecem nos ambientes de aprendizagem virtuais (AVA) e geram mediação entre os autores envolvidos nesses processos, que por sua vez, geram conhecimento promovendo aprendizagem. Neste sentindo o objetivo da pesquisa é identificar a eficácia da gamificação na promoção de interações em uma turma do curso de matemática a distância. Tendo como pergunta norteadora a seguinte questão: como a gamificação de uma disciplina contribuiu na promoção de interações em uma turma do curso de matemática a distância? A hipótese estudada é que com a utilização da gamificação na EAD promove o engajamento dos estudantes nas aulas, incentivando e promovendo maiores interações entre os estudantes e professores. A pesquisa foi realizada com estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, na modalidade a distância, no contexto da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB). Os dados foram coletados em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi utilizado um questionário tipo survey. Já na segunda etapa, foi realizada uma observação do diálogo desenvolvido nos fóruns da disciplina. Os resultados apontem que a gamificação da disciplina de matemática a distância promoveu interações entre os estudantes e interações entre estudantes e professores, estimulando com que fosse criado um ambiente coletivo e divertido para construção do conhecimento

    Geographical indication and centrality in the Brazilian Northeast

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    This article discusses the subject of Geographical Indication and level of centrality, by using the hierarchization of municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast region as a tool for discussion and analysis. This article is mainly aimed at hierarchizing municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast region by taking into account their respective contributions to the development of non-public service products between 2002 and 2017, considering five geographical subdivisions (microregion, mesoregion, State, region and country) in the perspective of identifying the level of centrality and a relationship with Geographical Indications. This work is characterised as an exploratory-descriptive research with a quali-quantitative approach, having analysed data from the Automatic Recovery System (SIDRA, in Portuguese) from IBGE (the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and considering 1,792 municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast. The results indicate that among the 1,792 municipalities included in the study, 1,028 (57.4% of all municipalities studied) observed an increase to their scores. In addition, the main changes that took place in these municipalities between 2002 and 2017 included the increase in the homogeneity in the region, when regarding the profile of participation in the development of non-public service products from higher geographical subdivisions. With that, it can be stated that the non-public service sector creates a level of hierarchy in the municipalities from the Brazilian Northeast in terms of their volumes, corroborating the assumption drawn in this work that the spatial layout of cities has an effect on the centralities of places, with the territory and its centrality level having an impact on Geographical Indications, as the quality and standardization of products/services represent the result of the combined effort and actions carried out by some groups of local producers in certain territories. This highlights the relationship between this group and the local tradition, typicality and culture, as well as with the physical and climate aspects of the territory, which contributes to its local development

    Geographical Indication: a proposal for measuring centrality

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    The present work discusses Geographical Indications, which have increasingly grown in Brazil, becoming of extreme importance for territorial development. With this in mind, this work is aimed at establishing a centrality indicator for municipalities, capable of contributing for Geographical indication, based on the development on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of services for promoting local development. The measurement of centrality adopted in this work is based on the arrangement of GDP data on services, according to the Central Place Theory, in which cities are hierarchically organised and some services are only provided by more relevant locations. The database used for assessing the levels of centrality of municipalities were divided into four different groups: participation of the gross value added of services, excluding public administration on the gross value at total current prices; in the state level; in the microregion; in the country. The analysis observed simple structure averages to operationalise the hierarchical ruler, having established that the best route concerned attributing weighting coefficients to the group of indicators through a linear combination algorithm. It is important to point out that the most important tool considered included the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Accordingly, it was established that a location is an important territory with what concerns the spatial contour, with the service sector (excluding the public service) having an impact on local economy. Therefore, the registration of a Geographical Indication may promote economic development, attributed to the increase in local production, demand and greater added value and, consequently, an upsurge in the generation of jobs and wealth, having a relevant impact in the notoriety of the region

    The effect of Geographical Indications on Economic Development

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    The understanding of a Geographical Indication (GI), under an economic point of view, is connected to a strategy that aims at adding value to products or services whose characteristics are related to the territories in which they are inserted, with the premise of strengthening territorial economies, mainly in rural areas. GIs associated to agri-food products not only add value to these products, but also aim at providing easier access to either internal and/or external markets, promoting the inclusion of rural producers or disfavored regions in terms of commercial trade routes, besides contributing to the sustainable use of biodiversity and, consequently, of local genetic resources. Therefore, this work aims at providing an overview of the main scientific works regarding Geographical Indications (GIs) focused on the development of regional economies, especially in rural areas, considering in natura products. The methodology employed consisted of carrying out a systematic literature review on Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct databases, based on a sequence of themes (Geographical Indication, Economic Development, Brazilian products in natura). Therefore, it was necessary to select the scientific articles corresponding to the combination of keywords, while also considering those works published in the last 10 years and with a score higher than 25 points, according to the criteria adopted in this work. The results of this research demonstrate the importance of GIs for promoting local economic development, through production and local services, adding value to the agri-food market and to its capacity in generating jobs and wealth