4 research outputs found


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    The work gymnastics as a form of maintenance of the quality of life of the workers seeks new forms of applicability towards the health. Such approaches offer activities that envisage better workers' performance through physical activities contributing to the prevention of pathologies acquired in the work environment. This study intends to analyze the adhesion index of the labor gymnastics selecting possible strategies for its implantation. A review of the literature was made listing articles from the years 2013 to 2017 linked to the Bireme-Lilacs and Scielo database and listed through the key words: physical activity, work gymnastics, worker health and quality of life. It was concluded that the work gymnastics contributes significantly to the reduction of workers' retirement for healthy reasons contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the participants. Recommendations are needed for the implementation of the work program aiming at the best implementation of the same according to the ethical parameters of physical activity.La gimnasia laboral como forma de mantenimiento de la calidad de vida de los trabajadores busca nuevas formas de aplicabilidad dirigidas a la salud. Estos enfoques ofrecen actividades que vislumbra mejor rendimiento de los trabajadores a través de actividades físicas contribuyendo en la prevención de patologías adquiridas en el ambiente de trabajo. Este estudio tiene el propósito de analizar el índice de adhesión de la gimnasia laboral seleccionando posibles estrategias para su implantación. Se realizó una revisión de literatura que contenía artículos entre los años de 2013 a 2017 vinculados a la base de datos Bireme-Lilacs y Scielo y enumerados a través de las palabras claves: actividad física, gimnasia laboral, salud del trabajador y calidad de vida. Se concluyó la gimnasia laboral contribuye significativamente para reducir el alejamiento de los trabajadores por motivos saludables contribuyendo para mejorar la calidad de vida de los participantes. Se hacen necesarias recomendaciones para la implantación del programa laboral para la mejor instauración del mismo conforme a los parámetros éticos de la actividad física.A ginástica laboral como forma de manutenção da qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores busca novas formas de aplicabilidade voltadas à saúde. Tais abordagens oferecem atividades que vislumbrem melhor rendimento dos trabalhadores através de atividades físicas contribuindo na prevenção de patologias adquiridas no ambiente de trabalho. Este estudo tem intuito de analisar o índice de adesão da ginástica laboral selecionando possíveis estratégias para sua implantação. Efetuou-se uma revisão de literatura elencando artigos dentre os anos de 2013 a 2017 vinculados à base de dados Bireme-Lilacs e Scielo e elencados através das palavras chaves: atividade física, ginástica laboral, saúde do trabalhador e qualidade de vida. Concluiu-se a ginástica laboral contribui significativamente para redução do afastamento dos trabalhadores por motivos salutares contribuindo para melhoria da qualidade de vida dos participantes. Fazem-se necessárias recomendações para implantação do programa laboral visando a melhor instauração do mesmo conforme os parâmetros éticos da atividade física

    The power of the apostrophe: linguistic landscape in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte

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    This article presents a Linguistic Landscape research (LANDRY; BOURHIS, 1997; BEN-RAFAEL et al, 2006; SAYER, 2010) carried out by a group of undergraduate students at a Federal university in Rio Grande do Norte, as part of their final project in a mandatory class for their major: Morphosyntactic aspects of the English Language. Provoked by the professor to find instances of code mixing or switching in the linguistic landscape, and noticing the extensive use of the apostrophe in in signs in Natal, RN, that functioned as a genitive case, which is a loan from English usage, students devised this study to map the use of the apostrophe in 4 representative neighborhoods with different quality of life indexes, in Natal, RN, to: identify and classify patterns of usage, determine whether the usage is democratic, determine what meanings the use of the apostrophe construes. Results showed that usage fell into three categories: to impart trendiness or sophistication; for aesthetic reasons – to make the sign more beautiful; and to show possession – grammatical loan function from English. We therefore conclude that, in Natal RN, the apostrophe, used to construe the meaning of possession, has entered into common usage in the Brazilian Portuguese at least in Natal, RN, as well as to impart social meanings in the discourse that include trendiness, coolness and sophistication, and aesthetic value— beauty. These patterns were found in all four neighborhoods and therefore we conclude that the use is also democratic. Future studies may include a more systematic investigation with a broader sample in this same geographical context, and nationally

    NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics

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    Xenarthrans—anteaters, sloths, and armadillos—have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across their full distribution ranges. The Neotropics harbor 21 species of armadillos, 10 anteaters, and 6 sloths. Our data set includes the families Chlamyphoridae (13), Dasypodidae (7), Myrmecophagidae (3), Bradypodidae (4), and Megalonychidae (2). We have no occurrence data on Dasypus pilosus (Dasypodidae). Regarding Cyclopedidae, until recently, only one species was recognized, but new genetic studies have revealed that the group is represented by seven species. In this data paper, we compiled a total of 42,528 records of 31 species, represented by occurrence and quantitative data, totaling 24,847 unique georeferenced records. The geographic range is from the southern United States, Mexico, and Caribbean countries at the northern portion of the Neotropics, to the austral distribution in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. Regarding anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla has the most records (n = 5,941), and Cyclopes sp. have the fewest (n = 240). The armadillo species with the most data is Dasypus novemcinctus (n = 11,588), and the fewest data are recorded for Calyptophractus retusus (n = 33). With regard to sloth species, Bradypus variegatus has the most records (n = 962), and Bradypus pygmaeus has the fewest (n = 12). Our main objective with Neotropical Xenarthrans is to make occurrence and quantitative data available to facilitate more ecological research, particularly if we integrate the xenarthran data with other data sets of Neotropical Series that will become available very soon (i.e., Neotropical Carnivores, Neotropical Invasive Mammals, and Neotropical Hunters and Dogs). Therefore, studies on trophic cascades, hunting pressure, habitat loss, fragmentation effects, species invasion, and climate change effects will be possible with the Neotropical Xenarthrans data set. Please cite this data paper when using its data in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us of how they are using these data