20 research outputs found


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    Pain can be defined as anuncomfortable sensorial and emotional experience,associated with real or potential tissue damage.Physiologic pain is a protective reflex that preventstissue damage. If injury or tissue damage occurs,pathologic pain is recognized to provide healingconditions. Based in the origin of pathologic pain, aclassification of nociceptive, including somatic andvisceral pain, and neuropathic pain is recognized.Pain could also be classified as acute or chronic.Nociception is the phisiologic component of pain andincludes de concepts of trasnduction, transmissionand modulation of nociceptive stimuli. If nociceptivestimuli is determined, several neuroendocrineresponses occur, and a hiperexcitability state ofthe periferic and central nervous system is alreadyinstalled. This article reviews the pathophysiologicpathways and their applications to pain treatment.A dor pode ser definida como uma experiênciasensorial e emocional desagradável, associadaa uma lesão real ou potencial. A dor fisiológicaé um reflexo protetor do organismo, para evitaruma injúria ou dano tecidual. Frente à lesão teciduala dor patológica providenciará condições para acicatrização. Uma vez instalada a injúria pode se introduziro conceito de dor patológica que, segundosua origem, pode ser classificada como nociceptiva(somática ou visceral) ou neuropática. A dor podetambém ser classificada segundo determinaçãotemporal em dor aguda ou crônica. A nocicepçãoé o componente fisiológico da dor e compreendeos processos de transdução, transmissão e modulaçãodo estímulo nociceptivo. Uma vez instaladoo estímulo nociceptivo, diversas alterações neuroendócrinasacontecem, promovendo um estado dehiperexcitabilidade do sistema nervoso central eperiférico. O objetivo da presente revisão é abordara fisiopatologia do processo doloroso, bem como suas aplicações na terapêutica analgésica

    Substituição valvar cardíaca em ovinos – Descrição da técnica operatória e análise dos resultados

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    To evaluate the technical proceduresof a research protocol with tissue-engineered heartvalves in sheep, the surgical techniques for pulmonic,aortic and mitral valve replacement and the outcomeof 58 heart valve surgeries was analyzed. Thesheeps (age 18 ± 7 weeks and body weigh 30 ± 9.9kg) were implanted with valve bioprosthesis understandard protocols. Forty animals received pulmonicvalve prosthesis, fourteen animals received aorticprosthesis and four animals were implanted withmitral prosthesis. The fourth intercostal space wereconsidered the best for all operative techniques.The cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) method throughcanulation of descending aorta and right atrial wereconsidered fast and secure. The CPB time of pulmonicvalve replacement was 34 ± 14 minutes and mortalityrate was 7,5%. The CPB time of subcoronarian aorticvalve implantation was 119 ± 5 minutes and themortality rate was 57%. In mitral substitution the CPBtime was 74 ± 22 minutes and mortality was 50%.The technique of pulmonic valve replacement wasvery efficient, however the mortality rate of both aorticand mitral valve surgery, associated with the highlysurgical technical complexity and elevated CPB time,require technical refinements to improve exploitationof the animals on the left side cardiac surgeries.Visando avaliar um protocolo experimentalde pesquisa com próteses valvares cardíacas emovinos, as técnicas cirúrgicas de substituição valvarpulmonar, aórtica e mitral de 58 cirurgias cardíacas foramanalisadas. Através de procedimentos padronizadosos ovinos (idade 18 ± 7 semanas e o peso 30 ± 9.9kg) foram submetidos ao implante de próteses valvaresbiológicas. Quarenta animais receberam prótesesvalvares pulmonares, 14 animais receberam prótesesaórticas e quatro animais receberam próteses mitrais.O quarto espaço inter-costal foi considerado de eleiçãopara realização das três técnicas operatórias avaliadas.O método de circulação extracorpórea (CPB)por canulação da aorta descendente e do átrio direitofoi considerado rápido e seguro. O tempo de CPB durantea substituição valvar pulmonar foi de 34 ± 14minutos e a mortalidade 7,5%. A substituição valvaraórtica, com implante subcoronariano, teve tempo deCPB 119 ± 5 minutos e mortalidade de 57%. Durantea substituição valvar mitral o tempo de CPB foi 74 ±22 minutos e mortalidade 50%. A técnica de implantevalvar pulmonar foi muito eficiente, entretanto a altamortalidade das técnicas de implante valvar aórtico emitral, associadas à maior complexidade cirúrgica eelevado tempo de CPB, faz necessário refinamentostécnicos para melhorar o aproveitamento dos animaisnas cirurgias das valvas cardíadas esquerdas

    Acrochordonous plaque in a Doberman Pinscher dog

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    An eight-yr old, neutered female Doberman Pinscher was presented for dermatological evaluation due to numerous pruritic, non-pigmented nodules that created a plaque in the lumbo-sacral region. This report is the first published photographic record of an acrochordonous plaque in a dolichocephalic dog and is the first reported case in Brazil

    Genetic targeting of Card19 is linked to disrupted NINJ1 expression, impaired cell lysis, and increased susceptibility to Yersinia infection.

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    Cell death plays a critical role in inflammatory responses. During pyroptosis, inflammatory caspases cleave Gasdermin D (GSDMD) to release an N-terminal fragment that generates plasma membrane pores that mediate cell lysis and IL-1 cytokine release. Terminal cell lysis and IL-1β release following caspase activation can be uncoupled in certain cell types or in response to particular stimuli, a state termed hyperactivation. However, the factors and mechanisms that regulate terminal cell lysis downstream of GSDMD cleavage remain poorly understood. In the course of studies to define regulation of pyroptosis during Yersinia infection, we identified a line of Card19-deficient mice (Card19lxcn) whose macrophages were protected from cell lysis and showed reduced apoptosis and pyroptosis, yet had wild-type levels of caspase activation, IL-1 secretion, and GSDMD cleavage. Unexpectedly, CARD19, a mitochondrial CARD-containing protein, was not directly responsible for this, as an independently-generated CRISPR/Cas9 Card19 knockout mouse line (Card19Null) showed no defect in macrophage cell lysis. Notably, Card19 is located on chromosome 13, immediately adjacent to Ninj1, which was recently found to regulate cell lysis downstream of GSDMD activation. RNA-seq and western blotting revealed that Card19lxcn BMDMs have significantly reduced NINJ1 expression, and reconstitution of Ninj1 in Card19lxcn immortalized BMDMs restored their ability to undergo cell lysis in response to caspase-dependent cell death stimuli. Card19lxcn mice exhibited increased susceptibility to Yersinia infection, whereas independently-generated Card19Null mice did not, demonstrating that cell lysis itself plays a key role in protection against bacterial infection, and that the increased infection susceptibility of Card19lxcn mice is attributable to loss of NINJ1. Our findings identify genetic targeting of Card19 being responsible for off-target effects on the adjacent gene Ninj1, disrupting the ability of macrophages to undergo plasma membrane rupture downstream of gasdermin cleavage and impacting host survival and bacterial control during Yersinia infection