4 research outputs found

    InDEx – Industrial Data Excellence

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    InDEx, the Industrial Data Excellence program, was created to investigate what industrial data can be collected, shared, and utilized for new intelligent services in high-performing, reliable and secure ways, and how to accomplish that in practice in the Finnish manufacturing industry.InDEx produced several insights into data in an industrial environment, collecting data, sharing data in the value chain and in the factory environment, and utilizing and manipulating data with artificial intelligence. Data has an important role in the future in an industrial context, but data sources and utilization mechanisms are more diverse than in cases related to consumer data. Experiences in the InDEx cases showed that there is great potential in data utili zation.Currently, successful business cases built on data sharing are either company-internal or utilize an existing value chain. The data market has not yet matured, and third-party offerings based on public and private data sources are rare. In this program, we tried out a framework that aimed to securely and in a controlled manner share data between organizations. We also worked to improve the contractual framework needed to support new business based on shared data, and we conducted a study of applicable business models. Based on this, we searched for new data-based opportunities within the project consortium. The vision of data as a tradeable good or of sharing with external partners is still to come true, but we believe that we have taken steps in the right direction.The program started in fall 2019 and ended in April 2022. The program faced restrictions caused by COVID-19, which had an effect on the intensity of the work during 2020 and 2021, and the program was extended by one year. Because of meeting restrictions, InDEx collaboration was realized through online meetings. We learned to work and collaborate using digital tools and environments. Despite the mentioned hindrances, and thanks to Business Finland’s flexibility, the extension time made it possible for most of the planned goals to be achieved.This report gives insights in the outcomes of the companies’ work within the InDEx program. DIMECC InDEx is the first finalized program by the members of the Finnish Advanced Manufacturing Network (FAMN, www.famn.fi).</p

    Konecranesin ideapalkitsemisjärjestelmä

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    Opinnäytetyö kuvaa suunniteltua innovaatiotoiminnan palkitsemisjärjestelmää teollisuusnostureita valmistavalle Konecranes Oyj:lle. Idea palkitsemisjärjestelmään on peräisin Konecranesin tutkimus- ja innovaatio-osastolla toimivalta innovaatiohallinnolta, jonka tehtäviin innovaatiotoiminnan palkitseminen kuuluu. Esittelen työssäni palkitsemismallin, tuon esille teoreettista tietoa palkitsemisesta ja tarkastelen vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja palkitsemismallin toteuttamisessa. Työn tavoitteena on tarkastella suunniteltua palkitsemisjärjestelmää ottaen huomioon kaikki eri osatekijät suunnitelmassa. Pääpaino työssä on kartoittaa suunnitelma käsitettäväksi ennen tapahtuvaa käyttöönottoa. Empiiristä tutkimusaineistoa työhön olen kerännyt teemahaastattelujen avulla. Palkitsemisen haasteita ovat toimialueen laajuus ja eri maiden lainsäädännön vaihtelevuus. Palkitsemisjärjestelmän tarve on peräisin Konecranesin innovaatiotoiminnan ideapankki-tietokannasta, jonka tueksi palkitsemistoiminta tarvitaan. Työssä käytetty aineisto koostuu suunnitellusta palkitsemismallista, aiheeseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta, teemahaastatteluiden vastauksista sekä tapaamisesta palkitsemishallinnon kanssa. Konecranes toteuttaa avoimen innovaation mallia, jossa työntekijät voivat antaa ideoita ja keksintöjä yhteiseen ideapankkiin. Ideoista tutkitaan tarpeelliset ja niistä on tarkoitus kehittää uusia teknologisia sovelluksia ja palvelutoimintoja yhtiön käyttöön. Kolme vuotta sitten perustettu ideapankki on saavuttanut hyvän aseman yhtiön sisällä, ja tietokannasta vastaavan innovaatiohallintotiimin aloitteesta on päätetty toteuttaa systemaattinen palkitsemisjärjestelmä. Palkitseminen kohdistuu niihin ideoihin, jotka toteutetaan ja otetaan käyttöön Konecranesin toiminnassa. Palkitsemisjärjestelmä sisältää kaksi eri palkintotyyppiä, materiaali ja aika. Tarkoituksena on löytää innovaatiotoimintaa tukeva ja uusien ideoiden keksimiseen kannustava palkitsemismalli. Haasteena ovat Konecranesin maailmanlaajuinen toimintakenttä, eri maiden vaihtelevat lainsäädännöt palkitsemisasioissa sekä tasapainon löytäminen palkitsemisen eri muotojen välillä. Suunnitellun mallin tarkastelu osoittaa, että kahden palkintolajin ratkaisu ja palkittavan henkilön mahdollisuus valita palkinto muodostavat monipuolisen palkitsemisjärjestelmän, joka soveltuu avoimeen innovaatiomalliin ja luo aktiivisuutta. Haastateltujen henkilöiden mielipiteet olivat positiivisia suunniteltua palkitsemismallia kohtaan. Myös tehty selvitys eri maiden lainsäädännöstä oli tuloksiltansa myönteinen. Tapaaminen palkitsemisvastaavien kanssa toi esille tärkeitä näkökulmia, jotka tulee huomioida ennen järjestelmän käyttöönottoa. Kriteereinä olleet oikeudenmukaisuus vaihtelevassa ympäristössä ja mahdollisimman suuri valinnanvapaus palkintojen osalta ovat haasteellisia toteuttaa sellaisinaan, mutta vaihtoehtoisten ratkaisujen huomioiminen ja niiden soveltaminen tarjoavat mahdollisuuden räätälöityyn ja toimivaan palkitsemisjärjestelmään Konecranesin käyttöön.Idea rewarding system for Konecranes In thesis work is depicted planned to be introduced rewarding system regarding innovation activity for industrial crane manufacturer Konecranes PLC. Idea of rewarding system originates from Innovation management team whose function includes promoting of innovation activity in Konecranes. In thesis I introduce rewarding model, bring forward theoretical background on subject, and also review possible alternative solution for implementation. Main objectives in thesis are to clarify and review introduced rewarding system to analyze every aspect presented. Main focus of thesis includes mapping and rationalize the plan thoroughly before implementation. The empirical study for the work is from series of thematic interviews with Konecranes employees. The challenges regarding the reward system are the magnitude of Konecranes business area and varieties of legal issues in different countries. Demand for rewarding system derives from the need to support the idea database. Material of thesis consists of presentation of planned rewarding system, theoretical literature related to topic and material from interviews, including also interviews with compensation management of Konecranes. Konecranes is carrying out an open innovation-method, where employees are encouraged to submit ideas and inventions in common idea bank. Most promising ideas are sought and researched to be developed into new technology solutions or services products for Konecranes to utilize. Three years after its foundation Konecranes idea bank has obtained a solid status as centerpiece of innovation activity and from there it was decided to develop and implement organized rewarding system. Rewarding will focus only on those ideas that are fully implemented in Konecranes business. Rewarding system presented includes two types of rewards; material and time. Systems aim to discover balanced rewarding channel combining features to support existing innovation activity, and to steer employees inventing new ideas. Challenges in implementation of rewarding system are global domain, variety in legalization issues and finding optimal balance between different types of reward. Examination of rewarding model presented in thesis indicates that combination of two reward types together with employees own possibility to choose rewards, forms versatile rewarding system that presumably will apply well with open innovation model and is activating. Opinions and answers of the persons interviewed were positive about rewarding model. Statement conducted to different domains of Konecranes had also positive results. Interviews with compensation management provided important viewpoints which should be taken into account before implementation of the system. Factors like integrity in variable environment and employees’ freedom of choosing rewards are challenging to be implemented as such, but considering optional solutions and applying them will offer customized and functional rewarding system for Konecranes to utilize

    Remote assistance for service technicians

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    Industrial maintenance work is changing rapidly due to the ongoing digitization. The new communication technologies involving video and augmented reality enhance the way two persons can communicate during troubleshooting situations. By utilizing the common mobile communication devices, it is possible to create more interactive and informative support concepts for remote support. The purpose of this thesis is to research the next generation’s remote assistance concept for service technicians in industrial maintenance and validate its benefits by conducting a case study with the commercial remote assistance tool. The objective of this study is to understand the user’s requirements of the next generation’s remote assistance concept and to generate accurate insights to support future decision-making in the client company. The knowledge base of the thesis was built on the theories related to communication and interaction between people. The theories explain the practical application of different communication principles in the context of the modern remote assistance channel. Service design disciplines were applied extensively during the research project. The creative problem-solving model was used as the main body of the process. Qualitative research methods were used extensively in the thesis, including in-depth interviews, user experience study and usability testing. The results of the project indicated that the tested remote assistance tool provides some benefits in troubleshooting situations compared to the current process. The results of the field pilot indicated that the service technicians found the audiovisual channel as a suitable and informative tool when explaining the fault situation to a support person. The results of the project can be used in the further planning and implementation of the next generation’s remote assistance concept for the industrial maintenance situations

    Identifying customer value of digital twin-enabled service process

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