5 research outputs found
Intraspecific variation of reproductive traits in a Mediterranean lizard: clutch, population, and lineage effects
Widely distributed terrestrial ectotherms from the southern European peninsulas show patterns of subdivision (related to isolation in temperate refugia) that allow us to test the relative importance of phylogeographic lineage, population of origin and familial effects as sources of variation for life-history traits. We collected gravid females from 15 geographically separated populations of the lacertid lizard Psammodromus algirus, a widely distributed species with well differentiated eastern and western lineages. We incubated eggs under two treatments of constant (28 C) and fluctuating (28 ± 4 C) temperature, and we examined clutch, population, and lineage effects on several traits of females, eggs, and hatchlings. Incubation time was mainly explained by differences between lineages, but it was also influenced by population and female effects. Within each lineage, incubation was shorter at cooler and wetter sites, and for a given climate it was shorter for eastern than for western populations, suggesting that countergradient variation has evolved independently in the two lineages. Female size, clutch size, and relative fecundity were primarily influenced by inter-population
differences, a pattern that seemed attributable to environmental differences in productivity, because mean female size was positively correlated with a gradient of increasing precipitation and decreasing temperature. Clutch size was mainly, but not entirely, dependent on female SVL, suggesting both a proximate effect of local conditions and intrinsic differences among populations. Females from drier and warmer sites produced larger hatchlings. Mean egg mass was mainly determined by familial effects. Eggs incubated at a constant temperature hatched earlier than did their siblings incubated at fluctuating temperatures, a fact that could be explained by considering that in Mediterranean environments developmental rate might increase at a lower speed above average incubation temperature than it does decrease below it.This study is a contribution to projects CGL2007-60277/BOS and CGL2010-17928/BOS, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.Peer reviewe
Promocijas darba mērķis ir novērtēt izglītības ietekmi uz darba samaksu un darba produktivitāti indivīda un sabiedrības līmenī Latvijā, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus izglītības nozīmes paaugstināšanai un atdeves novērtējuma lietošanai.
Lai novērtētu izglītības privāto atdevi, tiek izmantota Mincera ienākumu funkcija, kā arī profesora E. de la Fuentes metodoloģija. Novērtējot sociālo atdevi, autore aprēķināja vīriešu un sieviešu (ar augstāko izglītību) cilvēkkapitālu laika posmā no 2000. līdz 2010. gadam un iegūtos rezultātus lietoja ražošanas funkcijā, aprēķinot izglītības ietekmi uz darba produktivitāti.
Autore aprēķināja, ka recesijas periodā izglītības nozīme pieaug, kas vienlaikus norāda uz lielākām darba samaksas atšķirībām starp strādājošajiem ar dažādiem izglītības līmeņiem. Izglītības privātā atdeve augstākajā izglītībā pārsniedz vairāk nekā divas reizes atdevi no vidējās izglītības. Rezultāti liecina, ka sieviešu cilvēkkapitāla pieaugums pozitīvi ietekmē darba produktivitāti.
Atslēgvārdi: cilvēkkapitāls, izglītība, izglītības privātā un sociālā atdeveESTIMATION OF THE PRIVATE AND SOCIAL RATE OF RETURN TO EDUCATION IN LATVIA
The purpose of this Ph.D. thesis is to evaluate the impact of education on work salary and labour productivity at an individual and societal level in Latvia and to present suggestions for financing the education system.
The Mincer earnings function and Professor Angel de la Fuente’s methodology are applied in estimating the private rate of return. The author estimates the human capital of women and men with higher education during 2000 – 2010 and applies the results in a regression model to estimate the impact of education on labour productivity and consequently on the social rate of return to education.
The author estimated that during the period of recession the value of education has increased, and that indicates greater differences in work salary between employees with different education levels. The author estimates that the private rate of return from higher education is twice as high as the rate of return from secondary education in 2010. Results indicate that increase of female human capital has positive impact on the labour productivity.
Key words: human capital, education, private and social rate of retur
. 34 Tomo VI (1952) Sexta Época (1939-1966). Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Publicación que recopila y difunde cien años de trabajo de la antropología en México (1877-1977), integrada por documentos y manuscritos arqueológicos, antropológicos, históricos, geológicos, botánicos y lingüísticos.- Actividades del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia durante el año 1952 por Ignacio Marquina. - Exploraciones arqueológicas efectuadas en Chichén Itzá, Yuc., 1951 por Jorge R. Acosta. - La zona arqueológica de Tulancingo por Carlos R. Margain Araujo. - Uxmal: temporada de trabajos 1951-1952 por Alberto Ruz Lhuillier. - Trabajos realizados en Teotihuacan: 1952 por Agustín Villagra Caleti. - Exploraciones en Palenque: 1952 por Alberto Ruz Lhuillier. - Apéndice. Estudio preliminar de los restos osteológicos encontrados en la tumba del templo de las Inscripciones, Palenque por Arturo Romano y Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. - Ubicando el lugar de origen de don Miguel Hidalgo por Antonio Pompa y Pompa. - Monumentos coloniales relacionados con Hidalgo por Manuel Toussaint. - La fortaleza de San Juan de Ulúa por José Gorbea Trueba. - La colección de muebles del Museo Nacional de Historia por Gonzalo Obregón
. 36 Tomo VII (1953) Sexta Época (1939-1966). Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Publicación que recopila y difunde cien años de trabajo de la antropología en México (1877-1977), integrada por documentos y manuscritos arqueológicos, antropológicos, históricos, geológicos, botánicos y lingüísticos.- Información general de las actividades del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia durante el año 1953 por Ignacio Marquina. - Contemporaneidad del hombre con fauna extinguida en el pleistoceno superior de México por Luis Aveleyra Arroyo de Anda. - Los concheros de la costa de Chiapas por José Luis Lorenzo. - Sobre un cráneo de Aenocyon Dirus (Leidy) del Pleistoceno superior de Tequixquiac, México por Manuel Maldonado Koerdell. - Sobre dos molares de Paraelephas Columbi (Falconer) del Pleistoceno superior de Tequixquiac, México por Manuel Maldonado Koerdell. - Nota preliminar sobre los restos humanos sub-fósiles de Santa María Astahuacan, D. F. por Arturo Romano. - Notas sobre la arqueología de Tehuantepec por James R. Foster. - Desarrollo de la cultura prehispánica central veracruzana por Alfonso Medellín Zenil. - Identificación de una diosa zapoteca por Laurette Sejourné. - La colección de marfiles del Museo Nacional de Historia por Gonzalo Obregón. - La política social de Hidalgo por Moisés González Navarro. - Notas sobre la iconografía de Hidalgo por Gonzalo Obregón. - Un ejemplo de patología ósea prehispánica de México por Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado. - Nivel socioeconómico y condiciones higiénicas de un grupo de familias burócratas por Blanca Luisa Jiménez Lozano