847 research outputs found

    Regulation of Gonad Morphogenesis in Drosophila Melanogaster by Broad Complex, Tramtrack and Bric à Brac Transcription Factors

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    During embryogenesis, primordial germ cells (PGCs) and somatic gonadal precursor cells (SGPs) migrate and coalesce to form the early gonad. A failure of SGPs and PGCs to form a gonad with the proper architecture not only affects germ cell development, but also can result in infertility. We have characterized the phenotypes of two genes, longitudinals lacking (lola) and ribbon (rib), required for the coalescence and compaction of the embryonic gonad in Drosophila melanogaster. Both rib and lola are expressed in the SGPs and to a lesser extent in the PGCs of the developing gonad, and genetic interaction analysis suggests these proteins cooperate to regulate gonad development. Analysis of colocalization with marks of transcriptional activation and repression on polytene chromsomes reveals that Rib and Lola colocalize with both marks. Thus, these studies demonstrate that Rib and Lola function cooperatively to regulate transcription of target genes and thereby promote embryonic gonad morphogenesis

    HORT: The Extension Horticulture Computer Information Directory at Virginia Tech

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    In 1987-88, HORT, Virginia Tech\u27s Extension Horticulture Computer Information Directory, provided county Extension agents with prepared consumer horticulture press material that was timely, accurate, and easily accessed via computer. Each week, a cumulative total of more than 180 hours of agent time and 105 hours of clerical time were saved statewide through use of this material, which required approximately 10 hours per week of technician time to produce. HORT information reaches the gardening public through agent newsletters, radio spots, and newspaper columns and notes. HORT is also an important method for updating agents through direct contact

    Hedonic Price and Travel Cost Estimation of Stripmine Impacts on Lake-Based Property and Recreation Values

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    (C)elas e elas: desconstruções de normativas de gênero e sexualidades na ala feminina do Presídio Regional de Joinville (2003-2013)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, Florianópolis, 2015.A presente dissertação tem como objetivo problematizar as experiências afetivas e/ou sexuais entre mulheres na Ala Feminina do Presídio Regional de Joinville e perceber como estas experiências podem desconstruir normativas de gênero e sexualidades. Além disso, tem a intenção de analisar como os discursos sobre gênero e sexualidades foram tratados nesta instituição prisional, apontando para permanências e rupturas. As fontes utilizadas foram entrevistas orais realizadas no ano de 2013, que contaram com o aporte da Metodologia de História Oral e a análise de Livros de Ocorrência da Ala Feminina que compreendiam os anos de 2003-2010. Para as análises do Livro de Ocorrências utilizei a análise do discurso como ferramenta. Além destas fontes, recortes de jornais da cidade foram utilizados de modo a complementar a pesquisa. Através das análises das fontes foi possível evidenciar o presídio como um local a possibilitar que muitas mulheres se permitissem a outras experiências em relação ao gênero e sexualidade; já que houve a possibilidade, destas se distanciarem de normas impostas culturalmente. Para algumas das entrevistadas foi, no presídio, longe das cobranças sociais que estas se permitiram romper com a posição de dona de casa e mãe, se relacionar afetivamente e/ou sexualmente com outras mulheres, adotar padrões estéticos masculinos que outrora se sentiram impelidas a negar devido ao preconceito que sofriam em seu cotidiano, entre outras rupturas, que estas atribuem ao fato de estarem vivendo em um ?mundo de mulheres?. Problematizar estas experiências desencadeadas neste espaço prisional pode representar uma fissura na constituição de saberes e verdades que regulam as relações de gênero e a sexualidade. Nesse sentido vejo a importância deste trabalho ao oferecer novos subsídios para compreensão do gênero e da sexualidade, bem como contribuir com temáticas pouco exploradas pela história como a homossexualidade de mulheres.Abstract : This dissertation aims to problematize the afective and/or sexual experiences among women in the Female Aisle in the Regional Penitentiary of Joinville and understand how these experiences may deconstruct gender and sexuality rules. Besides, it intends to analyze how the speeches on gender and sexuality have been dealt with in this prison institution, pointing to abidance and rupture. The sources used were the oral interviews held in the year of 2013, that happened within the contribuition of the Methodology of Oral History and the analysis of the Occurrences Book of the Female Aisle that corresponded to the years 2003-2010. For the analysis of the Occurrences Book I used the analysis of the speech as a tool. Besides these sources, newspaper cuts from the city were used to complement the research. Through the analysis of the sources it was possible to point out the penitentiary as a place to enable that many women allowed themselves to have other experiences regarding their own gender and sexuality; because there was a possibility, some of these women distanced themselves from the culturally imposed rules. For some of the interviewed it was in the penitentiary, away from the social demands, that they allowed themselves to disconnect from the position of housewife and mother, relate afectively and/or sexualy with other women, adopt masculine beauty standards that once they felt they had to deny due to prejudice they suffered in their routines, among other ruptures, that they impute to the fact that they?re living in a ?women?s world?. Problematizing these experiences unfolded in this prison environment may represent a cleft in the constitution of knoledge and truths that regulate gender and sexuality. This way I set the importance of this piece of work in offering new aids to the understanding of gender and sexuality, as well as contribute with themes not yet much explored by history, like homossexuality among women

    Comparing Iconicity Trade-Offs in Cena and Libras during a Sign Language Production Task

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    Although classifier constructions generally aim for highly iconic depictions, like any other part of language they may be constrained by phonology. We compare utterances containing motion events between signers of Cena, an emerging rural sign language in Brazil, and Libras, the national sign language of Brazil, to investigate whether a difference in time-depth—a relevant factor in phonological reorganisation—influences trade-offs involving iconicity. First, we find that contrary to what may be expected, given that emerging sign languages exhibit great variation and favour highly iconic prototypes, Cena signers exhibit neither greater variation nor the use of more complex handshapes in classifier constructions. We also report a divergence from findings on Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL) in how signers encode movement in a young language, showing that Cena signers tend to encode manner and path simultaneously, unlike NSL signers of comparable cohorts. Cena signers therefore pattern more like non-signing gesturers and signers of urban sign languages, including the Libras signers in our study. The study contributes an addition to the as-yet limited investigations into classifiers in emerging sign languages, demonstrating how different aspects of linguistic organisation, including phonology, can interact with classifier form