63 research outputs found

    Social preferences and supply chain transactions: an analysis with Brazilian decision makers

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    Supply contracts amongst suppliers and buyers can be used as powerful mechanisms to manage trade-offs between risks and costs in negotiations amid the constituent parts of the supply chain. In decentralized decision-making, as a trade transaction between a wholesaler and a retailer, social preferences can influence behavior of these decision makers. The objective of this study was to verify the effect of social preferences on transactions in supply chains, using Brazilian individuals with the purpose of comparing the results with those obtained in other countries. The methodology proposed in this study was quantitative, as variables already studied by previous studies were investigated. An experiment was conducted with three handlings (normal, status and relationship) simulating buying and selling situations in a supply chain. The results indicated that highlighting the performance status of a supply chain improves the efficiency of the chain when compared to normal transactions, or when there is a relationship between the links

    Balance capacity with variability caused by human factor: an application in a line with Monte Carlo simulation

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    The variation in processing times due to the human factor between the working stations of a production line can generate queues resulting in a higher cost to the productive process. The objective of this study was to apply Monte Carlo simulation to balance the capacity of a production line with stations suffering variability in processing time due to the human factor. Simulations of the current situation of the production line were performed by comparing it with a proposal to align capacity with the production restriction in order to reduce inventories process while maintaining full capacity of the line. To develop the study, the selection involves the case of a company’s production line in the metal industry that produces machinery and products for metalworking area. The results allowed pointing suggestions for the company to reduce in-process inventory, keeping then total capacity of the line


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    A vantagem da utilização de ambientes laboratoriais para a realização de pesquisas tem sido evidenciada em programas de pesquisa recentes, tais como as finanças comportamentais, a economia comportamental e a economia experimental, à medida que permitem explorar aspectos subjetivos individuais e coletivos. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se os jogos de empresas são ambientes laboratoriais adequados para a realização de pesquisas econômicas. Foram discutidos os fundamentos teóricos da economia experimental e de jogos de empresas de modo a identificar em que condições os jogos de empresas seriam adequados para a condução de pesquisas. Pela análise de três estudos teórico-empíricos que investigaram problemas econômicos com jogos de empresas, identificou-se que os jogos de empresas são adequados para pesquisas quando se estudar hipóteses delineadas a partir de estudos anteriores, para a realização de estudos experimentais e não experimentais, quando da utilização da instituição do leilão pós-oferta e quando o contexto da pesquisa for o organizacional. O estudo permitiu reforçar as vantagens dos jogos de empresas para utilização em pesquisas

    Influencia de las preferencias de los consumidores en la cadena de suministro de etanol en Brasil

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    Mucho se ha discutido en la literatura sobre los factores que producen obstáculos en la cadena de suministro del etanol en Brasil, como por ejemplo, el bajo precio del petróleo y el alto precio del azúcar durante la crise financiera de 2008. Sin embargo, existe un importante factor que también puede constituir un obstáculo, pero que no ha sido explorado hasta el momento, el consumidor. ¿Cómo los conductores eligen recargar combustible? ¿Será que el punto inicial de la cadena conoce a sus consumidores? En este trabajo el objetivo es demostrar cómo los actores de la cadena de suministro de etanol perciben las preferencias de los consumidores y compararlas con los factores que los conductores de vehículos flex brasileños señalan como relevantes en la elección de los combustibles. Para eso, se ha utilizado una muestra de anuncios recogidos a partir de medios de comunicación brasileños que caracterizan las percepciones de los gestores de la cadena de suministro y una muestra de conductores para entender las acciones del consumidor. Como resultado, se verifica que existe una diferencia notable entre las preferencias actuales de los consumidores de combustible y las preferencias del consumidor percibidas por los actores de la cadena de suministro de etanol. Tal disparidad es, probablemente, una causa más del segundo revés en la cadena de suministro de Brasil (2009-1012). Se destacan las implicaciones estratégicas en la gestión de esta cadena y el papel de las políticas públicas respecto a la mejora de la difusión del etanol en Brasil.Muitos fatores têm sido discutidos na literatura sobre as causas de obstáculos na cadeia de suprimento do etanol brasileiro, como por exemplo, o baixo preço do petróleo e o preço elevado do açúcar durante a crise financeira de 2008. No entanto, há um importante fator que pode também ser um obstáculo, mas que não foi explorado até o momento, o consumidor. Como motoristas escolhem reabastecer seus carros? Será que a ponta inicial da cadeia conhece os seus consumidores? Neste trabalho tem-se como objetivo demonstrar como os intervenientes da cadeia de fornecimento de etanol percebem as preferências dos consumidores, e compará-las aos fatores que os motoristas de veículos flex brasileiros apontam como relevantes na escolha dos combustíveis. Para isso, utilizou-se uma amostra de anúncios recolhidos a partir de meios de comunicações brasileiros que caracterizam as percepções dos gestores da cadeia de fornecimento e uma amostra com motoristas para entender as ações do consumidor. Como resultado, observou-se que há uma diferença considerável entre as preferências atuais dos consumidores de combustível e as preferências do consumidor percebidas pelas partes da cadeia de suprimento de etanol. A disparidade é provavelmente mais uma das causas do segundo revés na cadeia de abastecimento do Brasil (2009-2012). Com base nestes resultados destacam-se as implicações estratégicas na gestão desta cadeia de suprimentos e também o papel das políticas públicas na melhoria da difusão de etanol no Brasil.Many factors have been discussed in the literature as the causes for setbacks in the Brazilian ethanol supply chain, such as the low price of petroleum and the high price of sugar in the financial crisis in 2008. However, there is an important gap that was not explored yet, how do drivers choose to refuel their cars? Do the supply chain managers know their consumers? Based on that, this paper aims to demonstrate how the ethanol supply chain stakeholders perceive consumers' preferences and compare them to the factors that are taken into consideration by Brazilian flexible-fuel vehicles drivers when choosing types of fuel gasoline or ethanol. For that, we illustrated the case by using a sample of announcements collected from Brazilian news media featuring the supply chain managers' view and the survey taken by drivers to understand the consumer's actions. Our results indicate that there is a significant difference between the actual preferences of fuel consumers and the perceived consumers' preferences by the stakeholders. This disparity is probably the (or one of the) main cause of the second setback in the Brazilian supply chain (2009–2012). Based on these results we point out the strategic implications in managing this supply chain and also the role of public policy in improving the diffusion of ethanol in Brazil

    Discrete simulation applied to a gas appliance company

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    The proper management of the operations is fundamental to the companies' results, and, particularly, the continuous improvement in production processes is extremely important to raise the level of efficiency. The present study aimed to simulate the process of welding of a component called heat exchanger that makes up a gas water heater. Then, this simulation has the objective of optimizing the production process. The data collected were obtained from a company located in Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo. The results of the simulation model point to opportunities for improvement, mainly in the direction of reducing work shifts

    Optimization model for materials expedition: an aplication in a retail chain store

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    In several companies, transportation costs are most part logistics costs. In this context, the appropriate distribution planning figures as a strategic activity in the generation of competitiveness. Previous studies that analyzed the transportation problem do not consider the role of the expedition in their models. This research investigated a transportation problem considering the expedition of goods. A midsize retailer located in the ABC region of Sao Paulo was used to conduct a case study. In addition to documentary data, interviews were conducted with professionals involved in the expedition operation. The results indicated that the company could optimize their expedition by considering the changes proposed in this study. We conclude that the expedition is an important activity in the analysis of a transport model

    The process timeline for sustainable construction management: case study in the construction of an educational centre

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    Entrepreneurship is hard work, especially when it comes to the creation of an innovative, ecologically correct and sustainable project, and the small entrepreneur, in addition to facing bureaucratic and fiscal obstacles, has great difficulty in running his business, planning and optimizing his production for lack structured management knowledge. This is what happens with the company studied, where the construction of an educational centre, thought to be a model of ecological and sustainable building, did not have a schedule of execution, thus becoming dependent on very short term planning, accomplished at each step, rather than a structured action as a whole. In this sense, the Critical Path Method (CPM), which uses simple estimates for the duration of the building stages and the PERT technique, was implemented among a variety of schedules and methods for planning and control of works execution. This method is suitable and simple to use by small businesses. This methodology, easy to be understood and implemented, generated benefit to the company, allowing planning, predictability and control of the works
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