66 research outputs found

    Estresse salino em variedades de mamão (Carica Papaya L.).

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    Nos Estados da Bahia e do Espírito Santo, principais regiões produtoras de mamão do Brasil, essa cultura está concentrada no ecossistema dos Tabuleiros Costeiros, onde são registradas, em alguns meses, precipitações inferiores à demanda. Assim, para que o mamoeiro alcance altas produtividades, o emprego de irrigações suplementares constitui-se em uma prática importante e imprescindível. Porém, um problema que se tem verificado nessas regiões é a qualidade da água dos poços, açudes e rios, que nem sempre é adequada ao crescimento normal das plantas, em razão, principalmente, da relativa alta concentração de sais. Em geral, a inibição do crescimento das plantas sob condições salinas é conseqüência de seus efeitos osmóticos, que pode induzir condições de estresse hídrico à planta e, ou, de efeitos dos íons Na+ e Cl-, que podem acarretar toxidez direta e desordens nutricionais (Munns, 2002). Apesar da importância desse problema, aspectos relacionados à sensibilidade do mamoeiro ao estresse salino não tem sido merecedores de estudos. Assim, o presente trabalho objetiva avaliar a resposta diferencial de variedades de mamoeiro à salinidade.pdf 207

    Evidencias en el ADN mitocondrial reflejan una incipiente estructuración poblacional en el mero guasa del Atlántico (Epinephelus itajara, Epinephelidae) en Brasil

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    The Atlantic goliath grouper is a critically endangered species that inhabits estuarine and reef environments and is threatened primarily by fishing activities and habitat destruction. Despite the urgent need for protection, its genetic conservation status remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the gene flow among the populations of the species along the coast of Brazil based on the control region of the mitochondrial DNA. The results indicate low haplotype diversity (0.40-0.86) and very low nucleotide diversity (0.1-0.5%). They also show that the genetic diversity of the species varies considerably along the coast and that this finding may be especially important for the identification of priority areas for its conservation. The population analyses indicate a low but significant degree of genetic structuring (ΦST =0.111), probably due to the occurrence of rare haplotypes at some locations, although the genetic differentiation between sites was not correlated with geographic distance (r=0.0501; p=0.7719), and the shared haplotypes indicate that gene flow occurs among all locations along the Brazilian coast. The results of the pairwise FST indicate a high degree of genetic differentiation between locations. The incipient population structuring detected in the present study is not related systematically to the geological or physical features of the Brazilian coast. The complex interaction of fluctuations in sea level, marine currents, and the reproductive characteristics of the species hampers the identification of the specific role of each of these processes in the gene flow dynamics of the population units of the Atlantic goliath grouper. The low overall levels of genetic diversity, the pairwise FST values and the significant population structuring among groups (ΦCT) identified in the present study all reinforce the critically endangered status of the species and are inconsistent with the presence of a single, panmictic population of groupers on the Brazilian coast. The results of this study suggest that, though it may be incipient, the observed genetic structuring must be taken into account in order to prevent potential problems, such as outbreeding depression, in the management of wild stocks.El mero guasa del Atlántico está críticamente en peligro, habita en ambientes estuarinos y arrecifes, los cuáles están amenazados principalmente por las actividades de pesca y la destrucción de su hábitat. A pesar de la necesidad urgente de protección, su estado de conservación genética aún es desconocido. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el flujo génico entre las poblaciones de esta especie a lo largo de la costa de Brasil analizando la variabilidad genética de la región control del ADN mitocondrial. Los resultados indican baja diversidad haplotípica (0.40-0.86), y una muy baja diversidad nucleotídica (0.1-0.5%). Además se observa que la diversidad genética de la especie varía considerablemente a lo largo de la costa y este resultado puede ser especialmente relevante para la identificación de áreas prioritarias de conservación. Los análisis poblacionales indican un bajo, pero significativo grado de estructuración genética (ΦST =0.111), lo cual es probablemente debido a la ocurrencia de haplótipos raros en algunas localidades, aunque la diferenciación genética entre sitios no está correlacionada con la distancia geográfica (r=0.0501; p=0.7719), y los haplotipos compartidos indican que el flujo génico ocurre entre todas las localidades a lo largo de la costa brasileña. Los resultados de la distancia dos a dos indican un FST de alto grado de diferenciación genética entre las localidades. La incipiente estructuración poblacional detectada en este estudio no está relacionada sistemáticamente con las características biogeográficas de la costa brasileña. La compleja interacción de las fluctuaciones en el nivel del mar, las corrientes marinas, y las características reproductivas de la especie dificultan la identificación del rol específico de cada uno de estos procesos en la dinámica del flujo genético de las diferentes unidades poblacionales del mero guasa del Atlántico. Los bajos niveles generales de la diversidad genética, los valores de FST dos a dos, y la significante estructuración poblacional entre los grupos (ΦCT) identificada en el presente estudio, todo refuerza el estado de peligro crítico de la especie y son inconsistentes con la existencia de una simple, población panmíctica de meros guasa de la costa brasileña. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que, a pesar de que puede ser incipiente, la estructuración genética observada debe ser tenida en cuenta con el fin de evitar problemas potenciales, tales como la depresión exogámica, cuando se maneja poblaciones silvestres

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: X. marcha de absorção de micronutrientes pela variedade IAC-25

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    The uptake of micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) by the variety IAC-25 in various phases of its development was studied, the plants being grown in nutrient solution, Main conclusions were the following: (a) only two variables, namely dry matter production an Fe accumulation, showed a tendency to level off as the plants complete their life cycle; (b) indication of internal redistribution was observed in the case of Fe and Mn; (c) maximum rate of uptake, was well as of dry matter production took place in the period which goes from tillering to grain filling.Em condições controladas estudaram-se: acumulação de micronutrientes e produção de materia seca pela variedade de arroz IAC-25. A curva que descreve a produção de matéria seca total em função do tempo apresentou a tendência a sigmóide. Com respeito a acumulação global de micronutrientes, entretanto, o mesmo foi observado somente no caso do ferro

    Mitochondrial DNA evidences reflect an incipient population structure in Atlantic goliath grouper (<em>Epinephelus itajara</em>, Epinephelidae) in Brazil

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    The Atlantic goliath grouper is a critically endangered species that inhabits estuarine and reef environments and is threatened primarily by fishing activities and habitat destruction. Despite the urgent need for protection, its genetic conservation status remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the gene flow among the populations of the species along the coast of Brazil based on the control region of the mitochondrial DNA. The results indicate low haplotype diversity (0.40-0.86) and very low nucleotide diversity (0.1-0.5%). They also show that the genetic diversity of the species varies considerably along the coast and that this finding may be especially important for the identification of priority areas for its conservation. The population analyses indicate a low but significant degree of genetic structuring (ΦST =0.111), probably due to the occurrence of rare haplotypes at some locations, although the genetic differentiation between sites was not correlated with geographic distance (r=0.0501; p=0.7719), and the shared haplotypes indicate that gene flow occurs among all locations along the Brazilian coast. The results of the pairwise FST indicate a high degree of genetic differentiation between locations. The incipient population structuring detected in the present study is not related systematically to the geological or physical features of the Brazilian coast. The complex interaction of fluctuations in sea level, marine currents, and the reproductive characteristics of the species hampers the identification of the specific role of each of these processes in the gene flow dynamics of the population units of the Atlantic goliath grouper. The low overall levels of genetic diversity, the pairwise FST values and the significant population structuring among groups (ΦCT) identified in the present study all reinforce the critically endangered status of the species and are inconsistent with the presence of a single, panmictic population of groupers on the Brazilian coast. The results of this study suggest that, though it may be incipient, the observed genetic structuring must be taken into account in order to prevent potential problems, such as outbreeding depression, in the management of wild stocks

    Randomized trial of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis

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