9 research outputs found

    Verbleib von Soziologie-AbsolventInnen der Philipps-Universität Marburg

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    Soziologie ist an der Philipps-Universität in den 1960er Jahren als akademisches Studienfach entstanden und ab 1972 ausgebaut worden. Neben den beiden Kernbereichen 'Soziologische Theorien' und 'Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung' konnten Studierende Ende der 1990er Jahre zwischen sechs speziellen Soziologien ihre Schwerpunktsetzung wählen. Nach 30 Jahren Soziologie-Studium in Marburg erschien es sinnvoll, Daten und Informationen über den Verbleib der bisherigen Absolventinnen und Absolventen zusammenzutragen. Dieser Aufgabe stellte sich eine Gruppe von Soziologiestudierenden im Grundstudium (2./3. bzw. 3./4. Fachsemester) zusammen mit ihrem Tutor und ihrer Dozentin im Rahmen eines über zwei Semester laufenden Empirischen Praktikums (Oktober 2003 bis Juli 2004). In Anlehnung an Verbleibs- und Studienabbruchs-Studien anderer Hochschulen wurden Fragestellungen für verschiedene Teiluntersuchungen und Erhebungsinstrumente entwickelt, Interviewtechniken trainiert, Daten erhoben und quantitativ bzw. qualitativ ausgewertet sowie der abschließende Forschungsbericht geschrieben. Die Grundgesamtheit wurde (wegen der schwierigen Adressrecherche) auf die Abschlussjahrgänge 1990 bis 2003 beschränkt. Durchgeführt wurden: eine postalische Fragebogenuntersuchung aller erreichbaren AbsolventInnen (realisiert 88 Befragungen); drei berufsbiografische Interviews mit AbsolventInnenen der Jahre 1991-1996-2001; vier perspektivische Leitfadeninterviews (problemzentriert) mit AbsolventInnen des Jahres 2003; zwei Leitfadeninterviews mit einem Abbrecher bzw. einem Studienfachwechsler; Experteninterviews mit potenziellen ArbeitgebervertreterInnen. Für die Analysen wurden je nach Datenstandard statistische Verfahren, qualitative Inhaltsanalyse oder sequenzielle Analyse eingesetzt. Die Befunde ermöglichen Einschätzungen hinsichtlich der damaligen Diplom- und Magisterstudiengänge in Marburg - hinsichtlich Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen oder für andere Hochschulen müsste eine Studie entsprechend modifiziert werden

    Crystallization from solution versus mechanochemistry to obtain double-drug multicomponent crystals of ethacridine with salicylic/acetylsalicylic acids

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    Abstract Salicylic and acetylsalicylic acids and ethacridine have complementary bioactive properties. They can be combined to obtain double-drug multicomponent crystals. Their reactivity in different environments was explored to obtain the possible compounds, stable at different hydration degrees. Solution, liquid-assisted grinding, and dry preparation approaches were applied to the couples of reactants in different stoichiometric ratios. Four compounds were obtained, and three out of them were stable and reproducible enough to determine their structures using SCXRD or PXRD methods. When coupled to ethacridine, salicylic acid gave two stable structures (1 and 3, both showing 1:1 ratio but different hydration degree) and a metastable one (5), while acetylsalicylic acid only one structure from solution (2 in 1:1 ratio), while LAG caused hydrolysis and formation of the same compound obtained by LAG of ethacridine with salicylic acid. While solution precipitation gave dihydrated (1) or monohydrated (2) structures with low yields, LAG of salicylic acid and ethacridine allowed obtaining an anhydrous salt complex (3) with a yield close to 1. The structures obtained by solution crystallizations maximize π(acridine)–π(acridine) contacts with a less compact packing, while the LAG structure is more compact with a packing driven by hydrogen bonds. For all compounds, NMR, ATR-FTIR, and Hirshfeld surface analysis and energy framework calculations were performed

    Computer Aided Written Character Feature Extraction in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) are neurodegenerative movement disorders associated with cognitive dysfunction. The Luria’s Alternating Series Test (LAST) is a clinical tool sensitive to both graphomotor problems and perseverative tendencies that may suggest the dysfunction of prefrontal and/or frontostriatal areas and may be used in PD and PSP assessment. It requires the participant to draw a series of alternating triangles and rectangles. In the study, two clinical groups—51 patients with PD and 22 patients with PSP—were compared to 32 neurologically intact seniors. Participants underwent neuropsychological assessment. The LAST was administered in a paper and pencil version, then scanned and preprocessed. The series was automatically divided into characters, and the shapes were recognized as rectangles or triangles. In the feature extraction step, each rectangle and triangle was regarded both as an image and a two-dimensional signal, separately and as a part of the series. Standard and novel features were extracted and normalized using characters written by the examiner. Out of 71 proposed features, 51 differentiated the groups (p < 0.05). A classifier showed an accuracy of 70.5% for distinguishing three groups

    Short term weather forecasting for shallow landslide prediction

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    "The paper describes the activities developed within the work package 4.1 of the UE\/FP7 SAFELAND Project. The first scope of this research activity is to define and to implement a warning system for shallow landslide prediction, at large and slope scale, based on the forecast precipitation. The warning system is based on different numerical tools and simulation models: stability analysis model at slope and regional scale and numerical weather prediction models (global and regional) and downscaling algorithms

    Efficacy, durability, and safety of intravitreal faricimab with extended dosing up to every 16 weeks in patients with diabetic macular oedema (YOSEMITE and RHINE): two randomised, double-masked, phase 3 trials

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