309 research outputs found

    Management Tools Used for Establishing a Competitive Marketplace

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    Parinaud's syndrome – A rare presentation of clinically isolated syndrome

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    We present a 26 year old Pakistani lady with first presentation of a demyelinating event, presenting as Parinaud's syndrome. The video demonstrates a convergence–retraction nystagmus on upgaze and failure of accommodation, and her brain imaging confirms a corresponding pre-tectal contrast enhancing T2 hyperintense lesion suggestive of demyelination. A review of the literature is presented

    Botswana in the Southern African Periphery : the Limits of Capitalist Transformation in a ‘Labour Reserve’

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    SUMMARY The article examines Botswana's development in the context of ‘constraints’ generated by its position as a small and weak economy in the Southern African region dominated by South Africa, and the relevance of this in the context of a wider world system. Limits on a national, regional and world scale are explored historically and as they have affected post?colonial policies. It is concluded that a strategy of weakening South Africa's regional domination by engaging in new ties of dependence will not release the developmental potential of Botswana, although it has led to a certain amount of economic growth. An alternative development model is suggested. RÉSUMÉ Le Botswana sur la périphérie du sud de l'Afrique : Les limites de la transformation capitaliste dans une ‘réserve de main?d'oeuvre’ L'article examine le développement du Botswana dans le contexte des ‘contraintes’ issues de sa position d'économie limitée et faible de la région du sud de l'Afrique dominée par l'Afrique du Sud, et l'importance de cet état de choses dans le contexte d'un système mondial plus vaste. Les limites sur une échelle nationale, régionale et mondiale sont examinées du point de vue historique et aussi de leur effet sur les politiques post?coloniales. L'auteur conclut en disant qu'une stratégie visant à l'affaiblissement de la domination régionale de l'Afrique du Sud en créant de nouveaux liens de dépendance ne libérera pas le potentiel de développement du Botswana, bien que cela ait amené une certaine croissance économique. L'auteur suggère un autre modèle de développement possible. RESUMEN Botswana en la periferia de Africa Meridonal: los limites de la transformación capitalista en una ‘réserva laboral’ En el artículo se examina el desarrollo de Botswana en el contexto de las ‘restricciones’ generadas por su posición como una economía pequeña y débil en la región de Africa Meridional dominada por Sudáfrica y la influencia de esto en el contexto de un sistema mundial más amplio. Se exploran, desde el punto de vista histórico, los límites a escala nacional, regional y mundial y la manera en que han afectado a las políticas posteriores a la colonia. Se concluye que una estrategia que tienda a debilitar el dominio regional sudafricano estableciendo nuevos vínculos de dependencia no liberará el potencial de desarrollo de Botswana, aunque haya conducido a determinada amplitud de desarrollo económico. Se sugiere un modelo de desarrollo alternativo

    De verspreiding van de zoogdieren in de zuidelijke IJsselmeerpolders in 1957

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    Brûlart de Sillery Charles Alexis, Beauharnais Alexandre François, vicomte de, Voidel Charles, Bailly Jean Sylvain, Cochon de Lapparent Charles, Gouvion Jean-Baptiste. Remarques sur les erreurs faites par M. Gouvion dans son rapport sur la fuite du roi et les renseignements donnés par M. de Lapparent à MM. Bailly et Lafayette, lors de la séance du 21 juin 1791. In: Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 - Première série (1787-1799) Tome XXVII - Du 6 juin au 5 juillet 1791. Paris : Librairie Administrative P. Dupont, 1887. p. 372

    Salvaging democracy? The United States and Britain in British Guiana 1961-1964

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    This thesis, based upon recently released British and American government documents, considers Anglo-American intervention in British Guiana in the years 1961-1964, when the American and British governments successfully engineered the removal from office of the democratically elected government of self-confessed marxist and alleged international communist, Cheddi Jagan. The thesis examines the sources of the Kennedy administration's hostility to the Jagan government, locating its concerns in the demands of American domestic politics and in the perceived need to preserve the international credibility of the United States in the bipolar zero-sum context of the Cold War. The administration realised its objectives in British Guiana through a multitrack process of intervention in the political, economic and industrial life of the colony and through sustained diplomatic pressure on the British government. The thesis investigates the instruments of intervention employed in Jagan's removal, highlighting particularly the role of the American and international trade union movements as agents of American foreign policy, and the political ramifications of American economic aid or non-aid for developing countries. It also examines the symbiotic relationship between Washington and leaders of British Guiana's political opposition who encouraged and facilitated intervention in the colony. The thesis is more than a self-contained case study in the means and motives of intervention. It uses intervention in British Guiana as a base from which to approach broader Cold War, alliance and hemispheric issues. Placing events in the colony in the multiple contexts of the Cuban revolution, the globalisation of the American doctrine of 'containment', and the colony's volatile internal political situation, the thesis examines how an ostensibly peripheral country of little demonstrable interest to the United States became drawn into the Cold War. Finally, the thesis analyzes the conflicts over often bureaucratically defined policy preferences both within and between the British and American governments. In particular it demonstrates the distortion of British policy-making which resulted from the priority given to the preservation of the 'Special Relationship' with the United States.</p

    Salvaging democracy? The United States and Britain in British Guiana 1961-1964

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:D194675 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    A Case of Identity

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    In this thesis, I examine the writing pedagogy known as identity negotiation. I focus specifically on the models Robert E. Brooke presents in his book, Writing and Sense of Self: Identity Negotiation in Writing Workshops, and in several essays. I also review later adaptations of this theory by such writers as Zan Goncalves, Nancy Welch, Lad Tobin and Bronwyn Williams. Finally, I will discuss practical applications of identity theory in the STRUGGLE program in Pittsburgh and in programs that are affiliated with the National Writing Project. Throughout, I analyze and affirm Brooke’s argument that identity negotiation is so woven into human psychological growth that it ought to be emphasized in writing instruction. I agree with the author’s contention that teaching writing as a form of identity negotiation enhances instruction and increases the chances of that instruction’s success. I will discuss various further benefits that writing students will derive from identity negotiation strategy

    Linville schottische /

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    Another Christmas gone /

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